Page:Ruffhead - The Statutes at Large - vol 4.djvu/171

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A.D.iyoi. Anno primo Ann^ Regin£e. Stat. 2. C. 12. 119 nirs agreed on, Confervators may dig, &c. Confcrvators, i^c. to make orders for the orderly UCzge of" the faid River, i^c, Juftices ofAffize may relieve Perfons aggrieved, Univerfity may chiifc one or more Confervators, in Cafe of Death, (sfc. and fo may Juftices, ^c. and the Mayor and Aldermen of Cambridge, &c. Confervators fo chofen to have like Power, i^'c. and never to exceed eleven. After Works are finifhed, Confervators may furvey the River, (sc. and make Orders, iffc. River, tfc. to be under the fole Rule, iffc. of Confervators, and not fubjeft to any Commiflion of Sewers. Tolls and Duties to be paid for carrying Goods or Paffengers up or down the faid River, viz. For every Chalder of Coals, gd. Hundred of Deal Boards, zs. Load or Tun of limber, is. Laft of Wheat, Rve, or Meiledine, is. 6 d. Laft of Oats, Barley, or Malt, i .f. Thoufand of Bricks, is. Thou- fiind of Tiles, i>d. Hundred of Sedge, z d. Tun of Stones or Pebbles, is. Thoufand of Turf, zd. Load or twenty hundred of Hay, o d. Laft of Seeds, is. dd. Tun of Clay, or Sand, (>d. Hundred of Salt Fifh, Is. Tun of Iron, or Lead, zs. Tun of Salt; is. Tun of Wine, 4,?, Tun of Oil, Vinegar, Fitch, Tar, or Sope, i ^. Tun of Butter or, Cheefe, s. Hundred of Faggots, zd. Hundred of Billets, zd. Hundred of Hops, 6^, Tun of Cyder, zs. Hundred Pales, Barrel, or Hogfliead Staves, moved, ^c. Confervators may convey the Duties for Monies borrowed. How Monies borrov/ed ihall be imployed. Duties {hall not be conveyed for more than 2,000/. After Principal and Intereft fhall be difcharged, Confervators to lay their Acccants before the Auditors, isc. Colle<9:or, isc. may enter into any Boat, l3c. and in cafe Duty be not paid, Boat, i^c, may be ftopped, and Diftrefs fold. Once a Year Infpc£tion to be made of all Receipts and Difburfements, fere, in St. Marys, Church in Cayn- br'uhc. Auditors to pafs the Accounts, and the fame to be entred in three Books, which may be in- fpedlcd gratis. Watermen, bfc. may ufe Winches, isc. Mafters of Lighters, Boats, bfc. refponfible for Damages, i3c. Height of the Tops of Wears, Safles, &c. In the Abfence of Chancellor, V ice- Chancellor to a£t, £5V. Confervators to choofe Colleflor, Receiver, Treafurer, isfc. and make Orders, £rV. Univerfity, is'c. may alter or vacate fuch Orders, and remove CoUedlors, (Jc. CAP. XII. An Act for the finifhing and adorning the Cathedfal Church of Saint Paul's London. T HE R E A S the Revenue already granted for rebuilding and adorning the Cathedral Church of ,' Saint Pai-ls, London, is not fufEcient to complcat the fame ; and it being alfo requiute to remove ' the Houfes between the North Side of the faid Cathedral Church, and the Alleys called iV«u ^'^■it'ry and ' -^'Jfi'lS -/^^'"yi which by their nearnefs thereto expofe it to apparent Danger in cafe of Fire, the Purchafe ' and Removal whereof will be an additional Expence ; and the faid Building being now Jo far advanced, ' that it m.ay in fev/ Years be perfe£ied, if vigoroufly carried on ;' Be it enadted by the Queen's mofl: Ex- cellent Mc.jefty, by and with the Advice and Confent of the Lords Spiritual and Temporal,' and the Commons, in this prefent Parliament affembled, and by the Authority of the fame, That for all Sorts of For all Coals *nai Coals and Culm, which from and after the fifteenth Day of May one thoufand feven hundred and eight, *^"'"' g'T'j^"?' and before the fifteenth Day oi A4ay one thoufand feven hundred and fixteen, fhall be imported or brought to 'he Poi'i:°of into the Port of the faid City of London, or the River of Thames, within the Liberty of the faid City upon London or the the fame River, there fliall be p^id, by way of Impofition thereupon, over and befides all other Impofitions Thames, (liallbe and Duties, according to the Rates hereafter m.entioned (that is to fay) For all fuch Sorts of Coals F'^ 'te Rates, ■ and Culm as are ufually fold by the Chalder, for every Chalder thereof, containing thirty-fix Buflrels Win- Foi°j."'^"°chiide chefier Meafure, the Sum of tv/o Shillings ; and for fuch Sort of Coals as are fold by the Tun, for every □f'coah or^ Tun thereof, containing tv/enty hundred Weight, the Sum of two Shillings; which faid Impofition ofculm, is. ivvo Shillings for every Chalder of Coals or Culm, or Tun of Coals, fhall, from Time to Time, during-Coals fold byth» the Term aforefaid, be levied, anfwered, collefted, and paid, in the fame Pv4anner, Methods, and T"". 2^. per Form, and at fuch Places, and by fuch Rules, Ways, and Means, and under fuch Penalties and For- ?""".' ,„ feitiires, as are mentioned, expreiTed, or direcicd in and by an ASt of Parliament pafled at fFeJi- Duties ^311^"^ mi>ifler, in the firft Yqar of the Reign of King James the Second, intituled, An Jti for rebuilding, finijh- levkd, &=; ing, and adorning of the Cathc-dral Chiirclj of Saint Y'^uVs, Lonion, for levying, anfwering, collefling, and The Powers in psying, the Impofition of eighteen Pence for every Chalder or Tun of Coals granted by the faid recited ' J.*'^- ^' ^- ^S» Kii ; and that ail and every rhe Powers, Authorities, Articles, Rules, and Claufes in the faid recited Aft '■"'^^'^- , • mentioned or contained, ihall be of fuch Force and Efiedt to all Intents and Purpofes, for the levying, oollc(Si:ing, paying, ordering, and difpofing of the Impofition hereby granted, for and during tire faid Term herein bc-fcre limited, as if the fame were particularly and at large fet down and enafted by this A(St. II. And be it further enafted by the Authority aforefaid. That all and every fuch Sum and Sums of Mp^eyhow ag^ ' loiipy, whic 1 ftiall be raifed, collected, or levied, by virtue, of this Act, flrall be appropriated, applied, ptopriated.- -id dirpofcd to the compleating, adorning, fecuring and preferving the faid Cathedral Church oi" Saint Paul's, i^nO. to no other Ufe or Purchafe whatfoever : And that the Lord Archbifnop of Canterbury, Lord Biftiop of London, and Lord Mayor of London, for the Time being, or any two of them, fiiall hae the 1 like Powers and Autlioritics for the ordering, directing, and difpofing of the Monies arifing by virtue of this Aci, for the Purpofe before mentioned, as they had by the faid former Act, for the ordering, direct- ing, and difpofing of the Monies arifing thereby, III. Andi