Page:Ruffhead - The Statutes at Large - vol 3.djvu/665

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A. D. 1696. Anno feptimo &c odavo Gulielmi III. C. 22. 609 faring-men, who (hall be flain, killed, or drowned, in the Sea-Service, and the Children of fuch Seamen, drowned m the Watermen, Fifhermen, Lightermen, Bargemen, Keelmen, or Seafaring-men, fo flain, killed, or drowned, ^^7^^^=J^Y^_,^^' and not of Ability to maintain or provide comfortably for themfelvcs, fhall be received into the faid Hof- ^['^^^ f^'^_ pital, and there be provided for ; and the faid Children (hall be educated at the Charges of the faid Hofpital, Farther provided till they are fit to be put out, or of Ability to maintain themfelvcs ; all which (hall be done fo far forth as (or by S .1- 9 W. the faid Hofpital (hall be capable to receive fuch difabled Seamen, and fuch Widows and Children as afore- 3- <'-^i- §• '• faid, and as the Revenues thereof will extend for the Purpofes aforefaid, and according to the Rules, Or- /j* 'P u'ld ders, and Conftitutions, to be provided and fettled for the faid Hofpital, and the Government and Regu- J,,„„li ^'.^^ lation thereof. appoint difabied Seamen, &c to " Regiftred Seamen withdrawing themfelvcs in Time of War from the King's Service, and not repairing be m.iint.iincd, " on Board in 30 Days after Summons, if not detained by Sicknels, to lofe the Benefit of this Aft, and " ferve fix Months without Pay, This A61 not to alter the Punifliment inflided by 13 Car. 2. (tat. i. " c. 9." X. And be it further ena£l:ed by the Authority aforefaid. That when and after five and twenty Years, fr„n"M'r. 25? to be reckoned from the five and twentieth Day of March one thoufand fix hundred ninety and fix, (hall 1696. none to' be expired, no Perfon or Perfons whatfoever (hall be capable of being a Brother of Trinity Houfe of be a Brothor of Deptford Strand, but only fuch as at the Time of his or their Election, or before, (liall be, or (hall have Trinity Houfe been, a Seaman, or Seamen, Watermen, Fi(hermen, Lightermen, Bargemen, Keelmen, regiftred in Pur- 5"^ regiftred fuance of this A6t ; and that every Seaman whatfoever, that (hall ferve His Majefty, His Heirs, or Sue- ed.perMenfem cefTors, or any other Perfon or Perfons whatfoever, in any of His Majefty's Ships, or in any Ship or Vef- to bepaU out of fel whatfoever, belonging or to belong to any the Subjects of England, or any other His Majefty's Domi- ailSeamensWa. nions, fhall allow, and there (hall be paid out of the Wages of every fuch Seaman to grow due for fiich |" towards the his Service, Rx. 'Pence per Men/ern for the better Support of the faid Hofpital, and to augment the Reve- Q"j.^P°^^;°f j^^^ nues thereof for the Purpofes aforefaid ; which Monthly Allowance (hall and may be collecSted, levied, and pitai. recovered, by fuch Officers, and according to fuch Rules and Methods, as (hall in that Behalf be ap- By 2 & 3 Annse, pointed by the faid Commiflioners for executing the Office of Lord High Admiral of England, or any <^- (>■ §• ?