Page:Ruffhead - The Statutes at Large - vol 3.djvu/505

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A. D. 1690. Anno fecundo Gulielmi ^ Mari^. SefV. 2. C. 8. 457

  • other Cafes relating to the Streets, Pavements, and Common Ways ;' may it therefore pleafe your moft

excellent Majetlies that it may be enaifted : II. And be it enabled by the King's and Queen's moft Excellent Majeftics, by and with the Advice and iuhjbit.'.nt( m Confent of the Lords Spiritual and Temporal, and Commons, in this prcfent Parliament aficmbled, r,nd ^^^'' '^'j^ ^'•^• by the Authority of the fiime, that from and after the fifteenth Day of December one thoufand fix hundred sJ,„"^Ji/j and ninety, all and every Perfon and Perfons inhabiting in the faid Parifhes of Middle/ex and IVeJ't >n'u]Jh'i ^ v/cek. and the Liberties thereof, and in the Borough oi Soutbivark, or in any of the faid Streets, Lanes, or Al- leys, comprized within theAveekly Bills of Mortality, and the Tow^n of Kenftngton, fhall tv;ice in every Week (that is to fay, on every Wednefday and Saturday at the leaft) fweep and clean fe, or caufe to be fwepc and cleanfed, all the Streets, Lanes, Alleys, and publick Places, before their refpedtivc Houfcs, Builit- ings, and Walls, and the Buildings and Walls of Churches, and other publick Places, to the End the Dirt and Soil in the f.iid Streets may be ready for the Scavenger, Raker, or other Officer appointed for that Purpofe, to carry away, upon Pain to forfeit three Shillings and four Pence for every Offence or Negle(fl p.-nalt^. refoeftively ; and that no Perfon or Perfons whatfoever fball throw, caft, or lay, or caufe, permit, or No I'^rCm to fufter to be thrown, caft, or laid, any Seacoal Afhes, Duft, Dirt, Rubbifh, Dung, or other Filth or An- ""^ *"" -'^■--'» noyance in any open Street, Lane, or Alley, within the faid City or Places aforei'aid, before his, her, or^j'^'^^""' their own Dwelling-houfes, Stables, Buildings, or Walls, or the Buildings and Walls of Churches, Church-yards, and other publick Places, on the Penalty of five Shillings; and no Perfon or Perfons {hall Enlarged by 8 lay any Aflies, Dirt, or Soil, before the Houfes, Buildings, or Walls of any Perfon or Perfons, Inhabi-^9W. j.c. 37. tants of the City, Parifhes, or Places aforefaid, or before or againft any Church, Church-yard Wall, or^"'" any of their Majefties Buildings, Palaces, or Places whatfoever ; or fhall cafl, lay, or throw, or caufe to be cart, laid, or thrown into any common or publick Sink, Vault, Water-courfe, or common Sewer, or Highway, within any of the Parifhes or Places aforefaid, or any other private Vault or Sink of any oi" the Inhabitants aforefaid, any Afhes, Dirt, Filth, Ordure, or any other noifome Thing whatlbever ; but Bit dial! d.-!'- fliall keep, or caufe the fame to be kept in their refpoitive Houfcs, Yards, or Backfides, or the Yards, or" '•'« '^'""f*- Backfides of Churches, and other publick Buildings, until fuch Time as the Raker, Scavenger, or other ^^„'°_' '^ ^"^ Officer thereto appointed of the faid Ward, Parifh, Street, or Place where they dwell, or fuch Churches or Buildings, as do come by or near their Houfes, Doors, or Places, v/ith his Cart, Barrow, or other Thing or Things ufed for the cleanfmg the Streets, and carrying av/ay thereof, and then {hall car- ry, or caufe to be carried, the faid Afhes, Dirt, Dung, or other fuch Filth or Annoyance aforefaid, out of their Houfes, Yards, and Backfides, and deliver it unto the Raker, Scavenger, or other Officer, or otherwife to put the fame into his Cart, Barrow, or