Page:Ruffhead - The Statutes at Large - vol 4.djvu/130

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(84) C. 5, Anno decimo tertio Gulielmi III. A. D. 1701. Malt refpe^lively ; and if any fuch Malfter or other Perfon, making Malt for Sale or private Ufa, fhall refufe to permit any fuch Gauger or OfHcer to enter his Houfe, Malthoufe, or other Place aforemention-- ed, or to nieafure, compute and take an Account of all his Malt, and to gauge all and every fuch Uting- Fats, Utenfils, Cifterns and other Veffels, and to gauge and take an Account of his Barley or other Corn Fenaky on Mai- or Grain in any fuch Ciftern, Uting-Fat, Utenfil or other Veffel, or which fhall have been fteeped or fieri refufingto -wetted, and fhall be upon any Floor or other Place, every fuch Malfler or other Perfon fhall forfeit and f,rmttOpccr,iffc. j^^^ ^^^ every fuch Offence the Sum of twenty Pounds ; and that from and after the faid ninth Day of March one thoufand feven hundred and one, during the Continuance of this Act, every Malfler or other Perfon, making Malt for Sale or not for Sale, faall Monthly and every Month make a true Entry at the faid Office of Excife of all the Malt made in fuch Pvlonth refpeiStively, on Pain to forfeit for every fuch Negledt the Sum often Pounds. And be it further enafted by the Authority aforefaid. That every fuch Malfler or other Maker of Malt fhall v/ithin three Months after he fliall make or ought to have made fuch Entry, as aforefaid, pay and clear ofF all the faid Duties which fhall be due from him or them refpcflively. And be it further enacted. That, every fuch Malfter or other Perfon chargeable with the faid Duties, who fliall negleft or refufe to make fuch Payment, as aforefaid, fliall forfeit and lofe for every fuch Of- fence double the Sum of the faid Duty, v/hereof the Payment fliall be fo refufed or negleded ; and that no fuch Malfter or other Perfon, after fuch Default made, fliall fell, deliver or carry out any Malt, until he hath paid and cleared otFhis Duty, as aforefaid, on Pain to forfeit Double the Value of fuch Malt fo delivered or carried out. Malttahemea- And for the av-oiding all Difputes touching the Returns made or to be made by the Gaugers of any JuredhyWinchi- Malt, as aforefaid, Be it enadted and declared by the A.uthority aforefaid. That by the Bufliel, in this Adt Malfter tttce a IVfonth to make Entry at Excife Offife; and clear off the Duties in three Months. Maljiers refujng, It fay, fife fter Bujhel. Maimers to give Notice ofallCi- ^erm, &c. made Ufe of in ivetting orjieeping Corn, And ufe no Ci- Jiern, &c, with' mentioned, is meant and intended a Bufhel according to the Standard remaining in the Cuftody of the Chamberlains of his Majefty's Exchequer, commonly called or known by the Name of the IVinckeJler, Bufhel ; and that the Quantity of Barley or other Com or Grain taken by the Gauge, according to fuch Bufhel, in any Cittern, Uting-Fat, Utenfd or other VefTcl, wherein fuch Barley, or other Corn or Grain, fhall he found wetting or fleeping, or which fhall be found to have been wetted or fteeped. for the making of Malt, fhall be charged and returned by the Gauger as fo many Bufhels of Malt. And be it further enafted. That on or beforfi the tenth Day oi April one thoufand feven hundred and two, all Malfters and Makers of Malt for Sale, fhall give Notice in Writing at the next Excife Office of the Number and Situation of all Citterns, Uting-Fats, Utenfds, or other VefTels, Kilns, Floors, Rooms and Places by them made ufe of for the wetting or Iteeping of Corn, or making or keeping of Malt, or keeping of Corn or Grain for making into Malt, upon Pain of forfeiting the Sum of five Pounds for every Cittern,, Uting-Fat, Utenfil or other Veflel, Kiln, Floor, Room or other Place by him or them made ufe of for the wetting or fteeping of Corn, or making or keepipg of Malt without fuch Notice, as aforefaid; and that from and after the faid tenth Day oi April onz thoufand feven hundred and two, during the Continu- ance of this A(S, no Malfter or other Perfon making Malt for Sale, fhall ere£t or fet up, alter or enlarge. 'at Exc'if^offic'e" ° '"^^^ "^^ ^^ ^Y tiftern, Uting-Fat, Utenfil or other VefTel for the wetting or fteepivg any Barley or ^(, ' other Corn or Grain for the making of Malt, or of any Kiln, Floor, Room or other Place for the ma- king or keeping of Malt, or keeping of Corn or Grain making into Malt, without firft giving Notice thereof in Writing at the next Office of Excife, or fhall keep or make ufe of any private Cittern, Uting- Fat, Utenfil or other Veflel, for the wetting his Barley or other Corn or Grain to make Malt, other thaa fuch as are openly known and made ufe of in his common Malt-Houfe, on Pain to forfeit for every fuch Cittern, Uting-Fat or Utenfil, or other VefTel, Kiln, Floor, Room or other Place fo erefted or fet vip, altered or enlarged, kept private or concealed, or made ufe of without fuch. Notice, as aforefaid, the: Sum of fifty Pounds. And be it further ena<Eted by the Authority aforefaid. That if any Malfter or Maker of Malt for Sale,, Seller or Retailer of Malt, Brewer, Diftiller, Innkeeper, Victualler, or Vinegar-Maker, fhall fraudulently convey any of his Stock of Malt, which he fliall be intituled unto on the Jaid ninth Day of March one thoufand feven hundred and one, out of his Cuftody or Poffeflion from the Sight or View of the Gauger or Gaugers appointed to take an Account of the fame, and fliall not give Notice thereof at the next Office of Excife before the tenth Day o^ April one thoufand feven hundred and two, then and in fuch Cafe the Perfon ofl^cnding therein, fhall forfeit and lofe for every Bufhel of Malt fo conveyed from the Sight and View of the Gaugers the Sum of twenty Shillings; and the Perfon or Perfons in whofe Cuftody fuch Malt fer BufielPenal- ^^ ^,g found, who fhall not before the Difcovery thereof, give Notice at the next Excife Office of •^' the Qiiantity of Malt fo in his Cuftody, 'fhall alfo forfeit and lofe the Sum of twenty Shillings for every Bufhel. And be it further enadted by the .Authority aforefaid. That all and every the Powers, Authorities, Di- redt-ions. Rules, Methods, Penalties and Forfeitures, Claufes, Matters and Things, which in and by an A(St of Parliament rn'ade in the twelfth Year of King Charles the Second, intituled. An Ail for taking away the Court of Wards and Liveries, and Tenures in Capites, and by Knights Service and Purveyance, and for fettling a Revenue upon his Majejly in Lieu thereof or by any other Law now in Force, relating to his Ma- jefty's Revenue of Excife upon Beer, Ale, or other Liquors, are provided, fettled or eftablifhed, for rai- fing, levying, colledting or recovering, adjudging or afcertaining' the Duties thereby granted, or any of them (other than in fuch Cafes for which other Penalties or Provifions are made and prefcribed by this .Act] Ihall be. exercifed, practifeJ, applied, ufedj levied, recovered,, and. put in Execution, for the raifing,. levyingj, Penalty, IJMalJlerfiatt C'jn'vey aiuay his Stock of Malt, iuilhoitt giving Notice at Excife Office, invent^ Shitjim Powers, £ff. in X% Car, 2. f. 2^, So be-in Force,