Page:Ruffhead - The Statutes at Large - vol 3.djvu/682

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626 Q 3°- Anno feptimo & odlavo Gu LIE LMi III. A. D. 1696. and concealed Back, Tun or other Veffe!, into which fuch Pipe or other Conveyance fliall lead, making good tlie Ground or Houfe Co broken up, or giving reafonable Satisfaction for the fame to the Owner or Penalty onBirw- Owners thereof; and in cafe any fuch Brewer, Diftiller, or any other Perfon or Perfons, fhall oppofe or er, Siz. oppofing hinder fuch Officer or OfHcers in the due Execution of the Powers and Authorities hereby given or granted. Officer. every fuch Brewer, Diftiller, or other Perfon fo doing, fliail forfeit and lofe for every fuch OfFence the Sum of twenty Pounds. Veriuice to pay XXVIII. And it is hereby further declared. That all Perfons who fhall buy or make Verjuice for Sale, ^"a^i^^. ^^" fl^^ll be chargeable with, and pay the fame Duties as in cafe of Cyder and Perry. an erry. XXIX. And be it further enafled by the Authority aforefaid. That all Fines, Penalties and Forfeitures Fines, Penalties, ijy f[^ij j^Q. in:5pofed, fliall be fued for, recovered and levied by fuch Ways, Means and Methods, as any ecovei"d'° Fine, Penalty and Forfeiture, is or may be recovered by any Law or Laws of Excife, or by any Action of Debt, Bill, Plaint or Information, in any of His Majefty's Courts of Record at Wejiminjier, and that one Moiety of every fuch Fine, Penalty or Forfeiture fhall be to His Majefty, or His Heirs and Succeffors, and the other Moiety to him or them that fliall difcover, inform or fue for the fame. ' XXX. And whereas His Majefty's inferior Officers, whether they be Sub-Commiflioners, Colle£tors, ' Supervifors, Gaugers, or others employed in levying the Rates, Impofitions and Duties upon Beer, Ale, ' and other Excifeable Liquors, and upon Salt, are by virtue of His Majefty's Commiffion appointed, aa- ' thorized and conftituted, by the Chief Commiffioners and Governors of and for the Receipt of Excife,

  • and Rates and Duties upon Salt, or any five of them : And whereas if by the Death of any one of the

' faid Chief Commiffioners, who joined in the appointing, authorizing and conftituting any fuch inferior ' Officer, or by the Alteration or other Determination of the Commiffion to the faid Chief Commiffioners, ' the Authority given to fuch inferior Officer or Officers fhould be determined, it would prove very preju- ' dicial to His Majefty, and render it impoffible on fuch Occafions to collect and levy the faid Rates and ' Duties juftly and duly, as the fame ought to be colle6ted and levied:' For Prevention whereof, and of all Doubts and Queftions which have been or may arife thereupon, be it declared and enadted by the Inferior Officers Authority aforefaid, That all fuch inferior Officers, who are, have been, or fhall be duly and legally au- cf Excife, &c. thorized and conftituted in Purfuance of any Commiffion under the Great Seal of England, fmce His Ma-

  • ° 1°"^'""^^'" jefty's happy Acceffion to the Crown, or any fuch Commiffion which fhall hereafter be granted to the

nouvithflrand'ing Chief Commiffioners and Governors of and for the Receipt of Excife, and Rates and Duties upon Salt, do the Death or and fhall remain and continue in their refpedtive Offices and Employments, notwithftanding the Death or Removal of any Removal of any Chief Commiffioner or Commiffioners, by whom they were fo authorized and conftituted, of theCommif- ^j. gj^y Alteration, Change or other Determination of the Commiffion of fuch Chief Commiffioners and iioncrs, &c. Governors, until the Authority and Conftitution of fuch inferior Officers refpedtively be, by the Chief Com- miffioners and Governors of and for the Receipt of the Excife, and Rates and Duties upon Salt for the time being, revoked or annulled. XXXI. And to the end as well the whole Rates and Duties upon Low Wines, or Spirits of the firft Ex- traction and Sweets hereby granted, as alfo the weekly Sum herein after mentioned to be taken and applied out of the Hereditary Branch of His Majefty's Revenues of Excife upon Beer, Ale, and other Liquors, and out of that Part of His Majfty's Revenues of Excife upon Beer, Ale and other Liquors, which is granted to His Majefty during His Life (which God preferve) and likewife another weekly Sum herein after mentioned to be taken and applied out of His Majefty's Revenue ariftng within the General Letter Office or Poft Office, or the Office of His Majefty's Poft Mafter General, may be made Funds or Securities for joo.oool. for raifmg any Sum or Sums of Money, not exceeding in the whole five hundred and fifteen thoufand Pounds Expences of the (that is to fay) any Sum or Sums, not exceeding five hundred thoufand Pounds, for defraying the Expences King's Houfe- ^f fjjg Majefty's Ploufliold and Family, and other His Majefty's neceflary Occafions ; and any Sum, not I'q oool. forRe. exceeding fifteen thoufand Pounds, for the Relief of the poor i^r^;zc^ Proteftants ; by borrowing Monies lief of the French Upon the fame Rates, Duties, or Branches refpedtively, in fuch Proportions, Manner and Form, as are ProteBaius, herein after exprefTed : Be it further enafted, k^c. EXP. " King may borrow 70,000]. on Credit of the Duties hereby granted. Money lent to be Tax free. Duties

  • ' to be paid weekly into the Exchequer, and entred apart. Penalty on Commiffioners negledting or mifap-

" plying the Monies. Comptroller of Excife to keep a diftindt Account of the Duties. On making fuch " Loans Tallies to be ftruck, and Orders for Repayment, with Intereft every three Months. Orders af- " fignable, and to be regiftred, and paid in Courfe. 6,000 1. a Week to be feparated from the Branches of " Excife, i^c. for Payment of Tallies and Intereft; and after applied for Payment of 400,0001. borrowed " on this A£t. Intereft to be paid every three Months. Explained as to Tallies by 8 W. 3. c. 3. §. 3. De-

  • ' ficiency of weekly Payments to be made good out of the whole Receipt. Tallies to be affignable, and

" Monies lent not to be taxed. Commiffioners of Excife to keep a Regifter of Tallies, ^c. to which all " Perfons may have free Accefs without Fee. 600 1. a Week to be paid out of the Poft Office for fatisfy- " ing Tallies ; and after Satisfaction thereof, to be applied to the Payment of the Loans on this Adt. Tal- " lies to be paid in Courfe, and Intereft every three Months. This Adt not to hinder the Payment of " the yearly Sums granted to the Prince and Princefs of Denmark: Nor the Annuity to the Dutchefs of " Cleveland, &V. 12 Geo, I.e. iS. XLVI. Provided neverthelefs, and be it enacted. That true Notes in Writing of every Gauge made or ^. 30. taken, figned by the Gaugers, containing the Inches and Tenths, of the Backs, and Wants of the Tuns, and the Qualities of the faid Liquors refpedlively, fhall be left by them with all common Brewers of Beer Penalty on or Ale, or fome one of their Servants (if demanded) at the Time of their taking the faid Gauges, on Pain Gangers ncgleft- to forfeit for every Negledl or Refufal the Sum of forty Shillings, with Cofts of Suit, to be recovered in iog to leave any