Page:Ruffhead - The Statutes at Large - vol 3.djvu/206

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158 C. 4. 7^8W, 3. Anno duodecimo Caroli II. A. D. 1660. Pipes for children, the groce, cont. 12 dozen — viij. $. Pitch 5 Small band, the laft, cont. 12 barrels ij. 1. x. s. vocat. I Great band, the laft, cont. 12 barrels ij. I. x. s. Plaifter of Paris, the mount, cont. 3000 weight ij. 1. Plane irons, the dozen ij. s. Pianks of Ireland, the hundred foot, containing? ^i^_ five fcore S . c Silver white or ungilt, the ounce — iv. s. Plate i of filver parcel gilt, the ounce • iv. s. t of filver gilt, the ounce - v. s. ffingle white or black, the hundred plates xiij. s. iv. d. double white or black, the hundred plates j.l. vi.s. vuj.d. 1« I fmgle white or black, the barrel, cont. ' vj.d. _^iv. s. yj, d. 8 I _ 300 plates ij.l. iv.l. double white or black, the barrel, cont, 300 plates — — - _ . Harnefs plates or iron doubles, the plate J.s. Harnefs plates or iron doubles, the bundle, 7 x. s. cont-aining 10 plates _____ ^ _ Playing Tables of Walnut-tree, the pair XJ-^' " of tbred, the great groce, containing l* 1 . , fmall groce JJ«  f capiton, the great groce, containing 12 / .. fmall groce J '^' t, ■ ., ^ of fine filk, the fmall groce, cont./. , ^"'"'5 1 12 dozen * 5J-J- Pomyftones, the tun — ■ xiij. s, Pomegcanets, the.thoufand — . ——ij.l. ^°^^ 2 the tun yj Potatoes, the hundred weight, containing 1 12 7 pound — ^ ^' pof Earth or Stone covered, the hundred containing five fcore ) ofc »<(. f. viij. d. X. s. iUj. d, .1.

J- 1- yj

viij. d. s. viij. d. of Earth or Stone uncovered, the hundred 1 caft, containing a gallon to every cart, i ij. 1, x, s> whether in one pot or more j o -i voc. Gallipots, the hundred, containing 7 .. ,

  • • five fcore 5 '> '•

voc. Melting-pots for Goldfmiths, the " hundred — - — of Iron, French or Flemifh-making, the , dozen — - « r voc. PuHifts of Iron, the groce, containing # .

! I 12 dozen — — i ' '

" J of Brafs, the dozen — — - . iiij. "*^ {. of Wood, the groce, containing 12 dozen j.l. f unfons and Gravers for Goldfmiths, the pound j. s. "J- "S' ""= [ iij. 1. Quails, the dozen — — Quils vocat. Goofe quils, the thoufand E C French-making, the dozen •g.J of Callico, the piece — C? t of Satin or other filk, the piece R. Rackets, the piece •— — Rape of grapes, the tun — Rape Seed, the quarter — - — u r Bridges or Leaden Rafhes,the fingle piece, § containing fifteen yards . viij. s. ■j- V ■ rv. I. xvj. s, -ij.l. . vj. 1. xiij. S, iv. d. - viij. s. -viij. d. . 1. S i Bridges or Leaden Rafties, the double piece, 7 •S' I containing two fingle pieces — i vij. I. (2 V. Cloth Ralhes, the piece — 7— xviij. 1. C for children, the groce, containing 7 . , . Ritdes < twelve dozen 5 ^-!• vj. s, i with Bells, the dozen ' yj. s. Raters, the dicker, containing ten j. 1, Recorders, the fet or cafe, containing five Re- 7 . corders — i J- '• Ribband of filk of all forts, the pound — iv. I. Rice, the hundred weight, containing an hun- 7 - . dred and twelve pound — C J" '• XJ- *• Rozen, the hundred weight, containingan hun- 7 . dred and twelve pound ^—— 3 ^^' ^' ^"^ Rugs 5 It'Oi Rugs, the piece — xiij. s. iiij d. VQcat. 7 Polilh Rues, the piece — ——j.l. Ryms for Sieves, the groce, containing twelve 7 • dozen — 5 "J- «• ffor Keys, the groce, containing 12 dozen ix.s. •: for Curtains, the pound — j. ». iv. d. S I of Wyer, the groce, containing 12 dozen iiij. s. ? y of Brafs, Copper, or St. Martins gilt, the 7 • , g) groce, containing twelve dozen — ^ J- '• ,E fmall the Box, containing two groce, / „ ^ twelve dozen to each groce 5 L»f iH.W, the groce, containing ii dozen iij. s. viij. d. viij. d. d. f the hundred ells, containing fix fcore viij. t c— v,i»ii,J offinglethreds,thepiece,cont. icyards x. s. Sackcloth^ with white thred, the y&rd ).t. zf:t: vj. ^ Saffro t. with filk, the yard Saddels of fteel, the piece Saffora, vide Barilla Saffore, the pound fa) — ■)• *• Saffron, the pound J-.l- *• »• ■white or Spanifli Salt, the bulhe! viij, d, white orSpani(h Salt, the wey, contain-?;j_ yj. t, viii ing forty bufhels — ■ £!••]•• }• Bay or French Salt, the bufliel Yj. d. Bay or French Sdt, the wey, contain- 7 . . . ing forty bu(hels — 5 '" ■ Salt-peter, the hundred weight, containing 112/. . pound — 5 '■ r Hand-faws, the dozen yj. s. viij. i, c„„. „„. 3 Tenants-faws, the dozen — xiij. s, iv. d. saws voc. < vsT,ip-faws, the piece v. s. t Leg-faws, the piece vj. s. viij. d, ("Double Says or Flanders Serges, the? . . ^ piece, containing fifteen yards — ^ X. 1. Si, ) Double Say or Serge, the yard — — xij. (. ^ I Mild Says, the piece — • ■ vj. 1, / Hounfcot Say, the piece, containing 24 Z vi I L yards — — — - J /' ' Scamoty, the yard ^j. s. Scamoty, the piece, containing feven and an half d. y^Jvii.s.vj.d. 7 " ' iij. I. .1. >ij. S. -ij.s. —J.L _j.L xuj. s. lilj. d. J.:. tne lb I •g f Silk g")Silk . iij. s. iv. d. , xiij. s, iiij. d. . I. ■ XV. s. nj. 1. .L Scifers, the groce, containing twelve doxen Sea-holly roots, the hundred weight, con taining 112 pound — — — Sea-morfe teetn, the pound — — SerM 5 °^ Athens, the yard —

