Page:Ruffhead - The Statutes at Large - vol 3.djvu/316

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ivulfttl^tf*^. 268 C. 7. Anno decimo quinto Caroli II. A. D. i663;[ ' this Kingdom for the prefent lying in a Manner wafte, and yielding little, which might thereby be im- ' proved to confiderable Profit and Advantage (if fufficient Encouragement were given for the laying out ' of Coft and Labour on the iame) and thereby much more Corn produced, greater Numbers of People, ' Horfes and Cattle imployed, and other Lands alfo rendred more valuable :' eeed1ng°cerialn H. Be it enadled by the King's moft Excellent Majefty, with the Advice and Confent of the Lords Spi- Rates may be ritual and Temporal, and the Commons, in this prefent Parliament alTembled, and by the Authority tr^nfpor ed. thereof ; and it is hereby enacted, That from and after the lirft Day of September in the Year of our Lord ons'reZth'z'herc- One tlioufand fix hundred fixty and three, and from thenceforward, when the Prices of Corn and Grain to, I IV. '& M. JVinJjeJJer Meafure do not exceed the Rates hereafter following, at the Havens or Places where the fame ^W'^i^'^'^ fliall be fhipped or loaden, {viz.) The Quarter of Wheat, eight and forty Shillings; the 'Qiiarter of "20/^ " ^' Barley or Malt, eight and twenty Shillirtgs ; the Quarter of Buck- wheat, eight and twenty Shillings j the 12 ©■ 13 W. 3. Qiiarter of Oats, thirteen Shillings and four Pence ; the Quarter of Rye, two and thirty Shillings ; the '"• ^°' Quarter of Peafe or Beans, two and thirty Shillings current Englijh Money ; that then it fliall be lawful I 'Gm'.'i!'c?%. for all and every Perfon and Perfons to Ihip, load, carry and tranfport any of the faid Corns or Grains 5 Get). 2. c. 12. from the Havens or Places where they rtiall be of fuch Prices, unto any Parts beyond the Seas as Mer- 'ag"' *" c"' chandize ; any Law, Statute or Ufage to the contrary notwithftanding ; paying fuch Rates for the fame, W26 Gm.2. c. and none other, as are to be paid when the fame might have been tranfported by one Ail pafled this pre- 15- fent Parliament, intituled, A Suhfidy granted to the King of Tonnage and Poundage.. ^-^'^^V *^' '^' IIL And it is hereby further enadled by the Authority aforefaid. That when the Prices of the aforefaid be impo?t?rf!an5 Corns and Grains do not exceed the Rates above-mentioned refpeclively Winchcjler Meafure, at the Haven whatCuftomto or Place into which any of them fhall be imported from any Parts beyond the Seas, there fliall be paid be paid, for the Cuftom and Poundage of every Qiiarter of Wheat, five Shillings and four Pence ; and for every Quarter of Rye, four Shillings ; and for every Quarter of Barley or Malt, two Shillings and eight Pence; and for every Quarter of Buck-wheat, two Shillings ; and for every Quarter of Oats, one Shilling foui ' ' Fence ; and for every Qiiarter of Peafe or Beans, four Shillings, IV. And it is hereby further enadted by the Authority aforefaid. That when the Prices of Corn ot Grain IVineheJier Meafure do not exceed the Rates following at the Mai'kets, Havens or Places where the fame (hall be bought, {viz.) the Quarter of Wheat, eight and forty Shillings ; the Quarter of Rye, two and thirty Shillings ; the Qiiarter of Barley or Malt, eight and twenty Shillings ; the Quarter of Buck- wheat, eight and twenty Shillings ; the Quarter of Oats, thirteen Shillings and four Pence ; the Qiiarter of Peafe or Beans, two and thirty ShiUings ; that then it fnall be lawful for all and every Perlbn an3 Per- fons (not forefcalling nor felling the fame in the fame Market within three Months after the Buying there- of) to buy in open Market, and to lay up and keep in his or their Granaries or Houfes, and to fell again, fuch Corn or Grain of the Kinds aforefaidy as without Fraud or Covin fhall have been bought at or under the Prices before exprefled, without incurringany Penalty; anyLaw,StatuteorUfage to thecontrarynotwithflranding. Plantations be- ' V. And in regard his Majefty's Plantations beyond the Seas are inhabited and peopled by his Subjedts yond the Ses. £ gf this his Kingdom of Engiaiid ; for the Adaintaining a greater Correfpondence and Kindnefs between ' them, and keeping them in a firmer Dependance upon it, and rendring them yet more beneficial and ad- ' vantagious unto it in the further Imployment and Increafe oi Englijh Shipping and Seamen, Vent oi Eng- ' lij}} Woollen and other Manufadlures and Commodities, rendring the Navigation to and from the fame ' more fafe and cheap, and making this Kingdom a Staple, not only of the Commodities of thofe Planta-

