Page:Ruffhead - The Statutes at Large - vol 2.djvu/530

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4-So Anno prinio & fecundo Phili£pi 6c MariA. A. D. 1554. the firft Day of this prefent Parliament : (z) And that the fame may and Shall be pleaded, alledged or takefi Advantage of, in fiich Sort, and to fuch Ef}'e£t, as they Should, eouid or might have been by the Laws and Statutes of this Realm {landing in Force before the faid firft Day of this prefent Parliament; (3) and that The Penalty for molelting any Porfon for any Abbev Lands. This CJaufeis not repealed. 16 R. a. c. 5. 1 El. c. 1. §. 32I I'rovifo for The Title of Supreme Head of the Church pev^r could b Writs Letters S'aten sand other Writ lies with the Title ofSu ream Head, may be XL. And that it may be in like Manner enacted by Authority aforefaid, That whofoever fhall by any Procefs obtained out of any Ecclefiaftical Court within this Realm or without, or by Pretence of any Spiri- tual Jurisdiction or otherwise, contrary to the Laws of this Realm, inquiet or moleft any Perfon or Pcrfon~. or Body Politick, for any of the faid Manors, Lands, Tenements, Hereditaments or Things above fpeci- fied, contrary to the Words, Sentences and Meaning of this Aft, fhall incur the Danger of the Aft of Praemunire, made the xvi. Year of King Richard the Second, and mail Suffer and incur the Forfeitures and Pains contained in the fame. XLI. Provided alway, That it fhall and may be lawful to any Perfon or Perfons, Body Politick and Suits for Tithes Corporate, to fue in any competent Ecclefiaftical or Spiritual Court within this Realm, for Tithes, Rights of Abbey Lands. an£ j £) ut i es c jj- at the y or any f t | iern fhall pretend to have of or out of any the faid Manors, Lands, Tene- ments and other the Premiffes, and to have full and perfect Remedy for the fame, in fuch Manner and Form as they or any of them might or ought to have done^ or had by the Laws and Statutes of this Realm, before the Making of t'.is Aft, and as though this Aft had never been had or made. XLII. And that it may be further provided and enacted by the Authority aforefaid, That albeit the Title or Stile of Supremacy, or Supream Head of the Church of England and of Ireland, or either of them, never was, ne could be juftly or lawfully attributed or acknowledged to any King and Sovereign Governor of ftly attributed this Realm, nor in any wife could or might rightfully, juftly or lawfully by any King or Sovereign Gover- any King or nor of this Realm, be claimed, challenged, or ufed; (2) yet forafmuch as the faid Title and Stiie, fithence ovrrnor. tns third Day of November in the xxvi. Year of the Reign of .the faid King Henry the Eighth hath been ufed, and is mentioned and contained in divers and fundry Writs;. Letters Patents, Records, Exemplifi- cations, Court-Rolls, Charters, Deeds, Initruments, Evidences, Books and Writings; (3] it (hail be lawful as well to and for your Majefties and your Sovereign Ladies Heirs and Succeffors, as to and for every other Perfon and Perfons, and Bodies Politick and Corporate, at all Time and Times hereafter, to have, retain and keep the faid Writs, Letters Patents, Records, Exemplifications, Court- Rolls, Charters, Deeds, Inftrements, Jividences, Books and Writings,- and them to Shew, exhibit, ufe, alledge and plead, in all kept and plead- Times and Places requisite or needful, without any Danger, Penalty, Lofs, Forfeiture, Trouble, Vexa- tion or Impeachment for the fame; any Thing in this Aft, or in any other Ait or Afts to the contrary thereof, in any wife notwithftanding. ' XLlII. And where your Highnefs, Sovereign Lady, fince your coming to the Crown of this Realm,

  • of a good and Chriftian Confcience, omitted to write the faid Stile of Supremacy, fpecified in one Aft

' made in the Parliament holden at JP'eJlmlnJhr by Prorogjtion in the xxxv. Year of the Reign of your late ' Father King Henry the Eighth, as well in Gifts, Grants, Letters Patents, as in Commissions and other ' Writings, and alio other have in their Writings dons the fame, as well in your Time as before : (2) ' And forafmuch as notwithftanding any Law made concerning the faid Stile of Supremacy, it was in the

  • free Choice, Liberty and Pleafure of the King of this R.ealm, and of your Highnefs, whether you would

' exprefs the fame in the faid Stile or not:' XLIV. Be it therefore declared and enafted by the Authority of this prefent Parliament, That all Grants, Letters Patents, Cottuniffi^nSj Indictments, Records and Writings made in your our Sovereign Lady's Name, or in the Names of your Sovereign Lord and Lady, or any other wherein the faid Stile of Supre- macy is omitted, is and Shall be to all Intents and Purpofes, as good and effeftual, as if the fame had been therein expreffed, and may be detained, kept, pleaded and alledged, without any Danger, Pain, Pe- nalty or Forfeiture to enfue to any Perfon or Perfons or Body Politick, for or concerning the OmiSBon of the fame Stile, or any Part thereof, in any fuch Writings; and that no Perfon ne Perfons fhall be im- peached, molefted or damnified, for or by Reafon of any fuch Gmiffion. ' XLV. And where in an Aft of Parliament, made fince the faid twentieth Year of King Z&wry the E : ghth,

  • all Bulls, Difpenfations and Writings, which Were before 'hat Time obtained from the See of Rome, fhould

' be void, aboliShed and extinguished,, with a Claufe neverthelefs, that the Matter of them, by Virtue of Let- ' ters Patents from the King then being, fhould and might be alledged, pleaded and allowed, as if the fame

  • had not been fo abolifhed and extinguished; forafmuch as the faid Aft is here before amongft other re- .

' pealed and made void :' XL VI. Be it therefore enafted by the Authority of this prefent Parliament, That all Bulls, Difpenfations; 35 H. Writings where- in the Oueen's Stile of the Church is omit- ted. 38 H. 8. c, 16. What Bulk, put in Execu- tion. in this Parliament repealed, may be put in Execution, ufed and alledged in any Court within this Realm or elfewhere, whether the fame remain yet whole, or can appear to have been cancelled, in as available and effeftual Manner, to all Intents and Pu'rpofes, as if the faid Aft had never been had or made; any Objec- tion by Pretence of Extinguishment, or Cancelling of the faid Bulls, Difpenfations or Privileges, or of any other Matter or Caufe by the Pretence of the Laws of this Realm whatfoever, in any wife notwith- itanding. ' XLV II