Page:Ruffhead - The Statutes at Large - vol 3.djvu/494

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4 4^ C. 4, 5. Anno fecundo Gulielmi & Marine. Sefl*. i. A. D. i6go. Burn, V. 1. 335. ' in. And whereas their Majefties are contented and pleafed that it be enafted, That the Rates, Impo- ' fitions, Duties, ani Charges by this A61: given and granted to them as aforeiaid, fliould he made a Fund of ' Credit for the railing a Sum not exceeding two bundred and fifty thoufand Pounds, towards the reducing ' of Ireland^ and carrying on the prefent War againft the King, not doubting but that their good ' Subjefls (in whofe Love and dutiful AfFedions their MajeiUes are firmly perfuaded^the Strength and ' Glory of the Crown doth principally confift) will in due Time n^.ake Provifion for the taking off and ' dii'charging the faid Anticipations : iJe it therefore enafted, l^c. EXP. If their Ma- jefties die, given to their Siicceffors ti:l December ifig-. Oaufc of Credit for 250,000!. at 8 per Cent. 'Ihree Parts in four to be kept apart tythe Commifiioners of the Excife till December 1G93, and the IWoney to be paid weekly into the Exchequer. Power given to the King ro fettle 20,000 1. per Annum upon Piin- cefsAnuc. Their IVl.ijeft:es mny I'ettle 20,000 1, pet Annum u,pon Prince George, &c. if Princjfs Anne die befora theit Majeft.e., CAP. IV. An Aft for granting to their Majefties a Subfidy of Tonnage and Poundage, and other Sums of Money payable upon Merchandizes Exported and imported. Continued by 6 W. & M. cap. j. for five Yean. Tonnage and Poundage given to the King for four Years. Several Acts continued ibr four Years. Claufe of Credit for 500,000*"/. at 8 per Cent. EXP, 12 Tar. 2. c. 4 J2 Car. 2. c. 19. , 13 & 14 Car, 2. c. II. 22 Car. 2. c. 13. 25 Car. 2, c. 6. 25Car. 2.c. 7. I Jac 19. c A r. V. An Aft for enabling the Sale of Goods diftrained for Rent, in cafe the Rent be not paid in a peafonable Time. Goods di- ftrained for Rent may be appraifed and fold. Farther pro- vided for by 8 .^nn. c, 14. II Geo. 2. c. 19 Corn loofe, &c. may be detai.ned and feld.

  1. rtMe Da-

»jai;GS for Pound-breach. 1 Uitw. 213. Carthew 321. HERE AS th? mofi: ordinary and ready Way for Recovery of Arrears of Rent is by Diftrefs, yet fuch Diftrefles not being to be fold, but only detained as Pledges for enforcing tiie Payment of "■ fuch Rent, the Perfons diftraining have little Benefit thereby:' For the Remedying whereof, II. Be it enafted and ordained by the King's and Qtieen's moft Excellent Majefties, by and with the Advice and Confcnt of the Lords Spiritual and Te i poral, and Commons, in this prefent Parliament alienibled, and by the- Authority of the fame. That from arfd after the firlt Day of Jttne in the Year of our Lord one thoufand fix hundred and ninety, that where any Goods or Chattels fhall be diftrained for any Rent re- ferved and due upon any Demife, Leafe, or Contraft whatfoever, and the Tenant or Owner of the Goods fo diftrained Ihall not within Jive Days next after fuch Difirefs taken, and Notice thereof (with the Caufe of fuch Taking) left at the chief Manfion-houfe, or other moft notorious Place on the Premif- fes charged v/ith the Rent diftrained fo.'-, replevy the fame, with fufficient Security to be given to the She- riff" according to Law, that then in fuch Cafe, after fuch Diftrefs and Notice as aforefaid, and Expiration of the faid five Days, the Perfon diftraining fliall and m.iy, with the Sheriff or Under Sheriff of the ■County, or with the Conftable of the Hundred, Parifh, or Place where fuch Diftrefs fhall be ti>ken (who are hereby required to be aidi..g and ainfting therein) caufe the Goods and Chattels fo diftrained to be appraif^-d by two fworn Apprailers (whom fuch Sheriff", Under Sheriff^, or Conftable are hereby iii. powered to fwear) to appraife the fame truly, according to the beft of their Undeiftandings ; and after fuch Ap- praifement fhall and mr.y lawfully fcil the Goods and Chattels fo diftrained for the belt Price can be gotten for the fame, towards SatisfaiStion of the Rent for which the fiid Goods and Chattels tr^all be diftrained, and of the < harges of fuch Dii'refs, Appraifment, and Sale, leaving the Overplus (if any) in the Hands of the faid Sheriff, Under Sheriff', or Conftable, for the Owner's Ufe. ' III. And whereas no Sheaves or Cocks of Corn loofe or in the Straw, or Hay in any Barn, or Gra- ' nary, or on any Hovel, Stack, or Rick, can by the Law be deftrained, or otherwife fecuredfor Rent, ' whereby Landlords are often Times coufened and deceived by their Tenants, who fell their Corn, Grain, « and " " ■ ■ ^ ' . ,, . - „ , „ ... • avoid the , . . , - . ^ f(jr any Perfon or Perfons having Rent arrear, and due upon any fuch Demife, Leafe, or Contraft as aforefaid, to feize and fecure any Sheaves or Cocks of Corn, or Corn loofe or in the Straw, or Hay lying or being in any Barn or Granary, or upon any Hove!, Stack, or Rick, or otherwife upon any Part ot the Land or Ground charged with fuch Rent, and to lock up or detain the fame in the Place where the fame ftiall be found, for or in the Nature of a Liftrefs, until the fame fhall be replevied upon fucli Secu- rity to be given as aforefaid ; and in Default of replevying the fame as aforefaid, within the Time afore- faid, to fell the fame after fuch Appraifrnent thereof to be made ; fo as neverthelefs fuch Corn, Grain, or Hay fo diftrained as aforefaid, be not removed by the Perfon or Perfons diftraining, to the Damage of the Owner thereof, out of the Place where the fame fliall be found, and feized, but be kept there (as im- pounded) until the fame fliall be replevied, or fold in Default of replevying the fame within the Time aforefaid. IV. And be it further enafted by the Authority aforefaid. That upon any Pound-breach or Refcous of Goods or Chattels diftrained for Rent, the Perfon or Perfons grieved thereby fhall, in a Aiftion upon the Cafe for the Wrong thereby fiiftained, recover his and their treble Damages and Cofts of Suit againft the Offender or Offenders in any fuch Refcous or Pound-breach, any or either of them, or againli I the L