Page:Ruffhead - The Statutes at Large - vol 3.djvu/752

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69^ C 13- Afino nono & decinio Gulielmi IIL A, D. 1698. Receipts to be glvfn gratis. Cta'iS to be cn- rrcj at the Cu- i1om Houie where inipc.itt'd. If im.'Wppol bc- i'"n- Diiiy jJaid," ioifeitedj &c. Commiflioners may appoint Meters and- V/eigliers of Coals in the fe- yeial ij'ofts. Penalty on Ma- iler or Owner, concealing Coals' or CuljT, &:c. ^rovirp. Oincersof the firveral Ports to ■ enter a true Ac- count; of all Mo- nies received and p.isl, and tl^e Number of rChalcicrs and Tuns, Sec. Tliree Months allowed foi" p.iy- ing-ihe Duties, on giving Secu- rity. Ten Pounds per Cent, alliv.-cd for prohi^lit Pay- ment, ■ ■ Coals iinpkort«d and porrcd apain, no further Dulj to bi paid. more of them for thethne being, under their Hands and Seals, be thereunto appointed, before Bulk of the Ship or Vefiel in which they are imported, brou;;ht or carried, fhall be broken, or any the Coals or Culm therein fliail be unladen, and before any Meter, Meaiurer or Weigher in that Behalf appointed or to be ap- pointed, iliall meafure or Vei^h the fame'; upon Receipt whereof the Party appointed to receive fuch Du- ties {hall, without Delay, Fee or RewartJ, deliver a Receipt under his Hand, to the Perfoii or Perlons who {hall pay the faid Duty, v/hich Receipt {hall for fo much be a fufiicient Dilbharge ; of all- which Ships and Veli'els, and pf the Coals and Culm therein imported or brought, due Entries Ihall from time to time be made in the Cuftom Floufe, of or belonging to fuch Port or Place where fuch Importation ftiall be mad*, (if any Cuflom Houfe be there) orelfe in the Cuftom Houfe of the next Port or Place where fuch Impor- tation tliall be. And in cafe any of the faid Coals or Culm fo imported, brought or carried by Sea, (hall be unfliipped to be laid on Land, before the Impofitions, Duties or Sums aforefaid refpedlively due for the fame fliall be paid or fecured, that then as well the faid Coals and Culm fo uniliipped, as alfo the Ship or Vefiel out ef which the lam.e fhall be fo unfliipped, with all her Guns, Tackle, Furniture and Ammuni- tion fliall be forfeited and loll ; one Moiety of which Forfeitures fhall be unto His Majefty, His Heirs and Succeflbrs, and the other Moiety to fuch Peribn or Perfons as fhall feize, fue or inform for the famey to be recovered in any of His Majefty's Courts of Record at IViiftmlvJler, by AiSlion of Debt, Bill, Plaint or Information, wherein no Effoin, Protedion, Wager of Lraw, or more than one Imparlance fiiall be admitted. IX. And. to the end that the faid Impofitions and Duties may be duly anfv/ered and paid without Fraud or Covin, and for the better levying and collefting thereof, and for the Difcovery of the juft Quantities of all Sorts of Coals and Culm, from^ time to time {hipped, or waterborn to be fhipped or carried by Sea, im- ported or unladen as aforefaid ; Be it further enadled by the Authority aforefaid, That it fhall and may be lawful to and for His Maje{ly, His Heirs or Succeflbrs, or to or for any four or more of the faid CommifTio- ners of the Cuftoms for the time being, by Writing under their Hands and Seals, from tim.e to time, ta affign and aiopoint, within -every or any Port or Place within the faid Kingdom o( England, Dominion of JVciles, or Town oi Berwick >on Tweed, fuch and fo many Meters, Weighers or Meafurers of the faid Coals and Culm, as {hall within the Term aforefaid be imported, brought or landed in fuch Port or Place, wherein or for which fuch Meters, Weighers or Meafurers fhall be afligned or appointed as aforefaid ; who , fhall from time to time meafure and weigh all fuch Coals and Culm fo imported or brought ; and when and as foon as any fuch Ship or Vefiel fhall be unladen^ fhall forthwith deliver a true Certificate in Wri- ting, under his or their FLmd or Hands, unto the Perfon or Perfons appointed to receive the faid Impofitions