Page:Ruffhead - The Statutes at Large - vol 3.djvu/557

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Af. D. 1692. Anno quarto Gulielmi & Mari^. G. 5. 509 twenty Shillings, more than is now paid for the fame, and fo in proportion as aforefaid. (23 For Canes called Rattans imported within the faid Time, five Shillings the thoufand, 5s. per i.coo. more than is now paid for the fame, and fo in proportion as aforefaiJ. (24) For every Copper, 7 s, 6d. per loolb. hundred Weight of Copper, called Rofe Brick, Copper Coyn, and all call Copper (con- taining one hundred and twelve Pounds) imported within the faid Time, feven Shilling? and fix Pence more than the fame is charged with in the faid Book of Rates, and fo in pro- portion for any greater or lefier Quantity. (25) For every hundred Weight of Copper, Copperplates, 12s. 6d. p^r Part -wrought, as Plates, Bars, Rods, or raifed (containing one hundred and twelve Pounds) •o"'- imported within the faid Time, twelve Shillings and fix Pence more than is no at paid for the fame, and fo in proportion for any greater or lefTer Qiiantity. (26) For every hundred Cippc-r w: ought, 17s. 6 6. ^et Weight of Copper fully wrought (contaijiing one hundred and tv/elvc Pounds) imported '°°"'- within the faid Time, feventeen Shillings and fix Pence more than is now paid for the fame, and fo in proportion as aforefaid. (27) For Coral Beads, and all poliilied Coral Coml,. lol. per tool, imported within.the faid Tims, twenty Pounds for every hundred Pounds Value, more man the fame is charged with in the faid Book of Rates, and fo in proportion for any greater or leiTcr Quantity. (28) For all Manufactures of Cotton only (except Dimity) not brought Cotton Mjrufjclurcs, 5I. per ir-om Eciji India or Cb'ma, imported within the faid Time, 'five Pounds for every hundred "°°'" Pounds Value, more than the fame are charged with in the faid Book of Rates, and fo in- proportion for any greater or leffcr Qiianiity. (29) For every hundred Pounds Value of Courics, lol. per 100 1. Couries imported within the faid Time, ten Pounds more than is now paid for the fame, and h in proportion as aforefaid. (30) For Elephants Teeth imported within the faid Elephants Teeth, loJ. per tool. Time, ten Pounds for every hundred Pounds Value, more than the fame are charged with ! in the faid Book of Rates, and fo in proportion for any greater or lefler Quantity. (31) For Flax rough imported within the faid Time, five Pounds for every hundred Pounds Flax rough, 5I. periool. Value, more than the fame is charged with in the faid Book of Rates, and fo in proportion for any greater or lefTer Quantity. (32) For Flax drefTed or wrought, imported within ths Flax wrought, 15 1. per icol. faid Time, fifteen Pounds for every hundred Pounds Value, more than the fame is charged Vfith in the faid Book of Rates, and fo in Proportion for any greater or lefTer Qiiantity. < (33) For every hundred Pounds Value of Tow imported within the faid Time, five Pounds Tow, 5I. per looi. mere than the fame is charged with as aforefaid, and fo in proportion as aforefaid. (34)

F.or every Yard of Flannel im.portcd wi.hin the faid Time, two Pence more than the fame Fknnei, 2d. p?ry.!rd.

I is charged with -in the faid Book of R-ates. (35) For e^■ery Yard of Frize imported within ^"■^<^, ^i- halfpenny per Yard. j the faid Time, three Pence halfpenny more than the fame is charged with in the faid Book I of Rates. (36) For every hundred Pounds Value of Furs of all Sorts imported within f"") 5!- period, j the faid Time, five Pounds more than the fame are charged with in the faid Book of Rates, ! and fo in proportion for any greater or lefTer Quantity. " (37) For Gold and Silver Thread, Gold Thread, &c. 5 1. per icoJ. and Wire Counterfeit, imported within the faid Time, five Pounds for every hundred Pounds Value, more than the fame are charged with in the faid Book of Rates, and fo in proportion for any greater or lefTer Quantity. (38) For every Pound of Goats Hair, called Gonts Hair, Carmenia, 4d. per lb. Carnienia Wool, imported within the faid Time, four Pence more than the fame is charged with in the faid Book of Rates. (39) For every Pound of Goats Hair of any other Sort, *^™'^ ^^"' common, 2d. per lb. imported within the faid Time, two Pence more than the fame is charged with in the faid Book of Rates. (40) For Hides 6f all Sorts drefl'ed and undrelFed (except Buff and Lofh) ^^'> S^- P'^'-.-coi, imported within the faid Time, five Pounds for every hundred Pounds Value, more than the fame is charged with in the faid Book of Rates, and fo in proportion for any greater or lefTer Qiiantity. (41) For every BufF Hide imported within the faid Time, two Shillings Buff,' 2 s.. per Piece, more than the fame is charged with in the faid Book of Rates. (42) For every Lofh Hide Lofli Hides, i s. per Pietei imported within the faid Time, one Shilling more than the fame is charged with in the faid Book of Rates. (43) -For Hemp rough imported within the faid Time, five Pounds for Hemp, 5I. periool. every hundred Pounds Value, more than the fame is charged with in the faid Book of Rates, and fo in proportion ■ for any greater or lefTer Quantity. (44) For Diamonds, Pearls, Diamonds, il. period. Free, Rubies, Emeralds, and all other Jewels and precious Stones im.ported within the faid Time,. ^ *^^°' ^- <^- 7' . twenty Shillings for every hundred Pounds Value, to be affirmed by the Oath of the Im- porter, in lieu of all Impofitions and Duties now payabje for the fame, and fo in propor- tion for any greater or lefTer Quantity. (45) For every Pound of Indico of foreign Planta- -Indico, 4d. per ib. tion, not being of the Growth of any of the Dominions or Plantations belonging to the Crown of En^land^ imported within the faid Time, four Pence more than the fame is charged with in the faid Book of Rates. (46) For every Pound of Indico of the Growth Plantation Indico, 2 d. per !b; of the Dominions cr Plantations belonging to the Crov.'n of England, imported within the -faid Time, two Pence more than the fame is charged with in the faid Book of Rates. (47) For all Iron, Iron Pots, Kettles, Backs for Chimnies, Iron flit or hariimered into Rods, Iron Pots, &c. from Irehrd, by 7 Frying-pans, Anvils wrought fingle, white and black Plates, double white and black & ^ W. 3. c. 10. §. 17^ Plates, and all other Iron Wares imported from Ireland within the faid Tirne, the fame imposed fr"™°lrd3nd Duty" tae! rjpeftive Duties as are laid on Iron and Iron Wares imported from any foreign Part, by a w. &.M. ff, 2. c. 4. one hSt made in the fecond Year of their Majefties Reign, intituled, An AB for granting to their Majeflies certain Impofitions upon all Eaft India Goods and ManufaSlurcs, and upon all Wrought Silks-, and feveral other Goods and. Merchandizes, to be imported after the five and -. . twentieth