Page:Ruffhead - The Statutes at Large - vol 3.djvu/285

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A. D. 1662. Anno decfmo tertio & quarto Carctli II. C. 11. 237 Entring excepted) upon Pain to forfeit one hundred Pounds ; (6) and upon Refufal to make fuch Entries asaforefaid, as well Outwards as Inwards, the faid Perfon orPerfons which are or fliall be appointed for ma- naging tlie Cuftoms, and Officers of his Majefty's Cuftoms, and their Deputies, fhall and may freely enter and go on Board all and every fuch Ship or VefTel of War, and bring from thence on Shore into his Ma- jefty s Store-houfe belonging to the Port where fuch Ship ftiall be, all Goods and Merchandizes prohibited or uncuftomed, which fhall be found aboard any fuch Ship, as aforefaid, IV. And be it hereby enaded. That the faid Perfon orPerfons which are or fhall be appointed for ThtPowerof managing the Cuftoms, and Officers of his Majefty's Cuftoms, and their Deputies, are hereby authorized Officers (or ma- and enabled to go and enter aboard any Ship or Veffel, as well Ships of War as Merchant-Ships, and from Iiom"^ ' ^ "" to enter thence to bring on Shore all Goods prohibited or uncuftomed, except Jewels, if they be Outwards bound ; and fearch Ships (2) and if they be Ships or VeiTels Inwards bound, from thence to bring on Shore into his Majefty's Store- ^"^ Vefliis. houfe, as aforefaid, all fmall Parcels of fine Goods, or other Goods, which ftiall be found in Cabbins, Chefts, ! Trunks or other fmall Package, or in any private or fecret Place, in or out of the Hold of the Ship or Vcf- , fel, which may occafion a juft Sufpicion that they were intended to be fradulently conveyed away ; ( 3 ) and i all other Sorts of Goods whatfoever, for which the Duties of Tonnage and Poundage were not paid orcom-

pounded for within twenty Days after the firft Entry of the Ship, to be put and remain in the Store-houfe

j aforefaid, until his Majefty's Duties thereupon bejuftlyfatisfied, unlefs the faid Perfon or Perfons which are I or Ihall be appointed by his Majefty for managing the Cuftoms, and Officers of the Cuftoms, (hall fee juft ! Caufe to allow a longer Time, and that the faid Perfon or Perfons which are or ftiall be fo appointed to manage the Cuftoms, and the Officers of the Cuftoms, and their Deputies, may freely ftay and remain aboard, until all the Goods are delivered and difcharged out of the faid Ships or Veflels ; (4) And if any Mafter, Purfer or Boatfwain, or other taking Charge in any Ship or Veffel, or any other Perfon whatfoever, fliall fuffer any Trufs, Bale, Pack, Fardel, Cafk or other Package to be opened aboard the faid Ship or Vef- fel, and the Goods therein to be imbezilled, carried away, or put in any other Form or Package, after the Ship comes into tiie Port of her Difcharge, in every fuch Cafe the faid Mafter, Purfer, Boatfwain or others, fhall forfeit the Sum of one hundred Pounds. i V. And be it further enacted by the Authority aforefaid. That in Cafe after the Clearing of any Ship or Goods concealed i VefTel, by the Perfon or Perfons which are or fhall be appointed by liis Majefty for managing the Cuftoms, i" any Ship after I or any their Deputies, and difcharging the Watchmen or Tidefmen from Attendance thereupon, there <='^*""S- 1 fhall be found on board fuch Ship or Veffel, any Goods, Wares or Merchandizes, which have been con^ '■-. cealed from the Knowledge of the faid Perfon or Perfons which are or fhall be fo appointed to manage the I Cuftoms, and for which the Cuftom, Subfidy and other Duties due upon the Importation thereof, have j not been paid ; then the Mafter, Purfer or other Perfon taking Charge of fuch Ship or Veffel, fhall forfeit

the Sum of one hundred Pounds
(2) And it fhall be lawful to or for any Perfon or Perfons, authorized The Penalty,
by Writ of Affiftance under the Seal of his Majefty's Court of Exchequer, to take a Conftable, Headbo- 1^ J^ of ji !jli( dJn-Ce.