or Duties within fuch Port or Place, of the Sorts, Quantities, and Numbers of Chalders or Tuns of Coals or Culm refpeiSlively, which fhall be meafured or weighed, and delivered from on Board any fuch Ship or Vefiel, under the Penalty of one hundred Pounds : And in cafe it fhall appear by fuch Certificate, or other- wife, that there was on Board any fuch Ship or Vefl^el a greater Number of Chalders or Tuns of Coals or Culm, than for which the faid Impofitions or Duties hereby impofed fhall have been anfwered and paid as aforefaid, that then in every fuch Cafe there fliall be paid unto His Majefty, His Heirs and SuccefTors, by tbe'Mafl:er or Owners of fuch Ship or Vefl^el, for every Ghalder or Tun of Coals or Culm fo concealed, over and above the Impofitions and Duties aforefaid, the Sum of ten Shillings, for which, in cafe of Refu- fal to pay the fame, fuch Ship or Vefiel, with the Tackle, F'urniture and Apparel thereof, or any Part thereof, fhall and may be attached and detained by the Officer or Officers for the time being, in fuch Port or Place appointed to receive the faid Impofitions or Duties, or to trieafure or weigh the faid Coals or Culm, until Payment thereof, and to fell the faid Ship or VeflTel, Tackle, Furniture and Apparel, or any Part thereof, in cafe all the faid Impofitions, Duties or Payments before mentioned-, for the faid concealed Coals or Culm, flsall not be paid and fatisfied, with reafonable Cofts and Charges for fuch attaching, detaining or filling, rendring the Overplus ; which Sale {hall be good and efFeftual in the Law. X. Pro^iddd neverthelefs. That if the Importer, upon fuch Certificate delivered in by the Meafurer or Weigher, fliall v/lthin the Space of fix Days after the Delivery of fuch Ship or Vefiel, and before her De- parture ffom that Port or Place, give in his Poft- entry, and fatisfy and pay the -whole Duty for the Sur- plufiige of the faid Coals or Culm,, appearing upon the unlading of iuch Ship or Vefi'e], then upon futh Payment the Penalty aforefaid {half be difcharged. XI. A.nd for the S^anifeftation of the Truth, and Certainty in the PremifTcs, be it further enafled by tli^ A't^ididi'iTy dforefaid,' That the Officers to be appointed in each Port and Place for the receiving of the faid Impofitions or Duties, and for the weighing and meafuring of the fiiid Coals and Culm fiiipped, or Vv'ater- born'to be fhipped, imported or landed as aforefaid, fhall refpeftively keep one or more Book or Books for every fuch Port or Place, wherein they fhall refpeftively enter dowm a true Account of all fuch Sums of Money, which fhall be paid Or received for or upon Account of the faid Impofitions or Duties, and of all the Payments and Diihurfements of the fame, and alfo a true Account of the Numbers of Chalders and Tuns of Coals and Culm fo imported, landed, and unladen in any Iuch Port or Place, and of the refpec- tive Sorts thereof. XII. And it is hereby further enaffed by the Authority aforefaid. That there fhall be allowed to every Mailer or Owner of any Ship or Veffel three Months Time for the Payment of the Duty impofed by this Aft, 'for fuch Coals and Culm, from time' to time imported, brought or carried by Sea as aforefaid, good and fufficient Security being given for the fame, ilich as tlie Colledfor or other Chief Officer of the Port or Place where fuch Goods fhall be imported or brought fhall approve of; or if fuch Mafter or Owner fliall for the fame pay prefent Money, there fhall be allowed him after the Rate of ten Pounds per Centum per Annum, for fuch prompt Payinent ; and if any of the Coals or Culm, for which the Duty hereby granted fhall be once paid or fecured at the Importation or Landing thereof, fhall be again exported and carried to any other Place of this Kingdom, there fhall be no further Duty by this A<3: paid or demanded for the fame; and if any of the Coals for 'which the Duty by riiis Aft fliall be once paid or fecured- as afcrjiaid; . 3 fllall