Page:Ruffhead - The Statutes at Large - vol 2.djvu/709

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A.D. 1589. Anno triccfimo primo Regime F< 1. 1 / a beth A. C. lute, may after that proceed in all thofc Cafe , in fuch Sort t<. . ill I | Cafes mentioned in the faid Statute ; any not coming of any the ! (land in ■. III. Provided ncvnthclef., Thai no Judgment fhall l>r given in he by fuch lull Number of the (aid Jufticea and Barons as aie m thai Bel l Act. IV. Provided alfo, and be it ncvcrthelefs enadtcd by the A fir Defendant, againfl whom any fui | hath been 1 faid Court of King's Bench, m lecti n fu« in th fuch fud ment as heretofore hath been ufual or accuftomed j any Thing in I faid former Act to the contrary thereof notwithfl x6 Gir. a. c. z. Farther Pntiifioni relating hereto, J Jtc. I. r. 8. 13 . »,r. 8. ao Cir, 1. ( . ■ .it. which givei Co/It an autiJJjing tl'ritt of 1 C A P. II. An Act for abridging of Proclamations upon Fines to be levied at the Common Law. « ■% T 7 H F. R F. A S the Statute made in the fourth Year of King Henry the Seventh hath ordered, " ' V every Fine to be levied with Proclamations in the Kin;;'-, Court, afore his Juftices of the Co ' mon Pleas, fhould he proclaimed in the fame Court that Term in which it is engrofled, and in I ' Terms then next following, at four feveral Days in every Term ; by reafon whereof they ought t<> lie : i'ln'",™i t .'* U 4 proclaimed four Times in every of the four feveral Terms : And that during the Time or proclaiming rmy Term ' of fuch Fines, all Fleas fhould ceafc ; (2) which to do according 10 the faid Statute (conlidering the °n«, f<-: I

  • Multitudes of Fines now ufually levied} would require fixteen Day., in everj Term ; and by reafon of lt " r '-
  • the many Caul'es and Suits in that Court, is a far greater Trouble than heretofore had]

' fcarcely one Day in every Term can be (pared for the proclaiming of Fines :' (3) Be it enacted b Authority of this prefenl Parliament, Thar all Fines with Proclamations, from and after the Ft ait ofe, Eqjler next enfuing, to levied in the faid Court, fhall he proclaimed only four Times ; that is to fay, * ' once in the Term wherein it is engrofled, and once in every of the three Terms holden next at- liF -"- >■ tcr the fame ingrofling : (4) And that every Fine proclaimed as aforefaid, fhall be of as great Force and Su+An. .-. 16, Eftedt in Law to all Intents and Purpofes, as if the fame had been fixteen Times proclaimed according /• "5- «*•«* to the Statutes heretofore made. &C. may be d.. CAP. III. An Acl for the avoiding of privy and fecret Outlawries of the Queen's Subjects. ' TPpOR the avoiding of fecret Outlawries in Actions Pcrfonal againfl: the Queen's Subjects having ;.": ■ t*u J

  • X. known Places of their Dwellings, by reafon that Proclamations are made in the County -Courts »3 ;

' and in Quarter-Seffions, which arc Places remote from their Dwellings, and thereby they have not any Th ; w '■

  • convenient Notice of fuch Suits againfl: them :' (2) Be it enacted and ordained by the Authority of this "."

prefent Parliament, That in every Adtion Perfonal wherein any Writ of Exigent fhall be awarded out of/, any Court, in or after the Term of Eafter next coming, one Writ of Proclamation fhall b made out of the fame Court, having Day of Tefte and Return as the faid Writ of Exigent (hall have, di- J reefed and delivered of Record to the Sheriff" of the County where the Defendant at the Time ■:•: gent fo awarded fhall be dwelling, which Writ of Proclamation fhall contain the Effedt. of the fame Av.ti- ., j ■. e on: (3) And that the Sheriff of the County unto whom any fuch Writ of Proclamation (hall be Ji:ect- Goldft 1- ed, fhall make three Proclamations in this Form following, and not otherwife ; that is to lay, one of 1 -.31c. fame Proclamations in the open County-Court, and one other of the fame Proclamations to be made the General Quarter-Seflions of the Peace, in thofe Parts where the Party Defendant at the Time of the l Hi 5 ' c ' s * Exigent awarded fhall be dwelling, (4) and one other of the fame Proclamations to be made one Month at the leaft before the ghiinto cxatl. by Virtue of the faid Writ of Exigent, at or near to the molt ufual Door of the Church or Chapel of that Town or Parilh where the Defendant fhall be dwelling at the Time of the faid Exigent fo awarded ; (?) and if the Defendant fhall be dwelling out of any Parifh, then in fuch Place as aforefaid of the Parifh, in the fame County, and next adjoining to the Place of the De- fendant's dwelling ; (6) and upon a Sunday, immediately after Divine Service and Sermon, if any Sermon Th: OffiWi there be ; and if no Sermon there be, then forthwith after Divine Service: (7) And that all Outlawries Fee for the ma- had and pronounced returned according to the fleer in wheife Office fuch as by the Statute made in the fixth Year of the Reign of the late King of famous Memory, King Henry Rr. a the Eighth, is limited and appointed in that Behalf, and no greater Fees in any wife ; (8j an! that I Sheriff for making of the Proclamation at or near to the Church or Chapel-door as is aforefaid, fhall have , Fc = !o , r "l 1 - twelve Pence. £*V on at the Church-door. Cm, El. 371. See 4 fif 5 W, fe' 717, c, »i. which dirctfs Proclamations, on Otukmia in Criminal . 4P z II. And