other Thfng as aforefaid, upon Pain to forfeit the i-cnalty. Sum of tv^enty Shillings for every fuch Offence. III. And be it farther enafted by the Authority aforefaid; That the refpeclive Churchwardens, and theChurrhw.irdens, Houfe-keepers and other Keepers of IVhitthall, Somerfet-Houfe, Saint James's Houfe, and Sjint ya?n:s's^^-'^^^^^- Park, and the Guard-houfes and Stables near it, and other their Majefties Houfe; ; and t'je Uflicrs, Por- ters, or Keepers of Courts of Juftice, and all other publick or other Houfes and Places refpeftively, {hall be liable to and fuffer the like Penalties, Forfeitures, and Punifliments for every the beforementior.ed Of- fences or Neglefts done, commi;ted, or fuftered to be done before any Church or Church-yard, or b:fo:e any of their Majefties Houfes, Buildings, or Walls, or before any Houfes, Buildings, or V/alls, or before any publick Buildings, Houfes, or Places whatfoever. IV. And be it further enadted by the Authority aforefaid, That from and after the faid fifteenth Day of ",'^<'P5 Bar- December, no Perfon or Perfons ftiatl hoop, wafh, or cleanfe any Pipes, Barrels, or other Calks or Veffels"^"^' *'^' in any of tlie Streets, Lanes, or opirn PafTages aforefaid ; nor fnall fet out any Dui'.g, Soil, Pvubbifh, or empty Coaches to make or mend, or rough Timber or Stones to be fawn or wrought, in the Streets, on the Penalty of twenty Shillings for every Oft'ence. Pcnalry. V. And be it further ena£ted by the Authority aforefaiJ, That the Rakers, Scavengers, or other Offi- Scavengers to cers thereunto appointed, every Day in the Week, except Sundays and other Holidays, fhall bring or """y "^y ^" caufe to be brought Carts, Dung-pots, and other fitting Carriages, into all their refpe£tive Parifhes, Li- ' *°' mits, PrecinSs, Streets, Charges^ and Divifion-;, where fuch Carts and Carriages can pafs, and at or before their Approach, by a Bell, Horn, or Clapper, or otherwife, fhall make diftindl and loud NoifCj and give Notice to the Inhabitants thereof of their coming, and make the like Noife, and give the like No- tice in every Court, Alley, or Place, unto which the faid Carts cannot pafs, and abide and ftay there a convenient Time, in fuch fort that all Perfons concerned may bring forth their refpeftive Duft, Dirt, Alhes, Filth, and Soil, to the refpeftive Carts and Carriages fo ftaying as aforefaid ; all which the_ laid Rakers, Scavengers, or other Officers aforefaid, {hall daily carry, or caufe to be carried 'away upon Pain to Penalty. , forfeit forty Shillings for every fuch Offence or Neglefl; refpedfively.

.■ VI. And be it further enaiSted by the Authority aforefaid. That all Open Streets, Lanes, and Alleys, Pay=J Suctt;

' which now are paved, within any of the Parifhes or Pl.ices aforefaid, fhall be from time to time repaired, ™ '°^"' '" amended, and paved, at the Cofts and Charges of the Houfeholders Inhabitants in any fuch Streets and ^^^"' Lanes, rej'peftively ; and where any Houfes {hall be empty and unoccupied in any fuch btreets and Lanes, then to be paved and repaired at the Charge of the Owners or Proprietors thereof in Alanner fqllowlng (that. is to fay) Every of the faid Houfholders, Owners, or Proprietors of Houfes, to repair, pave, and keep repaired, amended, and paved, the Streets, Lanes, or Alleys before his Houfe, Stables, or Out- houfes, fo far as his Houfing, Walls, or Buildings extend, unto the Dentef-ftone, Chanel, or Aliddie of the fame Street, Lane, or Alley ; upon Pain to forfeit twenty Shilling-, for every Perch or RoJ, and after Vol. in. 3N