Page:Ruffhead - The Statutes at Large - vol 2.djvu/601

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A.D.1562. Anno quinfo Rcgina; E L iz a p. f. t rjb. ( 10. r .- 1 or Information before thr-rr. exhibited, or otherwife lawfully •■. . . togivejudgm n rot fa and Execution of the (ante, * cording t" tlu ( te Lews of this 'JS- X. And en cl d by th; Authority aforefaid, Thai tl | 1 of even Co w j[| r :re within the Queen's Dominions, thill in evei cu ; tS) iat i to fay • in the Dime of their Sittings, make open .' , .. • . *** tatutcj; ol ti of) tothe intent no Perion or Pertbiu lhall be i utofl Penaltu XI. 1 lb, Tim this Aft, nor any Thing therein containod, fhal! not extendi to «ny S pinto**, ot 1 iAA*»a Ecclcfial 1 01 Courts within this Realm ol England 01 JValts, or the Marches <<! tin- I that .-ill .in > y fuch Offender or Offenders as lhall offend in Form aforefiud, (hall and may be punii by fuch uf al and ordinary Laws, as heretofore bath been and yc r is tiled ami frequented in the laid 1. 1 fiaftical Cour;s ; any I hing in this prefent Act contained to the contrary i.i any wife notwith- flanding. XII. Provided alfo, and be it further enacted by the Authority aforefaid. That if any Perfon or Perion*,  : upon whom any Procefs out of any of the Courts of Record within thi Realm or Waltl fhall be lervid to ' ' ' teftifyordepofc concerning any Caufe ojj- Matter depending in any of the tame Courts, (2) and having ten- drcd unto him or them, according to his or their Countcn.i:> :e or Calling, fuch reafonaole Sums of Mon . for his or their Colls and Charges, as having Regard to tie Dillance of the Places is neceffary to be allowed C r. ■ .. in that Behalf, [) do not appear according to the Tenor of the faid Procefs, having not a lawful and lea- 13*. fonable Let or Impediment to the contrary ; (4) that then the Party making Dctault, to lofe and forfeit for every fuch Offence ten Pounds, and to yield fuch further Recompcncc to the Party grieved, as by the Difcretion of the Jud^e of the Court, out of the which the faid Procefs (hall be awarded, according to the Lofs and Hindrance that the Party which procured the faid Procefs fhall 1'uftain, by reafon of the Non- appearance of the faid VVitnefs or Witneffes ; (5) the faid fcveral Sums to be recovered by the Party lb grieved agaiuft the Offender or Offenders, by Aftion of Debt, Bill, Plaint or Information, in any of the Queen's Majefty's Courts of Record, in which no Wager of Law, Eitbin or Protection to be allowed.

(III. Provided always, That this Aft, or any Thing therein contained, fhall not extend in any wife to T •" * **w&|

rcftrain the Power and Authority given by Aft of Parliament made in the Time of King Hnry the Se- ■", pum *^"" venth, to the Lord Chancellor o England, and others of the King's Council for the Time being, to exa- {h7sfi»wt ti mine and punifh Riots, Routs, heinous Perjuries and other Oflences and Mifdemeanings ; which Lord ,1 h. 7. c. 1$. Chancellor and others fithence the Making of the faid Aft have moft commonly ufed to hear and determine *»*"*■ fuch Matters in the Court of JVeJlminfter commonly called the Stir-Chamber ; (2) nor to rcftrain the Power *3 Cc0 - 2 - c - "• or Authority of the Lord Prefident and Council in the Marches of IVales, or of the Lord Prcfident and Coun- cil in the North, nor of any other Judge, having abfolute Power to punifh Perjury before the making of this Eftatute; (3) but that they and every of them fhall and may proceed in the Punifhmcnt of all Offences heretofore punifhablc, in fuch wife as they might have done and ufed to do before the making of this Aft, to all Purpofes, fo that they fet not upon the Offender or Offenders lefs Punifhment than is contained in 0,"- 243,13s. this Aft. (4) This Aft to continue unto the End of the next Parliament. 5 Coke 99. made perpetual by 39 El. c. 5. and 21 Jac. 1. c. 28. feft. 8. CAP. X. An AA reviving a Statute made Anno 21 H. 8. touching Servants imbezitting their Mailers Goods.

  • TT 7 HERE in the Parliament holden at London the third Day of November in the one and twentieth ,, h. s. c. 7,
  • VV Year of the Reign of the late King of molt famous and worthy Memory King Henry the Eighth,
  • and from rtaice adjourned .olVeJlminJltr, and there holden and continued by divers Prorogations unto the
  • Diffolution thereof, it was ordained and enafted among other Things, That all and lingular Servants to
  • whom any Cafkets, Jewels,. Money, Goods or Chattels, hy his or their Mafter or Matters fhould from
  • thenceforth be delivered to keep, that if any fuch Servant or Servants withdraw him or them from their

(aid Mafters or Miftrefles,. and go away with the faid Cafkets, Jewels, Money, Goods or Chattels or any Part thereof, to the Intent to fteal the fame, and defraud his or tneir faid Mailers or MiftrefTes thereof, con-

  • trary to the Truft and Confidence to him or them put by his or their Mafters or Miftrcifes ; or clfc beipg in
  • Service of hjs faid Mafters or.Miftreffes, without the Allent or Commandment of his Matters orMiftrelles,

4 imbezil the fame Cafkets, Jewels, Money, Goods or Chattels, or any Part thereof, or otherwife convert the 4 fame to his own life, with like Purpole to fteal it, that if the faid Cafkets, Jewels, Money, Goods or

  • Chattels that any fuch Servant fhall go away with, or which he Ihall imbezil with Purpole to fteal it as is

4 aforefaid, beof the Value of forty Shillings or above ; that then the fame falfe, fraudulent and untrue Act

  • • and Demeanor, fhould from thenceforth be deemed and adjudged Felony, and that he or they fo offending,

4 fhould be puniihed as other Felons for Felony committed, by che Coutle of the Common Law, . as by the.

  • faid Aft, amongft other Things therein contained, more at large it doth and may appea ■

4 II. Which faid Aft in the Parliament begun and holden at Weftminjter the fifth Day of OSloL.r iu the firft. 1 Mar. s«fi'__r.e'

  • Year of the Reign of the late Queen Mary, and there continued to the one and twentieth Day of the fame c - •« .
  • Month, that is to fay, in the firft SefTton of the fame Parliament, by the general Words of one Aft. then
  • ahd