Page:Ruffhead - The Statutes at Large - vol 4.djvu/185

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A. D. 1703. Anno fecundo & tertio Ann^ Regina;. C 3. 133 Years to be reckoned from the five and twentieth Day of March in the Year of cur Lord one thoufand i'even hundred and four, at the Rate of fifteen Years Purchafc ; which R.ate doth amount t > the Sum of at '5 Ve-us- one hundred r.nd fifty Pounds for every fuch Annuity of ten Pounds /i;-,- Aniuw^ and proportionably for r'"";'"i<^> any crcatsr Annuity : And the fame Rate or Confideration-moncy is hereby appointed to be paid into the toljcpaij into laid Receipt, at or beiore the relpedtive Part thereof on or before the firfl: Day i four; one other third Part thereof on or before the four and twentieth Day ofjfu our Lord one thoufand feven hundred and four ; and the remaining third Part thereof, on or before the rn 2 j Junei704, nine and tv/entieth Day of September in the faid Year of our Lord one thoufand fe'en hundred and four, '."•"j'p'^ <ilier^ And the faid Annuities fo to be purchafed, and every of them, fhall be paid and payable, from Time to ^^' ,^"'^'^"'*- Time, at the four moft ufual Feafts of the Year, that is to fay. The Feaft of the Nativity of Saint Joh?i Ann'uit-esTo pur- Baptiji, Saint yl-Z/VAfff/ the Archangel, the Birth of our Lord Chrift, and the Annunciation of the Elefled chifed how and Virgin Mary, by even and equal Portions, the firfl: Payment thereof to be made at or for the Feafl of the vAen tn be paid. Nativity of Saint John Baptijl in the Year of our Lord one thoufand feven hundred and four ; which faid ' ^r^^'^^°^^'V Annuities fhall, for the firfl Year, and three Quarters of a Year, of the faid Term of ninety-nine Years, Sea Comp^any""^ be fatisfied and paid out of the Monies to be advanced in purfuance of this Aft, whereof fufficient fhall be may takein thtfe referved for that Purpofe ; and for all the Refl: and Refidue of the faid Term of ninety-nine Years, the Annuities." faid Annuities, and every of them, fliall be paid and fatisfied out of the Monies arifing by the weekly Payments of Excife Money be ore mentioned. X. And for the raifing any further Sum and Sums of Money, not exceeding three hundred thoufind Pounds, for carrying on the laid War, and other her Majeflry's Occafions, and alfo for raifing fuch Monies as lliall be neceflary to difchargethe quarterly Paym.ents, which during one Year and three Quarters of a Year, to be reckoned from the faid five and twentieth Day oi March one thoufand feven hundred and four, fhall or may grow due upon the other Annuities to be purchafed, as is herein after mentioned ; it is hereby further enafted by the Authority aforefaid. That it fiial! and may be lawful to and for any Pcrfon or For ralCnf s Perfons, Natives or Foreigners, to contribute, advance, and pay into the faid Receipt of her Majefty's -/urihcr.Suir. cf Exchequer, for her Majefty's Ufe, at or before the refpective Days and Times, and by fuch Proportions, jooioool. Per- ?.s are before in this Aft appointed for Payment of the Purchafe Monies for the Annuities firfl: above men- ^^"feA? mt>3 tioned, any Sum and Sums of Money for purchafing any Annuity or Annuities for one Life, at the Rate for oneXife at o- of nine Years Purchafe, or for two Lives, at the Rate of eleven Years Purchafe, or for three Lives, at Tears Purchafe, the Rate o'-' twelve Years Purchafe, or for fuch a certain Term of ninety-nine Years, as aforefaid, at for two Lives at the Rate of fifteen Years Purchafe, at the Eleftion of fuch Purchafers refpeftively ; which faid Rates do "T^"^ "." amount to the Sum of ninety Pounds for an Annuity of ten Pounds per Annum for one Life, and to the at ^.^YeaTs Pur- Sum of one hundred and ten Pounds for an Annuity of ten Pounds per .Annum for two Lives, and the Sum chafe, or for go^ of one hundred and twenty Pounds for an Annuity of ten Vonnis per Annum for three Lives, and to Years atisYearo- the Sum of one hundred and fifty Pounds for an Annuity of ten Pounds per Arnurn, for the certain Term Purchafe.- of ninety-nine Years before mentioned, and proportionably for any greater Annuities fo to be purchafed for fuch Efl-ates or Interefl:s refpeftively. XL And it is hereby enafted, That all the faid Annuities fo to be purchafed fof Life, Lives, or Years, Annuities to at the Eleftion of the Purchafer as aforefaid, fhall likewife commence from the faid five and twentieth "nnmence front Day of March in the Year of our Lord one thoufand kvcn hundred and four, and fhall be paid and pay- ^^^ to^he4°d' . able at the faid Receipt of Exchequer, at the four ufual Feafts before mentioned, by even and equal Por- quarterly/ ' - tions, the firfl: Payment thereof to be alfo made at or for the faid Feafl of the Nativity of Saint yohn Bap- t'lft, in the Year of our Lord one thoufand feven hundred and four. " XIL And be it enafted by the Authority aforefaid. That all the quarterly Payments whrch fhall How the quar- cr may incur or grow due for or upon the Annuities lafl mentioned, within the faid Time of one {-"m 2 ^Mar" Year, and three Quarters of a Year, to be reckoned from the faid five and twentieth Day of y!<f(7r<:/; ,^04 to 2; Deo, one thoufand feven hundred and four, until and for the faid five and twentieth Day of Der^nifr one 1705. fliall be. thoufand feven hundred and five, fliall be fatisfied and paid out of the Monies to be advanced for pur- pa'<l) *»•■ chafing the fame Annuities upon this Aft, v/hereof fufficient fhall be referved fbr that Purpofe ; and all quarterly Payments which fhall incur and grow due for or upon the fame Annuities laft mention- ed, and every of them, from and after the faid five and tv/entieth Day of X'Vi:^ra^^r one thoufand feveji: hundred and five, during the Continuance of the refpeftive Terms and Eflates fo to be purchafed therein, (hall be paid and fatisfied out of the Monies arifing by the weekly Payments of Excife Money befoic mentioned. XIIL Provided alv/ays. That when the Contributions upon this Aft fhall amount in the whole When tlie'Conw to one million two hundred thoufand Pounds, for carrying on the faid War, and her Majefty's '"b^fions ihall-- Occafions, and to fo much more as fhall or may be neceflary to difcharge all the faid Annuities, i™°o"oo'°j ^ until . the five and twentieth Day of December one thoufand feven hundred and five inclufively, „<> more (hall be then no further Contributions fliall be received, at the faid Exchequer for pui'chafing Annuities upon received at the this Aft. Exchequer. XR'".. And it is hereby further enafted. That where any Contributor fhall advance Money,, at the Contributor for refpeftive Rate aforefaid, for an Eftate for one Life, as aforefaid, every fuch Contributor, his Executors, pne Life may Adminiftrators, or Affigns, fhall and may name to the Auditor of the Receipt, and Clerk of the Pells, "nrfame Co!f ■- for the Time being, or to either of them, the Life of the fame Contributor, or any other Life- (at his or tutor, or any ' " her Eleftion) during which, every fuch Contributor, or fuch as he or fhe fliall appoint, his, her, or their ether,' who ftalj) Executors, Adminiftrators, and Ailigns refpeftively, fliall be intitled to every llich Annuity, according b<: intitkd to to the true Meaning of tliis Aft j. ajid that, where any Contributor fhall advance Money at the ref^^eftive f^^li Annuity,.. I Rate