Page:Ruffhead - The Statutes at Large - vol 3.djvu/318

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270 C. 7' Anno deeimo quinto CaROli IL A. D. 1663 Farther Prbvi- and for every Head of great Cattle of the Breed of Scotland that fhall be imported or brought into Eng- her"etois'car ^'"' ' ^'^'^^^^i ^^ ^he Town of Berwick, after the four and twentieth Day of Augujf, and before the twen- 2.'T°i. ' "' tieth Day oi Dece?nber in any Year, there fhall be paid to his Majefty, his Heirs and SuccefTors, the Suir For ScotsCattle, of twenty Shilhngs; and the Sum of ten ShilUngs to him or them that fhall inform or feize the fame- c^s^AlicTe'e ^"'^ ^^^ ^^'"^ often Shillings to the Poor of the Parifh where fuch Seizure or Information (hall be made' c. . r ic e . ^^^^ recovered and levied by Bill, Plaint or other Adtion, wherein no ElToin, Protedion or Wager in Law (hall be allowed. EXP. XIV. And moreover, That there (hall be paid to his Majefty, his Heirs and SuccefTors, foreyerr Sheep which fliall be imported into England, M-^aks, or the Town oi Berwick aforefaid, after the firft Day oi Augujl, and before the twentieth Yiz.-^ oi December, in any Year, the Sum often Shillings of lawful Money of j&w^/rt^^, to be recovered and levied in Manner aforefaid, TheContinu- XV. Provided always. That this A<5t, in fo far as it relates to great Cattle or Sheep, fhall not take ance of this Aft Place till the firft Day of July one thoufand fix hundred fixty and four, nor continue longer than the End t?on°of'cauie." of the firft Sefllon of the next Parliament. Encouragement XVI. And for the Encouragement of the Herring and North-Sea Ifland, and Weftmony Fifheries, {z) of Herring be it enadted, and it is hereby enafted by the Autliority aforefaid. That from and after the firft Day oi Au-. Ai'iere'"b i ^^ft which ftiall be in the Year of our Lord one thoufand fix hundred fixty and four, no Frelh Herring, Geo. I. sfat. 2. Plefti Cod or Haddock, Coal-fifta or Gull-fifh, ftiall be imported into Etiglani, Wales, or the Town of c. 18, §. I. Berwick, but in Englifi-hvAx. Ships or Vefi"els, or in Ships or Veflels bo7ia fide belonging to England, JValei or the Town of Berwick, and having fuch Certificate thereof as is abovefaid, and whereof the Maften and three Fourths at the leaft of the Mariners are E?iglifl}, and which hath been filhed, caught and taken in fuch Ships or Veflels, and fo navigated, and not being bought or had of any Strangers born, or out of any Strangers Bottoms, under the Pain of the Forfeiture of all fuch Herring, Cod, Haddock, Coal- fifti or Gull-filh imported contrary to the true Intent and Meaning hereof, and of the Ship or Veflel in which it was imported ; (3) one Moiety of which Forfeitures Ihall be to his Majefty, his Heirs and Suc- cefTors ; and the other Moiety to him or them that fhall inform, feize or fue for the fame, to be recovered by Bill, Plaint or other Adtion, wherein no Eflbin, Protedtion or Wager in Law fliall be allowed. Duties to be paid XVII. And be it further enaded, and it is hereby enadled by the Authority aforefaid. That for the tionVTaked or following Sorts or Kinds of lalted or dried Filh, which from and after the faid firft Day of Juguji fhall .dried Fifh. be imported inX.o England, Wales, or the Town oi Berivick, in any other Ship or Veffel than what is See farther con- E?iglijh-hit OX htloTigmgio Enghmd, Walcs, or Tovnn oi Berwick, and having fuch Certificate thereof as ccrni^g Fijhtry, abovcfaid, and whereof the Maimer and three Fourths of the Mariners at leaft are Englijli, and not having 1° n'c.^g. been fifhed and caught in fuch Ships or VefTels, and fo navigated, there fhall be paid by Way of Cuftom 4©' 5^, £f M. and Impoft the feveral Sums of Money herein after particularly mentioned, (that is to fayj For Cod-flfh. 'i-A-n. ^^ Barrel, five Shillings ; for Cod-filh the Laft, containing twelve Barrels, three Pounds ; for Cod-fifh 9 Am. r. 26. ^^ Hundred, containing fixfcore, ten Shillings ; for Coal-filh the Hundred, containing fixfcore, five Shil- xCco.-i.Stat.z, lings; for Lings the Hundred, containing fixfcore, one Pound; for White Herrings the Laff, contain- <6"L" I c 18 '"^ twelve Barrels, one Pound fixteen Shillings ; for Haddocks the Barrel, two Shillings ; for Gull-fifk ^3 Geo. !'c. 2*6. the Barrel, two Shillings. §. 7. 26 Geo. 2. c, 9t 30 Geo, 2. c, 21 £f 30. and 33 Geo. 2. c, 27. The further Pe- ' XVIII. And forafmuch as planting and making Tobacco within this Kingdom oi England doth con- naity for plant- ' tinue and increafe, to the apparent Lofs of his faid Majefty in his Cuftoms, the Difcouragement of the England!" '" ' ^"i^^/^^ Plantations in the Parts beyond the Seas, and Prejudice of ihis Kingdom in general, notwith- 12 Car. 2 c. ■!4. ' ftanding an Ait of Parliament made in the twelfth Year of his faid Majefty's Reign for Prevention Farther ProY'fi- ' thereof, intituled, Jn Aff for prohibiting the Planting, Setting or Sowing of Tobacco in England and Ire- 'T,7z&itcar. ' ^^"^: (^^ ^^^ forafmuch as it is found by Experience, that the Reafon why the faid Planting and 2.' c. 26. " " ' Making of Tobacco doth continue, is. That the Penalties prefcribed and appointed by that Law 'are fo ' &q'^ '■• ^- ' l^fl^' ^s have neither Power or EfTedt over the Tranfgrefibrs thereof;' (3) For Remedy therefore of fo 'i^& iiW.'{°' S^^'^ '^'^ ^vW, Be it enaded by the Authority aforefaid. That all and every the Perfon or'Perfons whatfo- ever, that do or fhall at any Time here^ter fet, plant or fow any Tobacco in Seed, Plant or otherwife, C. 21. %^nn '^'^' in or upon any Ground, Field, Earth or Place, vithin the Kingdom oi England, Dominion oi Wales, 8 Jm. r'. 13*. Iflands of Guernfey and Jerfey, or Town of Berivick upon Tweed or Kingdom of Ireland, fhall, over and izAm.St.x'c.%. above the Penalty of the faid Ad for that Purpofe ordained, for every fuch Offence forfeit and pay the

