Page:Ruffhead - The Statutes at Large - vol 4.djvu/127

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A. D.I 7^0, Anno duodecimo & decimo tertio GuLiELMi III. C* 13. 81 • ill Apparel or Furniture; and Direftion is by the faid A<3: given for bringing of all fuch Goods, as fhall ' be imported after the faid nine and twentieth Day of September one thoufand feven hundred ared

  • one, into a puhlick Warehoufe, in order to the Exportation thereof; but no Direftion is by the

' faid Aft given for bringing of fuch Goods into a publicjc Warehoufe, as fliould be imported before ' the faid nine and twentieth Day of September :' For Remedy whereof, be it declared and enadtcd by the Authority aforefaid. That fuch of the faid prohibited Goods as fhall have been imported into this reUting to pro- Kingdom of England, Dominion oi TFales, or i own of Berzvick upon Tweed, before the tnirtieth Day of '^"'^'^ Good.s S:i>/.'mber one thoufand feven hundred and one, and fliall not before that Time be made up i]i Apparel "? "'^ ■ (; -^Furniture, fliall be fubjeft to the fame Rules and Diredions for bringing thereof into one or more publick V/arehoufe or Warehoufcs, and fuch other Provifions as are by the faid Act given and directed, touching fuch of the faid Goods as fhall be imported after the faid twenty-ninth Day of September one thoufand feven hundred and one, fo as the faid Goods be brought to fuch Warehoufe or Warehoufes, upon or before the tenth Day of Qtlober one thoufand feven hundred and one. CAP. XIII. An xft; to enable his Ma}efty to make Leafes and Copies of Offices, Lands and Hereditaments, Parcel of his Duchy ol Cornvjal, or annexed to the fame ; and for Confirmation of Leafes already made. All Leafes, i^e. made by Car. 2. Ja. 2. or W. & M. ISe. of any Offices, Lands, i^c. in the Duchy of Cormval, fhall be good in Law, i^c. Provifo that they exceed not the Term of Lives or Years. Co- enants, bic. in Leafe or Grant, l^c. good in Law. Saving of Right to all Perfons, ISe. Tenant compounding for taking of any increafed Rent, fe'ir. on Payment of Compofition-money, increafed Rent to ceafe, Isc. King may make any further Grant of Grounds, iSc. being Part of his ilanor of Greenwich, to the Ufe oi Greenwich Hofpital.


Anno Regni Gulielmi III. declmo tertio. T the Parliament begun at Wejiminjier the thirtieth * Day o^ December, Anno Dom. 1701, in <* xhe former the thirteenth Ye^r of the Reign of our Sovereign Lord WILLIAM the Third, by the Editions have it, Grace of God, of England, Scotland, France, and Ireland, King, Defender of the Faith, i3c. and eon- Ae thirteenth.' ' tinucd till the eighth Day of Afijrc^ following, on which Day he expired. C A P. I. An Aft for reviving and continuing an Aft, intituled. An ASt for the appointing Commijfioners to tah,tX?, examine, and detennine the Debts due to the Army, Navy, and for Tranfport Service, and alfo an Accwnt of Prizes taken during the late War. C A P. II. An Aft for punifliing of Officers and Soldiers, that fliall mutiny or defert in Englatidox Irelajid, EXP* CAP. III. An Ad for the Attainder of the pretended Prince of Wales of High Treafon. WHEREAS the pretended Prince of Wales hath, fince the Deceafe of the late King James^ by the Incitation and Encouragement of the French King (being bred up and inftrufted to in- troduce the Romijh Superftition and Fre^ich Government into thefe your Majefty's Kingdoms) openly and traiteroufly, with Defign to dethrone your Majefty, affumed the Name and Title of James the Third, King oi England, Scotland, and Ireland, and caufed himfelf to be fo proclaimed in the Kingdom oi France in manifeft Violation of your Majefty's moft lawful and rightful Title to the Crown of thefe Realms, and of the feveral Afts of Parliament made, as well for recognizing of the fame, as for fettling the Succeffion of the Crown, contrary to the Duty of his Allegiance, and to the difturbing of the Peace to thefe your Majefty's Kingdoms : To the End therefore that your Majefty's good and loyal People of England, aflembled in Parliament, may in the moft folemn Manner exprefs their utmoft Refentment of fo great an Indignity done to your Majefty's moft facred Perfo.i and Government, and that the faid Traitor may be brought more certainly and fpeedily to condign Puniftiment; may it pleafe your Majefty ," that it'may be enafted ; and be it enafted by the King's moft Excellent Majefty, by and with the Advice I . iand Confent of the Lords Spiritual and Temporal, and Commons, in this prefent Parliament affembled, I and by the Authority of the fame. That the faid pretended Prince of Wales ftand and be convifted and Pi-etended PHnce attainted of High Treafon, and that he fulFer Pains of Death, and incur all Forfeitures, as a Traitor con- "f Wa'.esattaint- vifted and attainted of High Treafon. ed^of H,gh Trea- II. And for preventing traiterous Correfpondence between your Majefty's Subjefts and the flild pre- tended Prince of Wales, or- his Adherents ; be it further enafted by the Authority aforefaid. That if King's Suhjefls holding Corre- fpondence, &c, wiih him or with any employed by him, or remitting Money for his Ufe, gul^fy of High Treafon* Vol. IV, - M any