Page:Ruffhead - The Statutes at Large - vol 3.djvu/169

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A. D. i623« Anno vicefimo prima Jacob I I. C. 34, 35. 12-1 , CAP. XXXIV. The Temporality confiderlng that the King might be engaged in a prefent W^r by breaking of the two Treaties with Spain, viz. The one of the Marriage, and the other of the Reftjtution of the Palatine^ freely grants unto his Majefty three entire Subfidies, and three Fifteens and Tenths, whereof j ?ooo Pounds fliould be imployed towards the Repair of certain decayed Cities and Towns, and the Refidue was to be expended in the Managing of the expefted War : Now for the better Imployment of thofc Monies, eight Citizens of London are appointed to be Treafurers, and ten other feledted Perfons to be of his Majefty's Council for the War; all which (hall make Oath, vi%. The Treafurers, that none of thofe Monies lliould iffue out of their Hands without Warrant from tlie faid Council of War: and the other, that they Ihould make no Warrants for the Payment of any of thofe Monies, but only for the End above mentioned ; and further, (hould all be accountable for their Doings and Proceedings in that Behalf, to the Commons in Parliament, when they or any of them (hould be thereunto required. EXP. ^ CAP. XXXV. , . /.J.I A Confirmation of the King's General and Free Pardon, except, 13 c. EXP. Cro. Car. 4^. ' Anno Regni Caroli Regis Anglise, Scotiae, Franciae, & Hibernias, primo. At the Parliament begun at Wcjiminjier the eighteenth Day of June Anno Dam, one thoufand fix hundred twenty-five in the Firft Year of the Reign of our moft gracious Sovereign Lord Charles, by the Grace of God, of Greflf Brtf^in, France and Ireland, King, Defender of the Faith, iGfc. And there continued until the eleventh Day oi July following; and then adjourned until the Firft "Dzy oi Auguji {oWoWmgy umo Oxford -, To the high JPleafure of Almighty God, and to the Wealpublick of this Realm, were enadled as foUoweth. r:.i;'.;..' CAP. I. ;_;;.>• ')•-.'.■.,::- ■.]•■ •/, An Adl for punilhing divers Abu fes committed on the Lord's Day, callied ^izKiay. FOrafmuch as there is nothing more acceptable to Qqd than the trpe and fineere Service and Wor- iliip of him according to his Holy Will, and that the holy keeping of the Lord's Day jsi a prjncj-. ' pal Part of the true Service of Qod, which in very many Places of thi? Realm hath been .and noyi is There fli^ii be ' profaned and neg}e<ftpd by a diforderly Sort of People, in exercifing and frequentiijg !Bear-baiting !?*'[«"■" ' Bull-baiting, Interludes, Common Plays and other unlawful Exercifes and jPgfltimes Hpon the Lqrd's PaftimM profaned and neg}e<f)^pd by a diforderly Sort of People, in exercifing and frequentiijg !Bear-baiting ?" *'[«™^'=* Bull-baiting, Interludes, Common Plays and other unlawful Exercifes and jPgfltimes Hpon the Lqrd's Paftimerupon Day ; and for that many Quarrels, Blpodiheejs and other great Inconveniences hayp gfpwn by the Re- f^e Lord's ij?«, fort and Cgiicpurfe of People gpirjg out of their own Parifties to tuch diforcjered and unlawful Exercifes ^^(^•^'^i'^t ' and Paftimes, negleiSting Divine Service both in their own Parlfhes arjd elfewherej- (z) Be it enadled by the King's inoft excellent Majefty, the Lords Spiritual 3^4 Ter^ppral», and the Cojtjmsns, in diis prefent Parliament a(rembled, and by the Authority, of the fame. That from and after forty Da'ys next Fnlawful Meetw after the End of this SefTion of Parliament, there fliall be no Meetings, Aflemblies or Concourfe of People '"^^ ^""^ *"*' out of their own Pariflies on the Lord's Day,"within this Realm ai England or any the Dominions thereof LoTd-'sD" "^ for any Sports and Paftimes whatfoever; (3) nor any Bear-baiting, Bull-baiting, Interludes, Common bidden, ^^ ^* Plays or other unlawful Exercifes and Paftimes, ufed by any Perfon or Perfons within their own Pariflies- (4) and that every Perfon or Perfons pffpnding in any the Premifles, (hall forfeit for every Offence three Every Perfon Shillings four-pence, the fame to be employed and converted to the Ufe of the Poor of the Parifh where """Banyuniaw. llich Offence fliall be committed; (5) and that ?iny prie Juftipe of the Peace of the County or the Chief '^1!'^^?'"°" Officer or Officers of any City, Borough, or Town Corporate, where fuch Offencp fliall be committed ^Jhaiiforfci?^^' lipon his or their View or ConftlTion'of the Party, or Proof of any one or more Witnefe hy Qath whicA ^^- 4^- '° "'«  the faid Juftice or Chief Officer or Officers (hall by Virtue of this A<5t have Authority to minifter, (liall °°'" "f 'he Pa- tind any Perfon offending in the Prerni(res, tjie faid Juftice or Chipf Officer or Officers fliall give Warrant AfterConviaion under his or their Hand and Seal, to the Conftables and Church-wardens of the Parifh or Pariihes where ^y Warrant jiich Offence (hall be committed, to levy the faid Penalty fo to be a(refled, by way of Diftrefs and Saleijf 2"'"? Jfi^'=*> Ihe Goods of every fuch Offender, rendring to the faid Offenders the Ovei'p)us pf the Money raifed of ftabies &c!"may

he faid Goods fo to be fold; and in Default of fuch DJftrefs, that the Party offending be fet publicklv '^^y^hePenaltj^

a the Stocks by the Space of three Hours ; (6) and ^9X if any M^n be fued or impeached for Execution *°' if this Law, he (hall and may plead the General IflTue anjl give the faid Matter of Juftification in Evi- General iflue. ience : (7) Provided, That no man be impeached by this Act except he be called in <5yeftion within one Limitarionof ■ flonth next after the faid Offence committed: (8) Provided alfo. That the Ecclefiaftical Jurifdidtion xf f**")""' within this Realm or any the Dominlpiif thpreof, W Vkf^g of thij.A^pr^y Thing therein contained, caijurifdiata"- Vol. liL R ' lhaii"°' abridged.