Page:Ruffhead - The Statutes at Large - vol 2.djvu/736

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C. 3. Anno tricefinio nono Reginas Elizabeths. A. D. 1597. Bee it further enacted by the Authontie aforefayd, That the Juftices of Peace of euery Countie or Place - Corporate, or the more Part of them in their General Seflions to be holden, next after the End of this Seflion of Parliament, or in Default thereof, at the Quarter Seflions to be holden, about the Feaft of Eafter next, fhall rate euerie Parifli to fuch a weekly Summe of Money as they fliall thinke conuenient, fo as no Parilh be rated above the Summe of Sixe pence, nor under the Summe of a Half-pennie, weekly to bee payed, and fo as the total Summe of fuch Taxation of the Parifhes in euery Countie, amount not aboue the Rate of Two pence for euerie Parifh in the fayde Countie, which Summes fo taxed, fhall bee yearely aflefled by the Agreement of the Parifhioners within themfelues, or m Default thereof by the Churchwardens and Conftables of the fame Parifh, or the more Part of them, or in Default of their Agreement, by the Order of fuch Juftice or Juftices of Peace as fhall dwell in the fame Parilh, or (if none be there dwelling) in the Parts next adjoyning : And if any Perfon fhall refufe, or neglect to pay any fuch Portion of Money fo taxed, it fhall be lawfull for the fayd Churchwardens and Conftables, or in their Default for the Juftices of the Peace, to leuie the fame by Diftrefle, and Sale of the Goods of the Partie fo refufing or neglecting, rendering to the Partie the Ouerplus, and in Default of fuch Diftrefle, it fhall be lawfull to any Juftice of that Limit, 'to commit fuch Perfons to Prifon, there to abide without Bayle or Mayneprife till he haue payed the fame. And bee it alfo enacted, That the fayd Juftices of the Peace at their General Quarter Seflions to be hol- den at the Time of fuch Taxation, fliall fet downe what competent Summe of Money fhall be fent quar- terly out of euery Countie or Place Corporate, for the Reliefe of the poore Prifoners of the King's Bench, and Marfhalfey, and alfo of fuch Hofpitals, and Alms-houfes, as fhall be in the fayd Countie, and what Summes of Money fhall be fent to euery one of the fayd Hofpitals and Alms-houfes, fo as there be fent out of euerie County yearely twentie Shillings at the leaft, to the fayde Prifoners of the King's Bench, and Marfhalfey, which Summes ratablie to be aflefled upon euerie Parifh, the Churchwardens of euerie Parifh fhall truely collect and pay ouer to the High-Conftable, in whofe Diuifion fuch Parifh fhall be fcituate from Time to Time quarterly, tenne Dayes before the End of euerie Quarter : and euerie fuch Conftable at euerie fuch Quarter Seflions in fuch Countie, fhall pay ouer the fame to two fuch Juftices of the Peace, or to one of them, as fhall bee by the more Part of the Juftices of Peace of the Countie, elected to bee Treafurers of the fayde Collection, which Treafurers in euerie Countie fo chofen, fhall continue but for the Space of one whole Yeare, and then give vp their Charge with a due Account of their Receipts and Difburfements at their Meeting in the Quarter Seflions, to bee holden after the Feaft of Eafter in euerie Yeare, to fuch others as fhall from Yeare to Yeare in fourme aforefayde, fucceflively be elected, which fayde Treafurers, or one of them, fhall pay ouer the fame to the Lord Chiefe Juftice of England, and Knight Marfhall for trie Time being, equally to bee deuided to the Vfe aforefayd, taking their Acquit- tances for the fame, or in Default of the fayde Chiefe Juftice, to the next auncienft Juftice of the King's Bench, as aforefayde. And if anie Churchwarden, or High-Conftable, or his Executours, or Admini- ftratours, fhall fayle to make Payment in Fourme aboue fpecified, then euerie Churchwarden, his Execu- tours, or Adminiftratours fo offending, fhall forfeit for euerie Time, the Summe of tenne Shillings, and euerie High-Conftable, his Executours, or Adminiftratours, fhall forfeit for euerie Time the Summe of twentie Shillings, the fame forfeitures together with the Summes behind, to be leuied by the fayde Trea- furer and- Treafurers by way of Diftrefle, and Sale of the Goods as aforefayd, in Forme aforefayd, and by them to be employed, towards the charitable Vfes comprifed in this Act. And bee it further enacted, That all the Surplufage of Money which fhall be remayning in the faid Stocke of any Countie, fhall by Difcretion of the more Part of the Juftices of Peace in their Quarter Sef- fions, be ordered, diftributed and beftowed for the Reliefe of the poore Hofpitals of that Countie, and of thofe that fhall fuftayne Loffcs by Fire, Water, .the Sea, or other Cafualties, and to fuch other cha- ritable Purpofes, for the Reliefe of the Poore, as to the more Part of the fayd Juftices of Peace fliall feeme conuenient. And bee it further enacted, That if any Treafurer fhall wilfully refufe to take vpon him the faid Of- fice of Treafurerfhip, or refufe to diftribute and giue Reliefe according to fuch Forme as fhall be ap- pointed by the more Part of the fayde Juftices of Peace, that then it fhall be lawfull for the Juftices of Peace in their Quarter Seflions, or in their Default for the Juftices of Aflize, at the Aflizes to be holden in the fame County, to fine the fame Treafurer by their Difcretion : the fame Fine to be leuyed by Sale of his Goods, and to be profecuted by anie two of the fayd Juftices of Peace whom ,they fliall authorife. Prouided alwayes neuertheleffe, That euerie Soldier being difchargcd of his Seruice, or otherwife lawfully licenfed to paffe into his Countrie, and not hauing wherewith to relieue himfelfe in his Trauells Home- wards,_and euerie Sea-faring-man landing from Sea, not h uing wherewith to relieue himfelf in his Tra- uells Homewards, hauing a Tcllimoniall vnder the Hand of fome one Juftice of the Peace, of, or neere the Place where he landed or was difcharged, fetting downe therein the Place and Time, where, and when he landed, or was difcharged, and the Place of the Parties dwelling or birth, vnto which he is to pafle, and a conuenient Time therein to be limited for his Paflage, fhall and may without incurring the Danger or Penaltie of this Acte, in the vfual Wayes, directly to the Place vnto which he is directed to pafle, and within the Time in fuch his Teftimoniall limited for his Paflage, afke, and receiue fuch Re- liefe as_ fhall bee neceffarie, ii), and for his Paflage : This Acte or any Thing therein contained to the contrarie notwithftanding. Pronged ahvayes, That this Acte flir.JI endure no longer then to the Ende of the next Seflion of Par- liament. E X P, 43 Eliz, c. z. CAP. IV.