Page:Ruffhead - The Statutes at Large - vol 3.djvu/181

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■M. D.. 1640. Anno decimo fexto Caroli I. C. 7--10. 133 •■ madi for nine Returns inclufive ;' (2) Now for the more fpeedy perfefling of fuch Recoveries, Be it en- Y^"?'. »"^. afted by the Authority aforefaid, That from and after the faid Feaft of St. Michael the Archangel next, Jf Ad'vjwfol, ail and every fuch Writs of LSummons ad JVarrantizand. upon the Appearance of the Tenant to every fuch abridged to five Writs of Entry, and Writ of Right of Advowfon, fhall and may be made and abridged to five Returns, Returns, as Writs of Summons W ^«?'ra«^/z«2«^. m'Wvix.soil'^oyitvtJnde nihil habet, heretofore have been ufed XI. And it is further enacT:ed by the Authority aforefaid, That all Common Writs and Prccefs, as well fnTpro«fTto'* Perfonal asMixt, v/hich (liall fortune to be returnable in the faid Michaehmi Term, (hall have and keep keep the afore- • the laid Returns of ' A die Sandti Michaelis in tres feptimanas, A die Sandi Michaelis in unum menfem, fa'tl Returns. In Craftino Animarum, In Craftino San6li Martini, In 0(5tabis Sandi Martini,' and ' A die Sandi Mar- tini in quindecim dies,' or any. of them. • XII. Provided always, and it is further enadted by the Authority aforefaid. That in fuch and like Cafes rt,Tybeappoirted arid Procefs, as fpecial Days have been ufed to be appointed and afllgned and given, for the returning of as have been Writs and Procefs, it fliall be lawful to the Juftices of every of the King's laid Courts of Record for the "fed. 'Time being, in all the Procefs by them awarded, to affign and appoint fpecial Days of Returns, as by their Difcretions fliail be thought convenient. _ DaysinAffize XIII. Provided alfo, and be it furtlier enacSted by the Authority aforefaid. That the Days in Affize of of Darrein Pre- Dairein Prefeniment^ and in Plea of ^uarc Impedit, limited and appointed by the Statute of Markbridge, fentment, and-in ■ and alfo the Days to be given in Attaint, limited in the Statute made in the fifth Year of the- Reign of the f^^p°/|^n'din Noble King Eaward the Third, and alfo in the Statute made in the three and twentieth Year of the Reign Attaint,' not of the late King Henry the Eighth, of worthy Memory, being not contrary to the Tenors of this Adt, (hall contrary hereto, be holden firm and (table, and (hall ftand in their full Force and Efftdt. 5? H. 3, c. 12, 5 Ed. 3. c. 6, ^if.rVmljZ' 25 H. 8. C. 3. 32 H. 8. C.-2.- t her ahhr emoted C A P. VII. An Adt to prevent Ihconyeniencies by the untimely Adjournrrient of Parliaments. EXP, ■ nCar.a. c. x, C A P. VIII, A Subfidy granted to the- King of Tonnage, Ppundage, and other Sums of Money , payable upon Mer- p°""j^=^^'"' chandize Exported-and Imported. EXP. • °"" ^^ ' C A P. IX. . 'An A& for the fpeedy-Provifion of Money for Di(banding the Armies, and- fettling the Peace of the two Kingdoms of England and Scotland. EXP. G A P. x: Ah A(St for the Regulating of the Privy Council, and for taking away the Court commonly. called the Star-Chamber. WHEREAS by the Great Charter many Times confirmed in Parliament, it is enadled, That ^o jieckslofUazo^ ' Freeman (hall be taken or imprifoned, or diffeifed of his Freehold or Liberties, or Free CuftoiPiS, charta,andfe- or be outlawed or exiled or otherwife deftroyed, and that the King will not pafs upon him, or con- verai Statutes, demn him ; but by lawful Judgment of his Peers, or by the Law of the Land : (z) And by another ^_ ^-^^^ ^'**' "» Statute made in the fifth Year of the Reign of King Edward the Third, it is enacted. That no Man 5 Ed'.'j. c. 9. (hall be attached by any Accufation, nor forejudged of Life or Limb, nor his Lands, Tenements, Goods 3 H. 7. c. i, ■ nor Chattels feized into the King's Hands, againfc the Form of the Great Charter, and the Law of the Land : (3 ) And by another Statute made in the five and tventieth Year of the Reign of the fame King 25Ed,3, Stat, 5, Edward the Third, It is accorded, a(rented and eftablhhed. That none (liall be taken by Petition or e- i' Suggeftion made to the King, or to his Council, unlefs it be by Indidtment or Prelentment of good and lawtul People of the fame "Neighbourhood where fuch Deeds be done, in due Manner, or by Procefs ■ made by Writ Original at the Common Law, and that none be put out of his Franchife or Freehold, unlefs he be duly brought in tp anfwer, and forejudged of the fame by the Courfe of the Law, and if any Thing be done .againfi: the fame, it fliall be redreffed and holden for none : (4) And by another 28 Ed. 3. ;c. 3, : Statute made in the eight and twentieth Year of the Reign of the fame King Ediuard the Third, it is amongft otlier Things enacted. That no Man. of what Eftate or Condition foever he be, fliall be put out of his Lands or Tenements, nor taken, nor imprifoned, nor difinherited, without being brought in to anfwer by due Procefs of Law: (5) And by_ another Statute made in the two and fortieth Year of the ^^ Ed. 3. c. 3. Reign of the faid King fic/ifijri the Third, It is enadled. That no Man be put to anf^;ver, without Pre- feotment before Juftices, or Matter of Record, or by due Prccefs and Writ Original, according to the old Lav/ of the Land, and if any Thing be done to the contrary, it fliall be void in Law, and holden for Enor : (6) And by another Statute made in the fix and thirtieth Year of the fame King Edzvardl^-'^^-l- =■ iS> the Third, It is amongft other Things enadfed. That all Pleas which (hall be pleaded in any Courts before any the King's Jultiees, or in his other Places, or before any of his other Minifters, or in the Courts and Places-of any other Lords within the Realm, fliall be entred and enrolled in Latin : (7) And 3 H. 7, c. i, whereas by the Statute made in the third Year of King Henry the Seventh Power is given to theChan- cellor, the Lord Treafurer oi England for the Time being, and the Keeper of the King's Privy Seal, or 8 two