  • tions, but alfo of the Commodities of other Countries and Places, for the Supplying of them ; and it

' being the Ufage of other Nations to keep their Plantations Trade to themfelves :' ' Commodit'es of VL Be it enaCted, and it is hereby enadted. That from and after the five and twentieth Day oi Mard Sa-^'^i^^ ^"f* °"^ thoufand fix hundred fixty-four, no Commodity of the Growth, Produdtion or Manufacture oi Eu- Europe, how to rope, fliall be imported into any Land, Ifland, Plantation, Colony, Territory or Place to his Majefty be- be imported in longing, Ot which fliall hereafter belong unto or be in the Pofielfion of his Majefty, his Heirs and Suc- s"w'!n '" ceflTors, in Jfw., Africa or America., {Tangier only excepted) but what fliall be bona fide, and without Fraud. Repealed' as to laden and fhipped in England, Wales, or the Town oi Berwick upon Tweed, and in Englijh built Shipping, iiifh Linen by or which were bona fide bought before the firft Day of 05lober one thoufand fix hundred fixty and two. 3 ^ 4 Anns, ^j^j j^g^ ^^^^s. Certificate thereof as is diredled in one Adl paflTed the laft Seflions of this prefent Parliament & Car 2 intituled. An Ait for preventing Frauds, and regulating Abufes in his ]l4ajefiy's Cufiomsy and wherecf flit c? n.'* ' ' Mafter and three Fourths of the Mariners at leaft are Englijh, and which fliall be carried diredlly thence to the faid Lands, Iflands, Plantations, Colonies, Territories or Places, and from no other Place or Place; TheP«nalty. whatfoever ; any Law, Statute or Ufage to the contrary notwithftanding ; (2) under the Penalty ot tht Lofs of all fuch Commodities of the Growth, Produdion or Manufaflure of £?<r«i/'f, as fliall be importec into any of them from any other Place whatfoever, by Land or Water; and if by Water, of the Ship 01 Velfel alfo in which they were imported, with all her Guns, Tackle, Furniture, Ammunition and Ap- Earel ; one third Part to his Majefty, his Heirs and Succeflbrs ; one third Part to the Governor of fucL and, Ifland, Plantation, Colony, Territory or Place, into which fuch Goods were imported, if the I'ait: Ship, VeiTel or Goods be there feized or informed againft and fued for ; or otherwife that third Part alk to his Majefty, his Heirs and Succeffors ; and the other third Part to him or them who fliall feize, inforn orifue for the fame in any of his Majefty's Courts in fuch of the faid Lands, Iflands, Colonies, Plantati- ons, Territories or Places where the Offence was committed, or in any Court of Record in England, b] Bill, Information, Plaint or other Adlion, wherein no Eflbin, Protedion or Wager of Law fl-iall be allowed VII. Provided always, and be it hereby enaded by the Authority aforefaid. That it (hall and may b lawful to fliip and lade in fuch Ships, and fo navigated, as in the foregoing Claufe is fet down and ex SaltfotFilheries. preffed, in any Part of Europe, Salt for the Fiftieries of iVwy-^^/^/tf/ziand Nnvfoiindland, and to ihip am ' lade in the Madera's Wines of the Growth thereof, and to fliip and lade in the'Weftern Iflands oi Azon Wines of the Growth of the faid Iflands, and to fliip and take in Servants or Horfes in Scotland or Ireland and to (hip or lade in Scotland all Sorts of Vidual of the Growth or Production of Scotland, and to fliip lade in Ireland afl Sorts of Viitual of the Growth or Produdlion of Ireland, and the fame to tranfport inti 130(0,1.0.5. any of the faid Lands, Iflands, Plantations, Colonies, Territories or Places j any Thing in the foregoin; Claufe to the contrary in any wife notwithftanding. ' VIII. Ani