Page:Ruffhead - The Statutes at Large - vol 3.djvu/712

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656 C. 20. Anno odavo & nono Gulielmi III. A. D. 1697^ milics, to pay as Families, fuch Houfe {hall neverthelefs be fubjeit to, and fiiall in like Manner pay the Rates and Duties °" charged on Houfes by the faid Aft, as if fuch Houfe were inhabited by one Family only. Edifices in Inns XlX. And be it alfo enafted and declared by the Authority aforefaid. That every Edifice in any of the of Court, &c. to Inns of Court or Chancery, being feverally in the Tenure or Occupation of any rerfon or Perfons, (hall pay forWinHows ^^ fubjecSl to the fame Rates and Duties for the Number of Windows therein, as if it were an entire Houfe ; lioufe? ' ^"'^ every Houfe whereof the keeping only is committed or left to the Care or Charge of any Perfon or Houfe' commit- Servant, who doth not pay to the Church and Poor, fhall be fubjeft to the like Rates and Dudes for the ted to a Servant, Windows therein, as if it were inhabited by the Occupier or by a Tenant, and to be paid by the refpec^ to pay as if in- tive Occupiers or Tenants of the fame. habited. j^^ j^^^^ f^j. ^]^g better reftoring of the Credit of the Nation, and advancing the Credit of the Corpora- Stock of the tion of the Governor and Comjaany of the Bank of England; Beit ena(Sed by the Authority aforefaid, BankofEng- That the prefent Common Capital and Principal Stock of the faid Governor and Company fhall be aug- 1^"'"° '='= '^"' mented and enlarged by the voluntary new Subfcriptions of all fuch Perfon and Perfons, Natives and SWcripuonsI Foreigners, Bodies Politick or Corporate, who fliall be willing to fubfcribe any Sum or Sums of Money into the faid prefent Common Capital and Principal Stock, and to anfwer and make good the fame, in Manner as herein after is appointed. XXI. And for the better fettling and adjufting the Right and Property of each Member of the prefent Corporation of the Governor and Company of the Bank of England, before any fuch Enlargement as afore- Stock of the MA be made thereunto; Be it further enaded by the Authority aforefaid, That before the four and tvvcn- Banktobecom- tieth Day oi July one thoufand fix hundred ninety-feven, the Common, Capital, and Principal Stock of puted. j.j^g ^^j(] Governor and Company ftiall be computed and eftimated by the Principal and Intereft owing to them from the King, or any others, and by Cafh or by any other Effcdls, whereof the faid Capital Stock fliall then really confift, over and above the Value of the Debts which they fhall owe at the fame Time Old and new for Principal or Intereft to any other Perfon or Perfons whatfoever ; which Computation fhall be made and Menibers to fet- fettled by kven of the prefent Members of the faid Corporation, to be eledted for that Purpofe at the Ge- Stock' ^^^^'^ neral Court of the old Members, and by feven of the new Subfcribers, to be nominated and eleiSed by ' the major Part of fuch new Subfcribers, who are hereby authorized to -meet at any Time within ten Days after the four and twentieth Day of Jimc one thoufand fix hundred ninety and feven, to make fuch Elec- tion : And in cafe the faid Members and Subfcribers fliall not fettle the fame before the faid four and twen- tieth Day of July one thoufand fix hundred ninety-feven, then the Value of the faid Capital Stock fhall be or elfe Lord finally fettled and adjufted by the Lord Keeper of the Great Seal of England, or by the Lord Chancellor, Keeper to ad- or CommifilonerG for the Curtody of the Great Seal of Ejtgland for the time being, who have hereby Pov/er juft the fame, to fettle and adjuft the fame, at any Time before the four and twentieth Day of Augujl one thoufand fix hundred ninety and feven ; and in cafe by fuch Settlement or Adjuftment of the Value of the faid Stock it fliall appear, that the fame doth not amount to twelve hundred thoufand Pounds, then the