Page:Ruffhead - The Statutes at Large - vol 3.djvu/679

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A. D. 1696. Anno feptimo & o6lavo Gulielmi III. C. 30. 623 jGauger or Officer fhall find any Still or Stills of Cuch Diftiller's charged or prepared to work, that it fliall and may be lawful to and for luch Guuger or Oiiicer to take ofF thetlead of fuch Still or Stills, and to exa- mine what Materials are therein, if not at work ; and in cafe fuch Still or StilL ihall be at work, that then '^■"t"^^yt'ki! it {hall and may be lawful to and for fuch Gaugeror Officer to flay and continue in fuch Diililler's Dillilling- 'f 'ni'l'^S ^ houfe, until fuch Still or Stills fliall be wrought off, and then to examine what Materials were v/rought i.eCro.igh'i <.ff, 'therein; and in Cafe any fuch DilHllcr Ihall refufe to permit fuch Guuger to continue in his Diftiliing- anH examine the houfe, until fuch Still or Stills fliall be wrought off, and examined, as aforefaid, in every fuch Cafe fuch Materials. Diftiller fliall forfeit for every fuch Oftence the Sum of tv/enty Pounds. Penalty on Di- Xni. And be it further enafted by the Authority aforefaid. That from and after the faid five and twen- '^'"^""'""'•"S- ticth Day o^ March, all and every the Stills, Worms, Still-heads, and all other Veficls and Utenfils for ^|f'^?:'"i.'

diftilling, ufed by any fuch Diililler, or other Perfon, for making of Low Wines or Spirits for Sale or Ex- Dtte'fer'Ex-

iportation, into whofe Hands foever the fame {hall come, and by what Conveyance or Title foevcr the cifc, &c.

fame be claimed, {liall be liable and fubjeift unto, and are hereby charged v/ith, all and fingular the Debts
and Duti' s of Excife that now are, or hereafter {hall be, in Arrear and owing by any fuch Diftiiler, or

I other Per.'bn or Perfons, for any Strong Waters, Spirits, or Low Wines, fo made or drawn, as aforefaid ; ' and that it fliall be lawful in all Cafes to levy Debts and Penalties, and ufe llich Proceedings, againfi the

Stills, Worms, V^efiels, and Utenfils, therein contained, as it may be lawful to do in cafe the Debtor or

