Page:Ruffhead - The Statutes at Large - vol 2.djvu/76

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C. 4. Annodecimo quarto Edward 1 IV. A. D. 1474; x$H. 6. c. 3. 38 H. 6. c. 8. so H. 6. c. 1. 31 H, 6, c. 4. Cotton MS. de Durefme, & la ville de Novell Chaftell, & qe chefcune de les fubgictz de noftre Seignur le Roy, apres':- tlel proclamation fait, & apres trois mois puis mefme la proclamation pafiez, fpit tenuz daler & carier les ditz lains & pealx lanutz as les ditz lieux per noftre Seignur le Roy a nofiners. & en la dit proclamation ex- preflez, fur la peyne avaunt limite. CAP. IV. A. Confirmation of Statutes made againft the Breakers of Truce, Wt. This Confirma- tion doth not extend to the Statute of 2 H. 5. ftat. 1. c. 6. ao H. 6. c, 11. ITEM, Whereas divers and great Offences and Attempts have now of late been done and com-

mitted againft the Amities and Leagues made be-
twixt our faid Sovereign Lord the King, and ftrange
Princes, againft the Safe-Condufts and Licences of
our faid Sovereign Lord the King, and againft the
Laws and Statutes heretofore made for the Punifh-
ment of fuch Offenders in that Behalf, to the great
Slander of our faid Sovereign Lord the King, and
the general Hindrance of all this Realm of England;"

H) the King therefore, by Advice and Affent of the Lords Spiritual and Temporal, and the Commons, in this Parliament affembled, and by Authority of the fame Parliament, hath ordained, eftablifhed, and enacted, That all Statutes and Ordinances made be- fore the Fourth Day of March, in the Firft Year of his Reign, by Authority of any Parliament,, not re- pealed, againft the Offenders and Breakers of Ami- ties, Truces, Leagues, and Safe-Condufts aforefaid, be and fhall be in their full Force and Effect : (y And that every of the fame Statutes and Ordinances be put in due Execution in all Things before the Judge or Judges, Perfon or Perfons ordained by the fame Statutes or Ordinances, or any of them, ac- cording to the Tenors and Effects of every of the fame Statutes and Ordinances ; any Grant or Con- firmation by Act of Parliament or otherwife, Ufe, or Cuftom, made, had, or ufed to the contrary notwith- ftanding; (4) provided always, That this Aft ex- tend not to any Aft or Ordinance made for the Pu- nifhment of any fuch Offenders in the Second Year of King Henry the Fifth, late in deed, and not of right, King of England' ITEM pur ceo qe plufours & graundes offenfes & attemptates ount ore tarde efte commys & perpetres encountre les amifties <k les lieges faitz-. entre noftre dit foveraigne Seignur le Roy & Princes eftraunges, & encountre les faufconduits & licences noftre dit foveraigne Seignur le Roy, & encountre les leies & eftatuitz per devaunt fait pur le punifn- mentdes tielx ofFendours en celle partie, a graund defclaundre noftre dit foveraigne Seignur le Roy, & univerfal damage de toutceft Roialme dEngleterre ; le Roy pur ceo del advys & affent de les Seignurs efpirituelx h temporelx & communes en cell: parle- ment affemblez, & per.lauftorite de mefme le par- lement, ad ordeigne enafte Si eftablie, qe toutz efta- tuitz et ordeignaunces devaunt le quart jour de Marche en Ian primer de fon reigne faitz perauc- torice dafcun parlement, nient repel !ez, encountre les rumpours ou ofFendours des amiftees, triewes, lieges, et faufconduitz avauntditz, eftoientet foient en pleyne force et effeft : Et qe chefcune des mef- mes les eftatuitz et ordeignaunces foit mife en due execution en toutz chofes, devaunt le juge ou ju- ges, perfone ou perfon es, ordeignes per mefmes les eftatuitz ou ordeignaunces, ou afcun de eux, ac- cordaunt as les tenours et effeftz de chefcune mef- mes les eftatuitz et ordeignauncez ; afcun graunt ou confirmation per aft du parlement, ou autre- ment, ufe, ou cuftume, fait, ewe, ou ufez, al con- trarie nient contrifteaunt. Purveu toutz foitz, qe ceft aft nextend pas al afcun aft ou ordeignaunce fait pur la punition dautielx ofFendours en Ian fc- cond de Henry quint nadgairs en fait et nient de droit Roy dEngleterre. Statutes made at Weftminfier, Anno 17 Edw. IV. -and Anno Dom. M7.7? |UR Lord King Edward the Fourth after the Conqueft, at his Parliament holden at Weftminjier the Sixteenth Day of January, in the Seventeenth Year of his Reign, to the Ho- nour of God, and the Wealth of him and his Realm, by the Advice and Affent of his Lords Spiritual and Temporal, and at the Suit and Requeft of his Com- mons, in this prefent Parliament affembled, -and by Authority of the fame Parliament, hath made to be ordained and eftablifhed divers Ordinances and Sta- tutes in Form following. Cotton MS. Nero, C. i. OSTRE Seignur le Roy Edward puis la conoueft quart, a fon parlement tenuz a Weftm' le xvj. jour de Januar' Ian de fort reigne dis et feptifme, al honour de Dieu et pur la bien de luy et de fon Roialme, del advys et affent des Seignurs efpirituelx et temporelx et al inftaunce et requefte des communes en le dit parlement affem- blez et per auftorite de mefme le parlement, ad fait ordeigner et eftablier diverfes ordeignaunces et efta- tuitz en la fourme qenfuift. C A P,