Page:Ruffhead - The Statutes at Large - vol 3.djvu/208

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1^0 ,p« 4. Anno duodecimo Caroli II. A. 'D. 1660. .■«S Car. 2. c. 7. 8 GsQ. 1. e. 15. 7 & 8 W. 3. e, 20. W. ix. d. 1. Wax iv. d. Wadmoll, the yard . ■ Wainefcots, the hundred, cont. fix fcore I the hundred weight, cont. 112 pound jj. 1, vocat. hard wax, the pound iij. s Whale "Finns of Engliiji fiftiinj, imported by! Englifh in Engiifli ihipping, direftly from the V 1. 1. place, by the Tun J Wliale Finns not of Engli(h fimbig, by the Tun c. 1. Whet-flones, the hundred ftones, cont. five fcore xvj. s. viij. d,, Whipcord, the pound 1 viij. d. WhifHes, Cocks, or Bellows, the groce j.l. iv. s. Whittles, Cocks, or Birds of Stone, the fmall 7 jy ^^ groce, cont. 12 dozen 5 '- r Illandsorcreen-woad,theTonne,cont. 7 ^^ j^ Woad) twenty "hundred weight ■ 5 ■vocat. i Tholofe vroad, the hundred weight, 7 , j^ ^^. g_ ^^^ ^ (_ cont. 112 pound — - — "j. ' J- • • Worm-feed, vide Drugs r vocat. S. Omers narrow, or half? - j wr«>n.. J 3 worfted, the piece ^' ' worlteds < ^^^^^^ j^^^^i3 worfted, or broad / j- . I, worileds, thepiece — ■'■ r Box-wood for Combs, the thoufand' Wood 3 pieces '_ vocat. J Brazeil or Farnambuck wood, the 1 (_ hundred weight, cont. 112 pound ^ .Brazeletto or Gemeaco wood, the hund. v^eight '( containing 112 pound — .Ebonie wood, the hundred weight, containing ] H2 pound Fuftick, the hundred weight, cont. 112 pound Lignum vitas, vide Drugs . fPlanks of Ireland, "the foot — "S Guine . wood, the Tonne ■ o I Speckled wood, the'hundred weight, cont. 7 '•^ 112 pound " 5 Sweet wood of Weft-India, the hundred { j ] y 5 weight, cont. 112 pound ~S ' ' ' ^Timber of Ireland, the Tonne or load — xUj, s. Wfinl fBeverwooll, free "",; < Cotten wool, not of the growth of the 7 . . vocat. I Enghlh plantations, the poand _5'^-«* j.l- xiij. s. iv .d; j.l. XV,


j.l. j.s. viij. d. ij.l. v. s. i.d. 6b. XXX . 1. xiij. s. iv^ d. iv« d. Cotten wopU of the EHglffh plantations, f«S Eftridge wool! imported in Englifti built 1-' Ships, the hundred weight, cont. 112V pound, free . , i Irifh wool comb'iJ, the pound, free -;.— * Irilh wool uncomb'd, the hundred weight, cont. 1 12 pound, free ■ Lambs wooll, the hundred weight, con- taining 112 pound, free — ' Polonia wooll, the hundredweight, cont. 1 12 pound, free Spanilh wooll for clothing, the hundred" weight, cont. 112 pound, free; Spanilh felt wooll, the hundred weight, ] containing 112 pound, free — — ' Red wooll, the pound, free — • Wooll mixt in Stuffs, vide Stuffs '• Wreft for Virginals, the groce, cont. 12 dozen Jj_I. Iv.'s. fDagger and quartern wyer, the pound — i'j. s. iv. d. Ironwyer, the hundred weight, cont, 112^ pound vij. 1. X. s. g ,Lattin wyer, the hundred weight, cont. 7 . , ... ^^ 112 pound ^ vj. 1, xtij. s. IV. a. Steele wyer, the pound — iij. Strawlborough wyer, the pound — . iij. .Virginall wyer, the. pound . v. s. Wine-lees, the Tonne — iv.l. s. iv. d. "Cable yarn, tTie hundred weight, cont. 112 7 ^^, j_ j^ j pound — — 5 Camel or Mo-hair yarne, the pound Cotten yarne, the pound — < Grograine yarn, the pound Irifli yarne, the pack, cont. 400 weight, ', at fix fcore pound the hundred C^J — J Raw-Unning yarne, Dutch or French the ] pound 1]. s, J.s. nj. s. V. 1. j.s, , vj. d. vj. d. Sayle yartie, the pound " — '■ — ' Spruce or Mufcovia yarn, the hundred weight,? jj^l xiij. s. ivi d; cont. IJ2 pound j • ' ' ' ' 5 Scotch yarne, the pound J- *. Woollen or bay yarn, the hundred weight, cont. 7 jj;. j, yj. s, viij. d> 1 12 pound ——^— — — *" (a) 7&8 W. 3.C. 39. The Subfidie of Tonnage upon all "Wines to be brought into the Port of London, and all other Ports oi Eri'^land, and Dominions thereof, hj Englijh-men. GAfcoigne and French wines brought into 1 the Port of London, the Tonne to V iv. 1, x. s,. pay . i Brought into all other Forts, to pay iij. L Rhenifli wines brought .into, any Port, the Awmej. 