Members of the faid Corporation, being Owners thereof, fliall and are hereby obliged, at their own proper Cofi: and - Charge, to contribute fo much as will compleatly make the faid Ca]5ital Stock twelve hundred thoufand Pounds, which Contribution fliall or may be made either in their own particular Tallies and Orders, or in Capital Stock fo Bank Bills or Notes, whereunto they fliall be refpedtively intitled ; and in cafe the Value of the faid Capi- be made up jgi Stock, upon fuch Adjuftment to be made, fliall exceed twelve hundred thoufand Pounds, that then the the°0°°°l 'd- ^""^ ^° exceeding twelve hundred thoufand Pounds be. divided amongft tho'e who fliall be the old Members viJed."^'^"^ '" of the faid Corporation of the Governor and Company of the Bank of England, according and in Propor- 12 & 13 w. 3. tion totheir refpeclivo Interefts at that Time. c. 12. . 14, XXiT. And for the better purfuing the End and Intent of this Aft, in taking the fal ; Sabf::ript!on<;, and for the greater Eafe and Convenience of all His Majefty's Subje£rs, and others, v/ho iliali be v/iUing to The King may make fuc h S ubfcriptions ; Be it enacted by the Authority aforefaid, That fuch Perfons as His M.ijelty ihaJl appoint Com. appoint by Commiflion under the Great Seal of England, or any feven or more of them, fliall be and are miffioners to hereby authorized and appointed to be CommiiTioners to take all fuch voluntary Subfcriptions as fliall be tak'! Subfcrip. j^iaj^^ qj-, or before the four and twentieth Day of June, which fhall be in the Year of our Lord one thou- fand fix hundred ninety and feven, by or for any Perfon or Peifons, Natives or Foreigners, or by or for any Body Politick or Corporate, in the faid Capital and Principal Stock of the prefent Governor and Company of the Bank of England, in ]'Ianner as heieafter in this Aft is appointed : Which Commiiiioners arc here- by ordered and direfted, on or before the fecond Day of Apt 11 one thoufand ilx hundred ninety and feven, to provide and prepare one or more convenient Houfe or Houfes v.'ithin the Cities ot London and lVijl>n!i;/hr, or Oiie of them, to be the publick Odice or Phice, Offices or Places, to which all or any Peifons lliall or may refort, for the making of the faid Subfcriptions, and to give fucli publick Notice thereof, as they the faid Commiffioners, or any feven or more of them, fhall think v/ill moit conduce to the promoting the faid CommtfTioners Subfcriptions; and the faid Commiffioners are hereby direfted, on or before the faid fecond Day of jf/VvY, to provide Books j-q provide or caufe to be provided, one or more Book or Books made of Vellum or Parchment, for the faid torSubicrip- Subfcriptions to be made therein ; which Book or Books fliall lie open every Day in the V/eek (Sundays only excepted) at the faid publick Office or OiT^ces from the faid fecond Day of Jl)ril to the faid four and tv.'entieth Day of June, daily, rnd from the Hour of Eight to the Hour of Twelve in the Morning, and from the Hour of Three to the Hour of Seven in the Afternoon of each Day. Any Perfons XXIII. And for the better encouraging the faid Subfcriptions to be made; be it further enafted by the rnay fubicribe Authority aforefaid, That from and after the faid fecond Day of April it fhall and may be lawful to and for lar'"i'n^ the Ca'- '"^^ '^"'^ cvcry Petfon or Perfons, Natives or Foreigners, Bodies Politick and Corporate, by and for rbemlelves, pital Stock. or any of them, or by themfelves or any of them in Truft for any other Perfon or Perfons, Bodies Politick Subfcriptions or Corporate, or any of them, freely to fubfcribe any Sum or Sums of Money into the Capital and Prin- how to be an- cipal Stock of the faid prefent Governor and Company, in order to the augmenting and enlarging thereof fwered and made ^j, ^forgfaid j which faid Subfcriptions at the rcfpeftive Times of making the fame, fliall be anfwered ani, ^°° • s made- p