  • ■"&= lot Florence, the yard' —

!for Shear-men, new, the pair — for Shear-men, old, the pair for Glovers, the pair — for Seamfters, the dozen — ~ ,.. vocat. Forceps, the groce, cont. 12 dozen xiij. s. iiij. d» for Taylors, the dozen — xvj. s Sheep imported from Ireland to England, by? v. 1 the fcore — — — — ^ ..' Shubs of Calabar, the piece or (hub — — 'j- '• Shumach, the hundred weight, containing 7 ii2pound — — — ' Shruff or old Brafs, the hundred weight, con- 7 taining 1 12 pound — — 5 "•'■ Sider, the tun — — — iv. 1. "Bridges filk, the pound, cont. 16 ounces ij. 1. Ferret or Floret filk, the pound, contain-? . . ing 16 ounces — — iTJ* Fillo~zel or Paris filk, the pound, contain- ( ing 16 ounces — — j ' Silk black, the pound, containing '( 6 ounces — — < Silk in colours, the pound, containing 1 y (_ 16 ounces — „ r Silk black, the pound, containing ( JJ ) 16 ounces — — < ^j Silk in colours, the pound, containing ] ^ (_ 16 ounces — — ( Orgafine filk, and all Thrown filk in the ] Gum, the pound, cont. 16 ounces °-^Pole and Kpanilh filk, the pound, con- taining 16 ounces — — '■ Raw China filk, the pound, cont. 14 ounces j. 1. Raw Morea filk, the pound, cont. 24 ounces x. s. Raw long filk of all forts (except Chipa) 7 the pound, containing 24 ounces — > x. s. Raw (hort filk or Capiton, the pound, 7 • -. . containing 24 ounces — —^XJ-^- viy. a. Sattin filk, the pound, containing 16 ounces ij. I. Sleeve filk courfe, the pound, cont. i6ounces xiij. s. Sleeve filk fine, or Naples fieeve, the 7 pound, containing 16 ounces - < Silk Nubs, or Hulk of filk, the pound, ' containing 21 ounces — 1 Thrown filk, the pound, dyed, containing 16 ounces — — — 1 "Imported in (hips, Englilh-built, direft-i ly from the Eaft-Indias, the pound > xv. s. weight, cont. 1 6 ounces — — J ' ' 2.^ of the Manufaflure of Italy, imported")

  • ' direftly from thence in Englilh-built / .

(hips, the pound weight, containing f J- 16 ounces — •— _ j [Dj » Ceo. I.e. 15. §•; niainmg / j. j_ ij. 1. X. xvj.; ij.L viij. d. iv. d. ■ ij. 1. xiij. s. ir. d.

'i- s-

v. L . 1. xiij. (. iv. d. Im^rted