Page:Ruffhead - The Statutes at Large - vol 3.djvu/515

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^,,15. 1:690. Anno fecyado Gux-ielmi 6c Marine, Seff. 2. C. 11=714; 467 ■.','-*■.■ ^- .. . ■ - " , ■ ' .. ' ' CAP. XI. (21.) J»4'Aik for ■appointing and enaBJing Comtniffioners to exiimine, take, and ftate the piihlick Accounts.of li X P. ' ' ,.'.;' ■■•■■■ ' the Kijigdotn. • £xp. Revived &y ^k 6W. &cM. cap. 23. </// 25- April 16.95. '■ •■.'•■••' '

-;iCAP. XII.' . fsi?.^ ■

tf^ffi^ for niifing the Militia of this Kingdom, for the Year pne tbovifand fix hunared hiiicty and one, al- though the Month's Fay formerly advanced be not repaid^. J^xp. C A P. XIII. (■23. j An' Affjt.for.Breyenting Vexatious Suits. againfl fuch as a£ted for their Majcfties Serviccj in Defence .of -thqE x r. Kingdom. C A P. XIV. (24.) An Ad for the more effetflual putting in Execution an Aft, intituled, Jn A£l for prohibiting ~dtl Trade and Commerce ifith}incQ. [Continued by 4 & 5 W. & M. cap. 25. for three Years, if the War with France di& fo long ] ' l^/HEREAS by an A<Sl made in the firft Year of their Majefties Reign, intituled. An ASl for pro^ ' VV .hihiting all Trade and Commerce with Yx2XCQ, it was provided, That if any i^r^w.^ Wines, Vine-' ' gar, Brandy, .Linen, Silks, Salt, Paper, and other Commodities, of the Growth, ProduiSi:, or Manu^ ' fiiiSnre of Prance, or of the Territories or Dominions of the French King, or any Goods, Commodities, ' or Manufsftures, mixed with any Goods or Commodities being of the Growth, Produ£t, or Manufac- ' turc of any of the Dominions or Territories of the French King, fhould be imported contrary to the ' faid Aft, they fhould be ftaved, fpilt, deftroyed, or burnt, in ftich Manner as is by the faid Aft di- ' rected : Notwithftanding which, divers of the faid Goods, Commodities, and Manufadtures taken, or ' pretended to be taken, as Prizes, have been imported, but not llaved, fpilt, burnt or deftroyed, ac- ' cording to the Provifion of the faid Aft:' For Remedy whereof, and for the more effeftual p.utiirig t]Ve faid Aft in Execution : . , ' . - II. Be it enafted by the King's and Queen's mofl; Excellent Majeflies, b5 and with tlie Advice and Penalty on OS- ■Conlent of the Lords Spiritual and Temporal, and Commons, in this prefent Parliament aflemblcd, and'^"<=fi«'"*'"S' 'by the Authority of the fame. That if any Officer or Officers of the Cufloms or Prizes fliall wilfully or JcBowingly fufFer any of the faid Goods, Commodities, or Manufaftures, imported as Prizes oi'.oihe.cwife, Xlonti-ary to the faid Aft, to be admitted to an Entry, or tobeembezilled, and not ftaved, fpilt,, burfit, or .deftroyed,. in fuch Manner- as by'tbe -faid Aft -is direfted ; every fuch Officer or Officers ihali, .,bein,g ihere- of lawfully convifted, forfeit the Sum of five hundred Pounds, whereof .one Moiety to :b£ their M^jef-* ties, their Heirs, and Succefibrs, and the other Moiety to fuch Perfon or Perfons as fhall difcover and fue for the fame, and alio Oiall for ever afterwards .be iiicapablc of having or execiiting any Office in their Ma- jeflies Revenue. EXP. W. & M. , c. 34. i -pofed to Sale for Wine, or fliall fell the fame for a greater Price than .by the aforementioned Aft is .ap- pointed, and fhall be con'ifted thereof by the Confeffion .of the Party, .or by the .Oath icifitwo credible Witneilcs, before one or more Juftice or Juftices of the Peace of the County, City, .'or Place .where fuch, Offence fhall be committed (who are hereby required and impowered to adminifter an Oath to that Pur- pofe) fuch Perfon being profecuted for 'fuch Offence -within thirty Days next after fuch Offence coirimit- ^ ted j that then every Perfonfo offending fhall forfeit and pay for every fuch Ofience the Penalty and Sum of fifty Shillings, which, if not puid upon Demand, fhall be levied by Diilrefs and Sale of the Goods and Chattks of every fuch Offender, by Warrant under the Hand and Seal of the Juftice. or Juftices be- fore whorji fuch Conviition fnall be made ; which ^Vaprant■the faid, Juftice and Juftices are h'^re;hy im- powered and required to grant 'to the Conftable, Headborough, or Tythingman of ithe Parifti or Place where fuch Offence fliall be comm-itted, who are hereby required and authorized immediately to levy the faine accordingly, -rendring ihe Overplus to the Owner thereof; the iiiid Penalty, Eorfciti'.re, and Monies lo levied, to be given to the Infonner ; and for want of fu-fficieni: Dfftrefs, the. Oifender fl:ial! be. committed to ;the common Gaol, there to remain without Bail orMainptize, until he .fhall pay the faid Money and Penalty, and all neceffary Coffs and Charges of fuch Conviftion and Profecution ; the :faid Colts to be taxed by 'the Juftice or Juftices before whom'the faid Conviftion was made. IV. Provided, That where any. Offender '{hall be puniflred by -Force of this Aft, -he .fhall not he pro- Perfon puniiicd fecuted, .nor incur the Penalty of any other Law or Statute for the .fame ^Ofic.nce ; and that no ^Vrit or"=^"Ft frotn Writs Kti Certiorari ihall be granted or allowed to fuperfede or remove any Conviftion or Proceedings jn KoX'Sru'curi purfuance of this Aft, but-that Execution and all other Proceedings, ihall had and jnude" ° thereupon ; any -fuch W-rit or Writs, or Allowance thereof -notvv^ithltanding. 3 O 2 ' V.