Page:Ruffhead - The Statutes at Large - vol 2.djvu/466

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428 C. 38, 39. Anno fecundo & tertio Edwardi VI. A. D. 1548. CAP. XXXVIII. The Streets, Lanes, Ways and Caufeyes in Calice, fhall be paved, and allthe Houfes there fliall be covered with Tiles or Slats. PR. CAP. XXXIX. The King's general and free Pardon confirmed by Parliament. Except, &c. EXP. Anno tertio & quarto Edwardi Sexti.

  • /& CTS made in the Seffion of this prefent Parliament, holden upon Prorogation ztWeftmhifter the

s /-% fourth Day of November in the third Year of the Reign of our moft dread Sovereign Lord Edward ( * ■"■ the Sixth, by the Grace of God, King of England, France and Ireland, Defender of the Faith, c and of the Church of England, and alfo of Ireland, in Earth the Supreme Head, and there continued and 4 kept to the firfl of February in the fourth Year of the Reign of our faid Sovereign Lord, as followeth.' CAP. I. An Act that the Lord Chancellor or Lord Keeper of the Great Seal for the Time being fhall name and appoint the Cuftos Rotulorum throughout all Shires of England, according as in Time paft hath been accu domed. The Lord Chan- f ^¥ 7HERE in the Parliament holden at Weftminfter in the feven and thirtieth Year of the Reign of the cellor, &c. fliall f y y moft excellent Prince of famous Memory, King Henry the Eighth, it was enacted, That no Per- name the Cuftos « f on or p e rfons fhould from the making of the faid Act be nominated and appointed to the Office or Offices 7°er shire of ' °f the Citftos Rotulorum within any Shire of this Realm of England, Wales, or other the King's Domi- Engiand and ' nions, Marches or Territories of the fame, but fuch as fhould have a Bill figned with the King's Hand for Wales. ' the fame; (2) which Bill figned fhould be a fufficient Warrant by Authority of the faid Act to the Lord 37 H.8. c 1. ' Chancellor of England and Lord Keeper of the Great Seal for the Time being, to make from Time to 1 W. & M. t Time Commiffion or Commiffions, affigning and authorizing thereby the fame Perfon to be Cuftos Rotu- (>' 4. '-rMcb re- ' l° rum -> until the King had by another Bill affigned with his own Hand appointed and ordained another viva 37 a. 8. ' Perfon to have, occupy and exercife the fame Office of Cuftos Rotulorum; (3) and that the faid Perfon c 1. ' appointed and affigned to be Cuftos Rotulorum as is abovefaid, fhould and might occupy, exercife and en- ' joy the faid Office of Cuftos Rotulorum by himfelf, or by his fufficient Deputy learned in the Laws of this ' Realm, and meet and able to fupply the faid Office according to the Tenor of the Grant or Commiffion,. ' as by the fame Act amongft other Things more at large it doth and may appear 1 Reafonswhythe ' II. Since the making of which Statute, divers and many Perfons being in the faid Offices of Cuftos Ro- Cuftos Rotulo- e tulorum in divers Shires of the Realm, have departed this prefent Life and died, fo that there hath not rum fnouid be ' come to the Hands of the Chancellor of England or Lord Keeper of the Great Seal, any Bill or Bills Loi^ciJnceikr ' a ^g ne d with the King's Majefty's Hand, for the naming, appointing or affigning of any new Citftos Ro- and not by the ' tulorum in. the fame Shires, the faid Offices have remained void for a long Time, to the great Let of Juf- King. ' tice; (2) and alfo for that it fhall be very tedious and much to the molefting of the King's Majefty upon 4 Mod. 167. ' every Avoidance of fuch Citftos Rotulorum by Death or otherwife, to move his Majefty for the figning of 6 Bills for other Perfons to be elected, named, chofen and appointed to fupply the faid Offices of Cuftos ' Rotulorum, being void; (3) and for that the Nomination and Appointing of the faid Office of Cuftos Ro-

  • tulorum, long Time before the making of the faid Statute laft before rehearfed, did appertain and belong

' to the Office of the Chancellor of England or Lord Keeper of the Great Seal for the Time being :' The Lord Chan- III. Be it therefore enacted by the King our Sovereign Lord, with the Affent of the Lords Spiritual and cellor, &c, (hall Temporal, and the Commons, in this prefent Parliament affembled, and by the Authority of the fame,. fto P s°Rotuiorum That the Chancellor of England or Lord Keeper of the Great Seal for the Time being, fhall at all Time in every Shire. an ^ Times hereafter, and from Time to Time, without any Bill or Bills to be affigned with the King's Hand, name, elect, affign and appoint fuch Perfon and Perfons to be Cuftos Rotulorum within every Shire of this Realm of England, Wales and other the King's Dominions, Marches and Territories of the fame, or by any of them, as by the Difcretion of the faid Lord Chancellor or Lord Keeper of the Great Seal for the Time being, fhall be thought able and meet to have and exercife the fame : (2) And that the faid Perfon and Perfons fo to. be appointed, elected, named or affigned by the faid Lord Chancellor or Lord Keeper of the Great Seal for the Time being, fhall and may occupy, exercife and enjoy the fame Office of Citftos Rotulorum by himfelf or by his fufficient Deputy or Deputies, in as ample and large Manner and Form, as if the faid Act had never been had ne made; the before rehearfed Act, or any Thing therein contained to the contrary hereof in any wife notwithftanding. ■eaffios Rotulo- IV. Provided alway, and be it enarfted by the Authority aforefaid, That all fuch as new have any of "ifchis Office h ^ e ^ Offi ces °f Cuftos Rotulorum by the King's Letters Patents or Commiffion to them or any of them himfelf or his ^ made, fhall and may enjoy, have and exercife their faid Offices by Vertue of the fame Letters Patents or Deputy, Commiffion, by himfelf or his fufficient and able Deputy inftruited in the Laws of this Realm; any Thing in this prefent Act had or made to the contrary notv/ithftanding. V. Provided