Page:Ruffhead - The Statutes at Large - vol 3.djvu/213

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A. D. 1660. Anno duodecimo Caroli II. C. 4. 165 XIII. That the Merchants trading into the Port of tonJon have free liberty to lade and unlade their goods at any the lawful Kcyes and places of (hipping and landing of goods between the Tower of London and London bridge, and between Sun-rifing and Sunfetiing from the tenth day of September to the tenth day of March, and between the hours of fix of the clock in the morning and fix of the clock in the evening from the tenth dayofMircito the arnhiay oi September, giving notice thereof to the refpeflive Officers appoint- ed to attend the lading and unlading of goods. And fuch Officer as ftiall refufe upon due calling to be prefent, he (halt forfeit for ev<*y default five pounds, the one moiety unto the King, and the other moiety to the party agrieved, and fuing for the fame. XIV. The Merchants of Tori, fC'wgJIoit fitter Hull, and Ncvicajlle ufm Tynr, and the members thereof, fhall be allowed free of Cuttome and Subfidie, two of the Nohhen Cloths and Kerfies in ten to be Jhipped in thofe Ports in the names of double wrappers, as ftirmerly hath been there allowed them. XV. The Merchants of Exeter, and other Weftern parts (liall be allowed free of Subfidie, one Perpetuanoe in ten for a wrapper, and three Devons dozens in twenty for wrappers, the fame to be fliipped out of the Ports of Exeter, Plymouth, Dartrrouth, Eamfiahk, Lyme Regis, or the members thereof. XVI. All Merchants tranfporting any fort of Woollen, whether new or old Drapery, as alfo Bayes and Cottons, (hall be allowed ohe in ten for a wrapper, free of Cuftome and Subfidie. XVII. Every Merchant (hall be allowed upon all other goods and merchandize appointed to pay to any the Subfidie of Poundage, according to the rule of this book, to be imported, five in the hundred of all the faid Suofidies of Poundage fo appointed to be paid. XVIXI. The Oflicers who fit above in the Cuftom-houfe of the Port of London, (hall attend the fervice of their feveral places from nine to twelve of the clock in the forenoon ; and one Officer, or one able Clerk, fliall attend with the book in the afternoon, during fuch time as the Officers are appointed to wait at the waters fide, for the better deciding of all controverfies that may happen concerning Merchants warrants. All other the Officers of the out Ports fhall attend every day in the Cuflom-houfe of every refpeflive Port for tli(- patch of Merchants and Shippers, between the hours of nine of the clock and twelve in the morning, and two and four of the clock m the afternoon. XIX. Every Merchant making an entry of goods, either inwards or outwards, (hall be difpatched in fuch order as he comcth ; and if any OfScer or his Clerk (hall either for favour or reward put any Merchant or his Servant, duly attending, by his turn, or other ways delay any Perfon fo duly attending, and making his entries aforefaid, to draw any other rL'ward or gratuity from him than is limited in the Aft for TonnagS and Poundage and this Book ; if the Mafter Officer be found faulty herein, he fiiall, upon complaint to the chief Officers of the Cuftom-houfe, be ftrictly admoni(hed of his duty ; but if the Clerk be found faulty therein, he fhall, upon complaint to the faid chief Officers, be prefently difcharged of his fervice, and not permitted to fit any more in the "Cuftom-houfe. XX. The Lord Major Communally and Citizens of the City of London, their Officers or Deputies, for and touching the Offices of Package, Scavage, Baleage or Portage ' of any Goods or Merchandize of Aliens, or their Sons born within this Kingdome, or Un-' freemen, imported or exported into or out of the City of London, or the Liberties or Ports thereof, unto or from the Parts beyond the Seas, for or concerning the receiving or taking of any fees or rates heretofore ufually taken, for or in refpeft of the faid Offices, or any of them, might and may receive and take the fame; any thing in the Aift for Tonnage and Poundage, or this Book, or any former Aft, to the contrary notwithflanding. XXI. All ancient duties, heretofore lawfully taken by any City, or Town Corporate, their Farmours, Deputies or Officers, under the name of Town Cuftom or the like, for the maintenance of Bridges, Keys, Harbours, Wharfs, or the like , fhall and may be received and enjoyed as formerly ; any thing in the faid Ait, or any other Ail or Book to the contraiy notwithftanding. "XXII. The under Searcher or other Officers of Gratiefead, having power to vifit and fearch any Ship outward bound, fhall not without jnft and reafonable caufe detain any fuch (hip under color of fearching the goods therein laden, above three tydes after her arriva? at Crai'ejend, under pain of lofs of their office, and rendring damage to the Merchant and Owner of the Ship ; and the Searcher or other Officer of the Cufiom-hcufe in any of the outports having power to fearch and vifit any fhip outvs'ard bound, fliall not withoutjufl and reafonable caufe detain any fuch (hip under Color of Searching the ^oods therein laden, above one tide after the faid Ship is fully laden and ready to fet fayle ; under pain of lofs of the office of fuch oftender, and rendring damage to the Merchant and Owner of the Ship. ■ XXIII. Note, That all Timber in Balks, which (hall be of eight inches fquare or upwards, that fhall be imported or brought from any part beyond the Seas into the Realm of England, Dominion oi iVala, Port and Town of Berztick, or any of them, fhall be rated according to the meafure of Timber, the foot fquare three pence for the Value thereof, and according to that Rule (hall pay for Subfidy twelve pence in the pound according to poundage, and all under eight inches fquare, and above five inches fquare, fhall pay for S'ubfidy according to the Rates mentioned in this Book of Rates for middle Balks, and all of five inches fquare or under (hall pay accord- ing to the Rate of fmall Balks. XXIV. For avoiding all oppreffions by any of the Officers of the Cuftoms in any Port of this Kingdom, in exafling unreafonable fees from the Merchant by reafon of any entries, or otherwife touching the ihipping or unlhipping of any Goods, War=re or Merchandize: It is ordered that no Officer, Clerk or other, belonging to any Cuftom-houfe whatfoever, fhall exaft, require or receive any other or greater fee of any Merchant or other whatfoever, than fuch as are or fhall be eftablilhed by the Commons' in Parliament affembled : If any Officer or other fhall offend contrary to this order, he fhall forfeit his Office and Place, and be for ever after uncapable of any office in the Cuflom-houfe. > XXV. All Fees appqinted to be paid unto the Cuftomer, Comptroller, Sui-veyor, or Surveyor General in the Port of Londcn for any Cockquet or Certificate outwards, fhall be paid altogether in one fum, to that Officer from whom the Merchant is to have his Cockquet or Certificate above in the Cuftom-houfe; and after the Merchant hath duly paid his Cuftom and Subfidy, and other duties above in the Cuftom-houfe, as is appointed by this book of Rates, he is to be Mafter of, and keep his own Cockquet or Certificate, until he (liall fllip out his goods fo entred, when as he is to deliver the fame to the head Searcher, or his Majefties under fearcher in the Port of London or other Ports, together with the mark and number of his goods.