1. Mufcad.els, Malmefies and other wines of the T Levant, brought into the Ports of London, ( .• Btiftol .or Southampton, the Butt or Pype r 'J to pay ' ■ J Brought into all other Ports, to pay ■ j. Sacks, Canaries, Malagaes, Maderaes, Rom- ~ neys, Hollocks, Baftards, Tents and AUi- .cants, brought into the Port of London, the Butt or Pype to pay — '■ - Brovight into all other Ports to pay -■ ■• ■ j 1. V. s; 1. x. s. V-ij. 1. V. s. — j. 1. X. s. All Merchant Strangers bringing in any forts of the faid Wines, are to pay thirty /hillings in the Tonne over and above the afori faid rates which the Native payes; including twenty (hillings the Tonne formerly paid to his M,ijeftie, by the name of Southamii- ton duties, for Mufcadels, Malmefies, and all other wines of the growth of the Levant. For which forts of Wines the ftranger is'alfo to pay to the. ufe of the Town of Southampton for every Butt or Pipe, the furh of ten ihillings.; Moreover, the ftranger is to pay the antient duty of Butlerage, which is two (hillings upon every Tonne. Note, that fuch Wines as (hall be landed in any of the Out- Ports and Cuftome paid, and afterwards brought to ♦he Port. of London by Certificate, (ball pay fo much more Cuftome, as they paid fhort of the duty due in the port of London. 8 -Geo. I. c. 15. ft&. 7.. Rates Outwards. A. A Lablafter, the load ij.L J-L AUome Englifh, the hundred weight, containing 112 pound ■ ■ Ai>othecary and Confeffionary wares of all? -• , forts, the hundred weight ■ ^ '!■ '* Anvils, the hundred weight, cont. 112 pound — x. s. Apples, thebufhell j.s. Apples vocs.t. Pippins, the bulhcU -j. s. Aquavits, the hojihead ij. 1. A(nes of Englilli wood, the laft, containing 7 ■ 1 ■ - • j twelve barrlls I ^ M- 1- xnj. s. iv. d I' B. 5 & 4 W & M. C.8. 3&4 W. & M, 6.8. Bacon, the flitch Baggs, .the dozen Bandaleers, the hundred collars ■ Beef, the barrell . — , Beer, tli2 tonne, vide after Merchandize outwards Beer Eger, the tonne Bell mettall, the hundred weight, cont. 112 pound Bellows, the dozen — — . Bullets, the thoufand ' . . ■ ■ X. s. "J 1. j.l IV. 1. VJ s. 'J- 1. Birding-pieces, thepiece, vide Iron-ware. Birdlime, the hundred. Containing 112 pound j.l. x. s. Boxes vocat. Tobacco boxes, vide Haberdafhery Bodies ies } vocat. ftitched Bodies, with filke, the 7 "Payr • 5 of whale-bone, the payr, vide Garments Bones vocat. Oxe-bones, the thoufand vj. s. viij. d. Books printed, unbound or bound, the hundred 7 weight, at 112 pound " " BralTe manufaftures of all forts, the hundred 1 weight, at 112 pound 1 Bridles, the dozen xvj. viij. d. -j. s. viij.d. -X. s. Brufhes Englifli, of Heath, the dozen Buckweed, the quarter, (vide Corn.) Buttons of hair, the fmall groce, containing? ^ . twelve dozen __^__ r J* °" Butter, good or bad, the barrel iij. 1. 'Barneftable courfe, of 20 pound weieht? „;: , ^and under, the bay - —-S j.l. yj. d. Manchefter or Barneftable fine and all") other fingle bayes, not exceeding 34 C pound weight, the piece , 3 Double bayes the piece, in weight from 7 . 34 pound weight to 60 pound weight, (a J >]• I. W II Sill. W. 3. c. JO. Bays