Page:Ruffhead - The Statutes at Large - vol 3.djvu/219

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A, D. 1 6 66. Anno duodecimo Gauoli It :C. ii. 171 or other Felonies, fince the fourth Day of March irt' the Year c(f *ur Lwd .dine tfioufand fix h ndr^d 4"i of March fifty and nine ; any Thing in this A&. contained to h^ contrary thereof in any wife notwith- '*^9' ««?'«<'• XXV ill. Provided alfo, That neither this Act, nor any Thing therein contained, (hall extend to This Aa not to '«cquit or difcharge any Perfon or Perfons from making Reftitution of all fueh Rents, Sums of Money, extend loGnods Horfes, Cattle or other Goods, which by a certain Alft, or pretended Acl lately made, intituled, ^"pon. in aS for An A^ for Repeal of two J its for Scguejiratwis, are required to be reftored to thofe from vi^hom Repeal of two they were taken ; {%) nor fhall this prelent A6t be conftrued to difable or bar the refpeftive Owners or ^^ forScque- Proprietors of and from their feveral and refpeftivc A6lions or Suits at Law or in Equity, for or by '^"°"^* Reafon of the faid or any other Rents, Monies, Horfes, Cattle or Goods, which fmce the five and ■twentieth Day of July one. thouiand fix hundred fifty and nine have been by any Perfon or Perfons ■■wrongfully received or taken away, and for which the faid wrong Doers are- not in any wife indemnified '>t)y the faid or any other AA of Repeal. XXIX. And be it further enabled by the Authority aforefeid, ThaS'HO Perfon of Perfons v/ho by Goot. &<=• ft- Virtue of any Order or Warrant, mediately or immediately derived from his late Majefly, or his ?u.!ily pli" nt^ Majefty that now is, or by Virtue of any AtS, Ordinance or Order of any or both Houfes of Parliament, a«y piibiick or any of the Authorities aforefaid, or any Committee or Committees afting under them or any of them, Treafury. have feized, fequeftred, levied, advanced or paid to any publick Ufe, or into any publick Treafury within this Kingdom, any Goods, Chattels, Debts, Rents, Sum' or Sums of Money, belonging to any Perfon or Perfons whatfoever, (llall hereafter be fued, molefed or drawn into Quellion for th^ fame, but that they and every of them fliall be difcharged againft all Perfons, for fo mudi and no more of the faid Goods, Chattels, Debts, Rents, Sum or Sums o'f Money, ais their feveral and refpedtiVe Orders of Dilcharee or Acquittances extend unto. • ■ XXX. Provided alfo, That nothing herein contained fliall extend to difcharge any Perfon or Perfons Perfons who ^ho have been by private Order or Inftruftions employed and intrufted, or have undertaken the Enfi- '"'^ received -ployment, to receive any Sum' or Sums of Money for the King's Majefliy's Service or Supply, fince the fo°hi7Majd{y'$ year one thoufand fix hundred forty and eight, from making their Accounts for the fame. Supply, to ac- XXXI. Provided alfo. That this A61 fhall not extend to pardon or difcharge from Account to the ^"""^.f-, . King's Majefl:y any Perfon or Perfons, for any Sum or Sums of Money received forthat illegal Tax of uponDedrrTaticn Decimation, or upon the Account of any Militia fettled or aded in, finee one thoufand fix hundred not pardoned, forty and eight, and not accounted for or paid over, or difcharged to or by any that had Authority or ^pretended Authority to difcharge the refpeift>ive Receivers of the lame. XXXII. Provided alfo. That if any Perfon or Perfons, being his Majefty's menial Servant or S-ervants, Perfons thst ■or having or pretending to have received- particular Inftrudtions or'Diredions from his Majefliy, have, "^^^^ ^?) Direc