Page:Ruffhead - The Statutes at Large - vol 2.djvu/615

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A. D. 1562. Anno quinto Rtginae Eli zabt. t<: C. 24, 2-. 'royided ;illb, and be it enacted, ThtJ an? Pcrfon, at the rime of any Procefs ol n atiom 1 awarded, being in Prifon, or out of this ttadm in the Pari b< yon I I • . ■ ., 01 Woman Covert, (ball 1 I in< u any of the! . any Return or Default happening d I /.,-;;.r mtmorim.: ) And that l>v Virtui of thi i ay I 01 Mattel in H i of and upon the Difl • for ny of the faid Pains o . And that if the I horn any f'uh Writ of Exetmmunieat (hall not in the fame Writ oi 1 have a fumcienl ai ■ nu of the Statute ol PrwM ol Henri the Fifth, in Cafes of certain Suits whereupon I Ufury, Simony, Perjury in the Eccleftaftical Court, or Idolatry; (j) T hat then all and ev«rj Pi "orfeitures limited againfi fuch Perfons excommunicate by this Eitatute, by reafon of fuch ^ nt of / *.om- z J imitate capiendo wanting fuflicient Addition, or of fuch Significavit wanting all the Caufes afurenicnti all 1 e utterly Old in Law ; (4) and by way of Plea to be allowed to the Party grieved. XIV. And if the Addition fhall be with a Nuper of the Place, Then in every fuch Cafe, at th: award tnunuato caplendc fhall 1 e utterly ur ' AdJin ing of the tirfi Capiat with Proclamation according t.> the Form aforementioned, one Writ of Piocla-N Jpc i. mation f without any Pain exprefied) fhall be awarded into the County where the Offender fhall be moft commonly reliant at the Time of the awarding of the faid flrft Capias with Pain in the fame Writ of Pro- clamation, to be returnable the Day of the Return ot* the faid firft Capias with Pain, aivl Rroclan ation thereupon at fome one fuch Time and Court, as is prefcribed for the Proclamation upon the faid firfl Cap'u;s with Pain : (2) And if fuch Proclamation be not made in the County where the Offender fhall be moll commonly reliant in fuch Cafes of Additions of Nuper, That then fuch Offender fhall fuftain no Pain i r Forfeiture by Virtue of this Eitatute, for not yielding hi? or her Body, according to the Tenor aforementioned ; any Thing before fpecified to the contrary hereof in any wife notwithstanding. CAP. XXIV. The Statute of 23 H. 8. c. 2. touching the Making and Repairing of Gaols, fhall be revived and continue P/'fcni. ten Years : And the Juftices of Peace in the Counties of Pembroke, Glamorgan, Cardigan, Radnor and Montgomery in Wales^ fhall have Power to do and execute all Thing, concerning the new making of. Gaols, as the Juftices and other Perfons mentioned in the faid Statute. E X P. CAP. XXV.- An A<5t to fili up Juries lacking in Wales it Circutnjtantibus. ' TT7HERE in the Parliament holden zt Wejiminjler in the thirty-fifth Year of the Reign of ourlate in f"" »n C-»t""- 1 VV Sovereign Lord King Henry the Eighth, Father to our moft dear Sovereign Lady the Queen's ' Majefty that now is, one wholefom and profitable Act and Eftatute amongft other was then eftahlUhed and m ,_ ^ . .

  • enacted, intituled by the Name of An Aft concerning the Appearance of 'jurors in Niji Prim : (2) Where n the 11
  • amongft Things in the Act it was eftablifhed, That where a full Jury returned betwixt Party and Party in Wale»,
  • did not appear before the Juftices of Afiize, or Ni/i Pri us, or elfe after Appearance of a full Jury, by '" 5 Go " n '. v

' Challenge of any of the Parties, the Jury was like to remain untaken for Default of Jurors, that the fame , ( ^ J to kv ,' '

  • Juftices upon Requeft made by the Party Plaintiff" or Demandant, fhould have Authority by Virtue of the juftices ii their

' fame Act, to command the Sheriff, or other Minifter or Minifters to whom the making of the faid Re—Grca: s ' turn fhould appertain, to name and appoint, as often as Need fhould require, fo many ot fuch other able A Rehrnrfcl or ' Perfon- of the faid County, then prcfent at th: faid AiTize or Nife prius, as fhould make up a full Jury tht f/'j ' c c 1

  • Which Perfons fo to be named and impanelled by fuch Sheriffs, or other Minifter or Minifters, fhouidtoacl
  • be added to the former Panel, and their Names annexed to the fame, and further as in the fame Act up ..

1 more plainly may appear: (7! Which faid beneficial Act doth not extend unto the twelve Shires ofdeCiiwii

  • Wales, ne to the County Palatine of Chefler, nor to the County Palatine of Lanuijlcr, nor to the County *""%..
  • Palatin; of Durham, bv reafon whereof many Juries remain untaken betwixt the Parties, what '

' lack of Appearance of Jurors, and fome hecaufe of. Challenges, to the great Hindrance of Juftice, and •, ■ ,

  • • great Expences and Charges to the Parties : J

c. r,. 34 E,{. 3. c 4 (5 8. 41 Ed. 3. r. If. 1 P-- ; II. For Reformation whereof, be it enacted by the Qt^en our Sovereign Lady, with the Afient of the Lords Spiritual and Temporal, and the Commons, in this prcfent Parliament afTembled, and by the Authority of the fame, That in every of the Shires of Wales, that is to fay, Pembroke^ Carmarthen, . Cardigan, Brecknock, Radnor, Glamorgan, Montgomery, Denbigh^ Flint, Merioneth, Ahglefey, Carnarvon, and in the County Palatine of Chejler, and in the faid County ralatine of Durban., and lathe faid Ccunt cv ~ - :?. Palatine of Lancajter, where a full Jury, {hall not appear before the Juftices of the Great Seihon in an) '• '• of the faid Shires or Counties Palatines, or their Deputies there, or elfe after Appearance of a full Jury, by Challenge of any of the Parties, the Jury is like to remain untaken for Default of Jurors, That the fame Juftices, in every of the faid Shires and Counties. Palatines for the Time brings or their De- 1