XXVI. The Officers of the Cuftom-houfe for the time being, fhall allow and make good unto all Perfons, all fuch monies as are or

fiiall be due unto them for the half fubfidie ; and alfo the Algier duty of Foreign Goods formerly exported, now due and unpaid. • XXVII. The duties and fums of money appointed to be paid by the Ail of Subfidie of Tonnage and Poundage pafTed this Parlia- FartherPriviffoKl ment, and by the Book of Rates therein mentioned, and no other, fhall be paid to his Majefties Officers, during the continuance of the concervingCuftoms, faJd Ail, upon Goods imported or exported ; any Law, Statute or Ufage to the contrary notwithftanding. Neverthelefs, it is decla- 13 fef 14 Car. z. red, Tl'.at prizage of Wines, the duty called Euilerage, and the duty of Twelve-pence of every Chalder of Sea Coale exported from c, 11. Newcaftlc upon fjne to any other Port or Ports of this Realm, fhall be continued, 25 Car. i. c. 6. 2 ff.& M. Jlat. I. f. 4. Sf 10. 4£f5 »'. fsTM. c. 5. {s!i5. kW.& M. ex. 6 fif 7 ?*'. 3. c 7. 7£fg ^. 3. r. I0.6f 20. ' SSfg W. 3. f. 36. ^& laV/.i. c.z-^. i Ann. /li/.I. C16. 2yinn.c.g. 3 &f 4 y^n«. f. 5. i,Ann.c,(), % Ann. c. y, & zj. 1% Ann.Jiat.l. c.%. j Geo. J. c. ■;. 5 C?fo. I. f. II. 6 Geo. 1. c.zi. 7 Gro. 3. Jhu.x. c.%1. 8 C?«. I. c. 15, 18, Sf 31. 9GM. I. f. zi. ■ II Gi!!). 1. c. 7Sf^30. 12 Go. i. c. zS. i Geo. 2. _/?at. 2. <. 17. isGra. 2. c. 31. iS- Gcoi 2. c. z3, igCto.z. c. 34. 2iG«.2. c.zS. 28G10.2. r. 21. 3oG«.2. f. 18 ^f 19, andy,Geo.7,.,- memorandum, Ginger of the £?^/i/* Plantations, the' hundred weight, containing nz pound, tQ be rated at one pound, C A P.