during the Time of fuch his or their Relation unto his Majefty, or whilfi: he or they were adling or pre- (Jons froin Ws°* tending to aft for his Majefty 's Intereft, in Purfuance of .the laid InftrucSlions or Direftions^ wilfully, Majefty. and flialicioudy and traiteroufly held Intelligence -with any foreign Prince or Princes-, State or States,- or with 'L^'iL"^'^^ : -fehy Perfon or Perfons ufurping Supreme Authority in this kingdom or other his Majefty's Dominions, ■|,[s°MHJefty's° - Or with their or either of their Minifters or Agents, and without his Majefly's ■Licence, and to tli«' Intent Councils, ex- io betra,y his Majefty's Perfon or Councils, or have received any Sum or Sums of Money, or Penfion for "?'"*• fuch Treachery ; that then fuch Perfon or Perfons, as to the Offence in this Provifo mentioned, fhall 'be and and is hereby excepted out of this Aft; any Thing herein contained to the contrary notwith- ; .ftanding ; fo as fuch Perfon or Perfons be outlawed, or otherwife legally eenvifted of fuch Offence or Offences, within the Space of two Years from the five and twentieth Day oi 4pril one thoufand fix hundred and fixty. , , XXXIII. Provided, That this AA of General Pardon, or any Thing therein contained,- fhall not ^jftie^s^of^^^*. extend to the pardoning or difcharging of any Debts or Sums of Money due to or for th-e Ex-cife of any Farmarstheieof Goods or Merchandize, whereof any Entries have been made in the Cuftom-houfe, -which have grown excepted, due fince the twenty- fifth Day oi March one thoufand fix hundred fifty and eight, or to the- pardoning or <iifcharging of any Debts or Sums of Money due to the Farmers or pretended Farmers of Excife, firtce the twenty-fifth Day oi March one thoufand fix hundred and lifty-feven. XXXIV. Provided alfo. That this Aft, nor any Thing therein contained, (hall extend to Pardon, P|*m ejtcspt- Difcharge, or give any other Benefit whatfoever inio John LtJle,fVilUdm Say, 'SktHardfefs Waller^ Valentine* ^ ^■"*' Walton, 'Thomas Harrifon, Edward IVhalley, William Hevenlngham, Ifaac Pemmto?!i Henry Martin , John Barkftead, Gilbert Millington, Edmond Ludlow, Sir Michael Livefey, Roheft Tichboarn, Oivcti Row, Robert Lilbourn, Adrian Scroops J"^-'^ Okey, John Hezvfon, William Goffe, Cornelius Holland, Thoinas ■Challoner, John Careiv, John Jones, Miles Corbet, Henry Stniih, Gregory Clement, Thomas PVogan, fEdmond Harvey, Thornas Scot, Williani Cawley, John Downs, Nicholas Love, Vincent Potter, AugujTine ■ ' Garland, John Dixivel, George Fleetwood, Simon Mcyn, James Temple, Peter Temple, Daniel Blagrave, Thomae Wait, John Cook, Andrew Br ought on, Edward Dendy, William HevAet Hugh Peters, Francis Hacker, Daniel Axtel, nor any of them, nor to thofe two Perlons, or either of them, who j/^eing difguif- ^d by Frocks and Vizors, did appear upon the Scaffold erefted before Whitehall upon the thirtieth of _7(7OTw?7 one thoufand fix hundred forty and eight : (2) All which Perfons for their execrable Treafon in ilntencing to Death, or figning the Inftrument for the horrid Murder, or being inftrumental in taking away the precious Life of our late' Sovereign Lord Charles the Firf^, of glorious Memory, are left to be proceeded againft as Traitors to his late Majefty according to the Laws of England, and are out of this' prefent Aft wholly e'xcepted and foreprized. <■ XXXV. But in regard the faid Ozff« Rozv, Jugujline Garland, Edmond Harvey, Henry Smith, Henry ^^^^^l^lf^^

  • Martivy SxT Hardrefs Waller, Robert Titchbourn, &esrge Fleetwood, Jaijus -Tefnplii Thomas Wait, ^'-'W^ dred themiUves".

Z a ' Mcyn,