g'°o i' 'e '^^' ^^^^ °^ ^^" Pounds for every Rod or Pole of Ground that he or they fhall fo plant, fet or fow with To- 

5 Cm.' I', e'.ll'. bacco-, and fo proportionably for a greater or lefTer Quantity of Ground ; one third Part thereof to die 5 Geo. I. c. 21'. King's Majefty ; one other third Part thereof to the Ufe of tl-.e Poor of fuch refpedtive Parifh or Parifhes 6 28°' '■ "■ "^ wherein fuch Tobacco fhall be fo planted, fet or fowed ; and the other third Part tliereof to him or them 'ziGio.i. e.r. '^bat fhall fue for the fame, to be recovered by Action of Debt, Bill, Plaint or Information, in any of 24 c™. 2. c. 41. his faid Majeliy's Courts of Record at Wejlniinfler, wherein no Eflbin, Protection or Wager of Law fhall «'-^='6G«.2,f.i3. be allowed. * XIX. And it is hereby further enaded. That in cafe any Perfon or Perfons fhall refift or make forcible Oppoiitiou againft any Perfon or Perfons in the due and through Execution of the faid Ad of the twelfth '■ of his faid Majefty's Reign, that he, flie or they, fo refifting and making forcible Oppofition, fhall over and above the Penalties therein mentioned for fuch Offences, be committed to the Common Goal of the County where fuch Offence fhall be committed, there to remain without Bail or Mainprize, until he, fhe or they,_ have entred into a Recognizance to his Majefty, his Heirs and Succeflbrs, with two fufficient Sureties, often Pounds Penalty, not to do or commit the hke Offence again. blcci'°hntld°in ■^■^•' P.™'^'^^^ always. That this Act, nor any Thing therein contained, flhall extend to the Hindrance fh'y'ii'ck-Gar- '" °T ^^J^'^ice of planting Tobacco in any Phyfick-Garden of either of the Univerfities, or any other private dens. Garden for Chirurgery, fo as the Quantity fo planted exceed not the Half of one Pole in any one Place or Gaiden. frr'^lrin'^'^f ^^^' Provided alfo, and be it enaded, That it fliall and may be lawful to import Cattle of the Breed Man. ^ ^ ° of the Ifie of Man, not exceeding fix hundred in any one Year, ^nd Corn of the Growth of tliat Ifland,- 8 out