Offender, ufing the faid Utenfils, had been truly and really Owner and Proprietor of the fame. XIV. And be it further enad>ed, by the Authority aforefaid, That the Gauger and Gaugers of Excife Gangers to gauge {liall, from time to time, gauge and take Account of all Wafh and other Materials prepared or preparing the Wa(h, fi;c. for the making of Low Wines, and alfo of all Low Wines, Spirits, or Strong Waters, found in the f"und in DiftiU = Houfes, Cellars, or Ware-houfes, or in any Wafh Back, Cafk, or o.her Veflel or Veflels ufed by any '" """ ^^ Dilliller or Maker of Low Wines or Spirits ; and in cale he fhall mifs any Quantity or Quantities of Li- q ^ -rr ^ quor or Drink brewed or made from Corn, or any Wafh or other Materials prepared for making of Low Liq"oTrmmd"ft Wines, which he found or gauged the lafb Time fuch Gauger was at fuch Diftiller's, not exceeding twenty- his laft Gauge,^ , four Hours before, and fhall not, on Demand, receive Satisfaftion what is become of fuch Drink or Wafh ^'^• ' or other fuch like Materials, that in every fuch cafe it fhall be lawful for fuch Gauger to charge fuch Di- "•'y ^•'^8= 'K^ i {filler with fo much Low Wines, as luch Liquor, Drink, Wafli, or other Materials fo niiffine, in his !i*'i ■ "■l-° J I iiriii ) ^ mucxi 3s IS mil— udgment would reaionably have made. f,„g_ XV. And to the Intent that the Duties payable to His Majefty for all Low Wines, Spirits, Aqua Vita, NoDirtiller, &c. and Strong Waters, maybe the better afcertained, colleded, and levied; be it ena&d by the Authority to diftil or deli- • aforelaid. That from and after the faid five and twentieth lizj oi March, no Diftiiler or Maker of Low '>'""' any Low of Excife for the Place or Divifion where fuch Diftiiler or Maker {hall live, to the Intent that fuch Officer &c may be prefent to fee and gauge the fame ; unlefs at fuch Times as herein after are mentioned (that is to fay) From the nine and twentieth Day oi September to the five and twentieth Day oi March yearly, be- tween the Hours of five in the Morning and eight in the Evening, and from the five and twentieth Day penalty on of March to the nine and twentieth Day oi September yearly, between the Hours of three in the Mornin» Diftiiler. and nine in the Evening; upon Pain that every Diftiiler and Maker of the Liquors aforefaid, doing con- trary hereunto, {hall forfeit for every fuch Offence the Sum of ten Pounds. XVI. And be it further enadted by the Authority aforefaid. That if any Maker of Vinegar, Cyder, Me- Penalty for con- theglin, Mead, or Sweets for Sale, {liall at any Time hereafter hide, conceal, or convey away any Vine- "^'^"s ^'"«6*> ^ gar, or Liquor prepared for Vinegar, or any Cyder, Metheglin, Mead, or Sweets from the Sight and ^' ^""" View of the Gauger or Gaugers appointed to take Account of the fame, whereby His Majefty {hall or may ^"^'"^^ be defrauded of any of the Duties due for the fame ; that every fuch Maker of fuch Vinegar, Cyder, Me- theglin, Mead, or Sweets, for every Barrel of Vinegar, or Liquor prepared for Vinegar, or Sweets, fo hid, . concealed, or conveyed away, as aforefaid, fhall forfeit the Sum of forty Shillings, and fo in Proportion for any greater or leffer Quantity ; and for every Hogfliead of Cyder fo hid, concealed, or conveyed away, the Sum of forty Shillings, and fo in Proportion for any greater or leffer Quantity; and for every Gallon of Metheglin or Mead io hid, concealed, or carried away, as aforefaid, {liall forfeit the Sum of five Shil- lings. XVII. And be it enafted by the Authority aforefaid. That from henceforth, in cafe any Maker or Re- forrefiifmg tailer of Vinegar, or of any of the Commodities aforefaid, fhall, upon due Requeft or Demand made by Gauger to take the Gauger or Officer in the Day-time, or if by Night, then in the Prefence of a Conftable, refufe to per- Account, &c. ■ mit fuch Gauger or Officer to enter and come into his or their Houfe, Store-houfe, or other. Place belong- ing to or ufed by fuch Maker or Retailer of Vinegar, or of any other the Liquors or Commodities aforefaid, and to take Account of any of the Liquors or Commodities aforefaid; in every fuch Cafe fuch Maker of Vinegar, or any other of the Liquors or Commodities aforefaid, fhall forfeit for every fuch Offence the ■ Sum of fifteen Pounds. XVKI. And be it enafted by the Authority aforefaid. That from henceforth no Maker of Vinegar or and for carrying . Sweets fliall fell, deliver, or carry out, any Vinegar or Sweets to any of hi.s Cuftomers, either in whole """^ ^'"^8*> Ca(k, or by the Gallon, v/ithout Notice thereof firft given to the Gauger or Officer of Excife for the Place ^'^'.."'""'^ ior Divifion where fuch Maker of Vinegar or Sweets fhall live, to the Intent that fuch Officer may be pre- officer ^"^" " I fent to fee, gauge, and take an Account of the fame, unlefs at fuch Times as are herein after mentioned '^ ' r (that is to fay) From the nine and twentieth Day o^ September to the five and twentieth Day o'i March ■; yearly, between the Hours of five in the Morning and eight in the Evening, and from the five and twen- tieth Day of March to the nine and tv/entieth Day of September ys^dy, between the Hours of three in the Morning and nine in the Evening ; upon Pain that every fuch Maker of Vinegar or Sweets, doing contrary