I rough or other publick Officer inhabiting near unto the Place, and in the Day-time to enter, and go into^ ^ "^ i ) 1, ' '. any Houfe, Shop, Cellar, Warehoufe or Room, or other Place, and in Cafe of Refiftance, to breik open ttoac/t/r Jta.( o^ (Iv

Doors, Chefts, Trunks and other Package, there to feize, and from thence to bring, any Kind of Goods (ouni oL bet /i c & u.^

or Merchandize whatfoever, prohibited and uncuftomed, and to put and fecure the fame in his Majefty's • " Store-houfe, in the Port next to the Place where fuch Seizure fhall be made* j VI. And for the better Increafe of Shipping and Navigation, Be it further enacSed, That the Colledors An Account to ' and other Officers of his Majefty's Cufloms in all the Ports of England, fhall forthwith give an Account be given nf aii unto the Colle6tor and Surveyor in the Port of London, (appointed by his Majefty for all Duties and Matters au"^ p^rts oilnE- . relating to a late Aft, intituled, Jn A6i for encreafing and encouraging of Shipping and Navigation,) of all fo- land. reign-built Ships in their Ports, owned and belonging to the People of England, of what Built and Burthen they are, for which Certificates have been made according to the faid Atil, and that the faid Colleftor and '* ar. »• c 1 • Surveyor fliall make a true and perfeft Lift of all fuch Ships attefted under their Hands, and tranfmit the fame into his Majefty's Court or Exchequer, on or before the Month oi December in the Year one thoufand fix hundred fixty and two, there to remain upon Record : (2) And that no foreign-built Ship (that is to Foreign-builc fay) not built in any of his Majefty's Dominions of Jfta, Africa or America, or other than fuch as fhall ^^^'P^ "°yp . {bona fide) be bought before the firft of O^^^^r one thoufand fix hundred fixty and two next enfuing, and j^g7oVship7be- exprefly named in the faidLifl, fhall enjoy the Privilege of a Ship belonging to England or Ireland, although longing to Eng- ownedor manned by jE'w^///?' (except fuch Ships only as fhall be taken at Sea by Letters of Mart orReprizal, land or Ireland, and Condemnation made in the Court of Admiralty, as lawful Prize) but all fuch Ships fhall be deemed as Aliens Ships, and be liable unto all Duties that Aliens Ships are liable unto by Virtue of the faid A<5t for Increafe of Shipping and Navigation. (3) And whereas it is required by the faid Aft, thatinlundry Cafes the Mafter and three Fourths of the Mariners are to be Englijh, it is to be underftood, that any of his Majefty's Subjefts of England, Ireland, and his Plantations, are to be accounted Englijl), and no others, and that the Number of Mariners be accounted according to what they flia'l have been during the whole Voyage. (4) And whereas of late fome of the Perfons appointed by his Majefty ibr Managing the Cuftoms, and the Officers of the Cuftoms and their Deputies, have been hindred, affronted, abufed, beaten anal wounded, to the Hazard of their Lives, in the due Execution of their feveral Trufts and Services in their refpeftlve Places, by armed Companies and Multitudes of Men, and Goods prohibited and uncuftomed have by Force and Violence, as well by Land as by Water, been forcibly carried and conveyed away; (5) ThePunifbment Be it enafted by the Authority aforefaid. That where any Officer or Officers ftiall be by any Perfon or Per- a^'^.w offKefs fons, armed with Club, orany Manner of Weapon, forcibly hindred, affronted, abufed, beaten or v/ounded of the Cuitoms» as aforefaid, either on board any Ship or Veffel, or upon the Land or Water, in the due Execution of their Office, all and every Perfon and Perfons fo refiffing, affronting, abufing, beiiting or wounding the faid 0- ficer or Officers, or their Deputies, or fuch as fhall aft in their Aid or Affiftance, fhall by the next Juftice of Peace, or other Magiftrate, be committed to Prifon, there to remain till the next Quarter-Seffions : (6) And