■ poor three or more of them, or by the Lord High Admiral of England for the time being. ^°y^ affigned . over to the Sea, " By 10 Annas, c. 17. ^. i. Perfons employed in Boats, &c. are to pay 6 J. per Menfem. Further Provi- fd.'perMe^fem'^ " fions relating to the Payment of 6 d. per Menfem by z Geo. z. c. 7 and c. 36. §,-9 & io. 18 Geo. z. c. 3 1. till theAgeof is' " Abode of regiftred Seamen to be certified by two Juftices. Perfons under 18 or above 55 not obliged to '_' ferve. Commillion or Warrant Officer not intitled to the Bounty or liable to the Penalty. Admiralty '"' may difmifs regiftred Seamen on Mifbehaviour." XV. Be it alfo enadted. That Licences (hall at any Time be given by Order of His Majefty, or the Licences to te Lord High Admiral, or Commiflioners of the Admiralty for the Time being, to any' Landmen defirous to given to Land. apply themfelvcs to the Sea Service, to ferve in Merchant Ships, or other Trading VefTels, which (hall be "?^" ^jji"* to them a Protedtion againft being imprefTed, for the Space of two Years following the Date of fuch Li- chan'^t Ships] cence : Provided that fuch Landmen bring to the Regifi:er two credible Perfons, Inhabitants, or known in the Place where they fo enter themfelves, who (hall affert their Knowledge of fuch Landmen for two Years paft, and in what rrofeffion or Bufinefs they have known them employed j and that if any Perfon fhall vouch any one for a Landman, who (liall afterwards be proved to be a Seaman, he fliall forfeit the Sum of twenty Pounds, to be levied in Manner, and to the Ufes aforementioned ; and that any Seaman per- Penalty on falfe fonating or taking another's Name, or any Seaman or other Perfon whatever, counterfeiting any Licence, vouching or per- fhall forfeit twenty Pounds, to the faid Ufes, and be liable to fuch further Puniftjment as by Law may '""'"""g ano- be infliiSted for fuch a Fraud or Mifdemeanor ;, and any Seaman fo offending as above (hall be incapable feitlng Lkenc^" of the Benefit of this Aft. Farther Pra-vi- .•••#-i'-n -nt n -i J^^"^ concerning " Seamen inhabiting in the Cinque Ports may be there regiftred. Regifters to be appointed by the War- Seamen, g &f 9 " den of the Cinque Ports, and to take the Oath. Seamen fo regiftred, and their Wives and Children, to ^^- 3- ^' 23. " have the fame Advantages as if elfewhere regiftred. Regiftred Seamen not to ferve as Land Soldiers. 9^'°^-?- " Chaplain, Surgeon, &c. not debarred. ^; *_'• ^^^""' /Inn, c. 1^. 10 Ann. e. 1-j. i Gm. i. c. 25. 2 Geo, 2. c 7S£f 36. (> Geo. i. c. z^, fef}. %. R Gfo. 2. r. 29. II Gcs. 2. r. 30, 13 G«, a. c. 3 £? 17. 14 do, 2, c. 38. iS Geo. 2. c, ji. 20 Geo. 2. c. 38, 22 Ceo. 2. c. 52. 24 Geo. 2. c. 47, 31 Geo. t. c. lo, C A P. XXII. An AQ: for preventing Frauds, and regulating Abules in the Plantation Trade. ' XT/HEREAS notwithftanding divers Acts made for the Encouragement of the Navigation of this ' VV Kingdom, and for the better fecuring and regulating the Plantation Trade, more efpecially one ' Aft of Parliament made in the twelfth Year of the Reign of the late King Charles the Second, intituled, •■ Jn ASl for increafing of Shipping and Navigation, another Aft made in the fifteenth Year of the Reign n Car. i.e. iS, ' of His faid late Majefty, intituled, Jn AB for the Encouragement of Trade., another A£t made in the two ,- Car. 2. c. 7 ' and twentieth and three and twentieth Years of His faid late Majefty's Reign, intituled. An ASi '» ^^- 22& s^Car. 2! ' vent the Planting of Tobacco in England, and for regulating the Plantation Trade, another Aft made in the c. 26. ' twenty-fifth Year of the Reign of His faid late Majefty, intituled, An ASl for the Encouragement of the i^z^x.'i.-z. •,

  • Greenland and ^iiiils.Rd Trades, and for the better fecuring the Plantation Trades, great Abuies are daily

Vol. III. 4-1 ' committed^