Page:Ruffhead - The Statutes at Large - vol 3.djvu/599

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A. D. 1694. Anno quinto Gulielmi 8c Marine. C. 10. 551, Fraud and'Covin, an 1 foi- the Difcovery of the juft Quantity of all Sorts of Coals to be imported as afore- faid, Ouill remain and be in Force, and by Virtue of this prcfcnt A£i (liall and may be cxercifed and pit in Ufe for the collecting, levying and .'jcovcring the faid Duty of fix Pence, accordmg to the Purport and Y.d'cii of the aforelaid Acf, and under the fame Penalties in all and every Refpccl', and that for and during all the Time by this A6t limited and appointed for the Payment of the faid Impofition, as if the fame were I'xprefly mentioned in this prefent A6t, with Reference to the faid Inipofiiion thereby impofed : All which ie.s fo to be received upon Account of the faid rcfpeftive Lnpofitions of four Pence, and fix Pence, or All the Mmey onii

iny other additional Duty, in cafe of Concealment thereof, as by the aforefaid Aft is appointed, and'° l>- P iJ i"t«

all other the Suir.s of Money hereby appointed as Part of the faid Fund, fhall from Time to Time be p.jjj'i'i^ t:hambcr. into the Receipt of the Chamber of the City oi London^ and {hall be and is appropriated towards the raifir.j;; fuch a iund as afcrefaid, and applied tov/ards the Difcharge of the faid Debts. XI.' And be it cnacled by the Authority aforefiid. That ail and every Officer and Officer, or other Officers to gi%e Perfon or Peribns wharfoever concerned or vo be concerned in the Receipt of any of the Sums by this Act ^'^""'y- appropriated to the Ufes albrefaid, before he or they fliall be admitted to take upon him or them the 'Kxe- rion of any thj iaid OiMce or OfHccs, he or they (hill be bound with llifiicicnt Sureties to the faid

,iyor, Con-imonalty aiid Citizens, for the jufl
and faithful h.xccution of fuch Office or Employment, in

lacli rtafonablc Sum or Sums, as by the faid Mayor or Court of Aldcrrnen fhall be thought Acting, with Refpcit to this prefent AiSt, and to the T'ruft hereby repofed in fuch OfHcer or Officers. XI.I. And to the Intent that the faid Fund may be perpetual,^ be it further enafted by the AuthorityCity Landc aforefaid. That from and after fuch Time as the aforefaid Impofition of fix Pence hereby laid fliall ceafe^^'?^ ^'■^I* and d'termine, all and every the Manors, Mcfliiages, Lands, Tenements, Markets, Fairs and the Duties °°° ' thereof, and all other the Revenues of and belonging to_ the laid City of Londou, in Pofleffion or Reverfion, fhall Hand and be cha,gcd with the full yearly Sum of fix thoufand Pounds (over and above tlw faid yearly Sum of eight thoufand" Pounds) and is hereby appropriated and ena£ted to be applied to the fame Ui'es, to which the laid yearly Sum of eight thoufand Pounds is herein before made li.ible. XIII. it further enacted by the Authority aforefaid. That all and every the aforefaid yearly and How much of other Rents and Payments, Ilfues, Profits,- Duties, Impofitions, Sum and Sums of Money whatfoever, byM^°?I'o'^3 this Ait appointed to be laifed, charged, paid, collected, had," received or made by, out of, or for any the p^j^^ani hu^^^ Matters or Things, or by any the Ways or Aieans herein before mentioned, fhall (deducling thereout fuch neceffary and reafonable Salaries and A^Uowances, as the faid Mayor and Court of Aldermen fhall think fit to allow to any Perfon or Perfons, whom they fliall employ for the colleiSIing, receiving or paying the fam*) from 'I'ime to Time for ever, in the firft Place be applied by the Mayor, Commonalty, and Citizens of the faid City, for the Payment of the annual Gum of four Pounds of lawful Money for the Intereft of every one hundred Pounds, and proportionably for a greater or leffer'Sum, of the above 'mentioned refpei£l;ie Debts, and all the Intereit thereot due on the faid five and twentieth YJcXj oi Decenther one thoufand fix hundred ninety-three, to any Orphan of the faid City, or the Executors, Adminiftrators or Affigns of any fuch Orphan, and alfo for the Payment of the like yearly Intereft of four Pounds for every hundred Pounds principal Money, and the Intereft thereof, to be computed as aforefaid, due at any Time between the iaid five and twentieth Day oi Di:cL'?nher one thoufand fix hundred fifty-five, and the faid. five an-d twentieth Day of Decemher one thoufand fix hundred ninety-three, upon Bond, Bill, or Note, liable to pay Intereft, from the faid Mayor, Commonalty, and Citizens, unto any Peribn or Perfons whatfoever, or to fo much thereof only as the faid Monies,- by this Aft appointed to be raifed and paid as aforefaid, fhall yearly amount unto, to fatisfy and pay towards the faid Intereft- to the faid Orphans, and other the faid Creditors of the faid Mayor, Commonalty, and Citizens, or their refpeftive Executors, Adminiil:rators or Artigns, equally in proportion to their refpeftive Intereft, the faid Payments to be made twice in every Year (that is to fay) on the Feaft Days of Saint Thomas the Apoftle, and Saint yohti the Baptift, or within fourteen Days after : The firft Payment thereof to be made on the Feaft Day of Sai7it Thomas the Apoftle, which fhall be in the Year of our Lord one thoufand fix hundred ninety-four, or within fourteen Days after: And the faid Monies, or any Part thereof, ihall not be applied, iftued, or paid to any Ufe, Intent or Purpofe whatfoever, by Virtue of any Order or Warrant whatfoever, other than for the Ufe aforefaid- ; but all Orders and Warrants for iffuing, paying or difpofing any of the faid Monies, contrary to the true Intent and Meaning of this Aft, fliall be utterly void. .XIV. And be it further enafted by the Authority aforefaid. That the Provifion hereby made for Orphans to^^ac- 'Payment of the faid Intereft A'). on ey for ever, fliall be and is hereby declared to be in full Satisfaftion and '^""'i'.'^^-' ^^' Difcharge of and for tire Debts due from the faid Mayor, Commonalty, and Citizens of the faid City "^ ■ '°"" of London^ to the fiiid Orphans, and others their faid Creditors, and of and from all Intereft due or to be due for the fame, unto the f-ive and twentieth Day c,{ Decemher one thoufand fix hundred ninety-three; and th;it all and every the faid Orphans and Creditors, or their refpeftive Executors, Adminift-rators or j lAffigns, fhall, according to ufual Cufloin, acknowledge Satisfaftion of their refpeftive Debts, paying to the Officers concerned fuch Fees only as the Mayor and Court of Aldermen for the Time being fhall I .direft and appoint, not exceeding thirteen Shillings and four Pence for every thoufand Pounds ; and the

faid Mayor, Commonalty, and Citizens of the faid City of London, and their Succeflbrs, are and fliall be

hereby acquitted and difcharged of and from the fame. XV. And to the End the faid Monies may be duly applied to the Ufes aforefaid, for which the Books of Re- i fame. are by this Aft appointed and appropriated. Be it further enafted i>y the Authority aforefaid, ceipts and Dif--

'■ % ""["Jj^j. biirfements to 

be E5pt.