Page:Ruffhead - The Statutes at Large - vol 4.djvu/186

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134- C. 3- Anno feciindo & tertio ANNi^ Reginre. A. D. 1703, R.Uc aforcfiiid, for an Effat; for two Lives, every fuch Contributor, his Executors, Adminiftrators, or Affigns fliall and may name to the faid Auditor of the Receipt and Clerk of the Pells for the 1 ime being, or either ol'thetji, two Pcrfons or Nominees (whereof hiinfelf or herfelf, if he or fhc thinks fit, may be iCrntributor ail- one) during whofe Lives, and the Life of the Survivor of them, every fuch Contributor, or fuch as he: Slicing f<^r two or fhe fball appoint, his, her or their Execitors, Adminiftrators, and Affigns refpcctively, fhall be in- tvTO No^'^ees'^^ titled to every fuch Annuity, according to the true Meaning of this Aft ; and that where any Contribu- te. "' tor fliall advance Money at the refpedtive Rate aforefaid, for an Eftate for three Lives, every fuch Con- and for three tributor, his Or her Executors, Adminiftrators, or Afligns, fhall and may name to the faid Auditor of Lives three No- the Receipt, and Clerk of the Pells, for the Time being, or either of them, three Perfons or Nominees: «nmees,S:c. (whereof himfelf or herfelf, if he or file think fit, may be one) during the Lives of which Nominees, And of the Survivors and Survivor of them, every fuch Contributor, or fuch as he or fiie ifiall apoint, his, her, and their Executors, Adminilfrators, and Aiugns refpeclively, fliall be intitled to every fuch Annuity, according to the Tenor and true Meaning of this Atf. ^'Th°^'r" ^^ • Provided alwr>ys, That all the faid Lives'^ ihall be named by the feveral Contributors, their, f.'lljyj^j.'^f, °"' Executors or Adminiitrators, or fuch as fliall be employed by them to pay in the faid Furchafe- -May 1704, monies, on or before the faid firfl Day of May in the Year of our Lord one- thouiand fiven hun-' dred and four. ■Contributors XV [. And. it is hereby enafted, That in the Offices of the faid Auditor of the Receipt, and Clerk ^n'tre"i'n*h"cOf-'^ °^ '"'"'- ^^^^^ feverally, there fliall be provided and kept a Book or Books, in which fliall be fairly en- ficesoftheAu- f^^ the Names of all who fliall be Contributors, and of all Perfons by whofe Hands the faidContri- ditor and Cleric butors fliall pay in any of the faid Sums, and alfo the feverrd Sums fo paid, and the Times when t'le ■of the Cells. fame are refpeclively paid, and the feveral Nominees for whofe Lives refpeftivcly the faid Annuities Books to he m- fQ,- Ljfg q,- Ljyes are to continue ; to v/hich Book it fhall be lawful for the refpecfive Contributors, their ^peaed withrut Ejiecufopj^ Adminiftrators, and Affigns, from Time to Time, and at all feafonable Times, to have re- fort, and to infpeft t'lie fame without Fee or Reward ; and as well the fiid feveral Contributors for Life, Lives, or Years, as the faid Nominees for Life or Lives, fhall be defcribed in the faid Books by their Chriltian and Surnames, Additions, and Places of Abode, and other Defcriptions which ihall befl: afccr- tain the Perfons. Csntribotorii - XVIL And be it further enafted by the A-ithority aforefaid. That all and every Contributor and'Con- fcaf"^^"^^"' '^b^J'^^'s upon this A6f, duly paying the Coiulderation or Purchafe-money after the refpe£live Rates afore-- ■ eni^oy tTeAnnui- ^•^^■> ^' ? before the refpe£tive Days and Times in this Ai5l before limited in that Behalf, for any Annuity sies lb purchafed, or Annuities for fuch Term of Years, or Eftate for Life or Lives, as aforeGiid, according to the true Mean- ing of this A6f, or fuch as he, fhe, or they fhall appoint, his, her, or their refpeftive Executors, Adminiifra- tors, and Affigns, fhall have, receive, and enjoy, and be intitled, by Virtue of this Acf, to have, receive, and enjoy the refpeftive Annuity and Annuities fo to hi purchafed, out of the Monies arifmg and to arife, as aforefaid, for and during all and every fuch Term of Years, for Life or Lives refvccStively, and tliat all the Annuities to be purchafed on this.AiSf for any Term, Eftate, or Interefl v/hatfoever, fhall be free frortiTaxesj free from all Taxes, Charges, aid Impofitions whatfoever. and. (hall have XVIIL And be it further enaiSfed by the Authority aforefaid. That every Contributor upon any Part Tallies. fpr the of this Acl for any of the Annuities aforefaid, his, her, or their Executors, Adminillrators, or Affigns, ifanje, upon Payment of the Confideration or Purchafe m.oney for the fame, at the refpeftive Rates in this Aft before appointed, or any Part or Proportion thereof, within the Time or Times by this Aft limited in that Behalf, fliall immediately have on; or more Talley or Tallies levied, importing the Receipt of fo much Confideration-money as fliall be fo paid for or in Part of the faid refpeftive Sums to be raifed, as aforefaid, and upon Payment of all the Parchafc-money for any fuch Annuity or Annuities, as aforefaid, at the Rate by this Aft appointed, every fuch Contributor refpeftively, his or her refpeftive Executors, and Orders for Adminiftrators, or Affigns, fhall have an Order for Payment of fuch Annuity and Annuities, for and du- ilepaymept. ring fuch refpeftive Term, Eftate, or Intereft, as he, fhe, or they fliall or ought to have therein, as afore- faid ; which Order fhall be figned by the Treafurer and Under Treafurer of tnc Exchequer, or any three or more of the Commiffioners of the Treafury for the Time being ; and after the figning thereof, the fame fhall be firm, good, valid, and efl'eitual in Law, according to the Purport and true Meaning there- of, and of this Aft, and fhall not be determinable by or upon the Deaths or Removal of any Trealurer or Urider Treafurer of the Exchequer, or any Commiff.oner or Commilfioners of the Treafury, or by or ado Lord Trea- wpon the Determination of the Power, Office or Offices of them or any of them ; nor fhall any Lord

uier,&c. tore- Pligh Trealurer of EngLrad^ Treafurer of the Exchequer, or any Commiffioners of the Treafury, now or

■joiie the fame, for the Time being, have Pov/cr to revoke, countermand, or make void fuch Orders fo figned, as afore- faid, or any of them. XIX. And for the Encouragement of the Contributors to advance and pay forthwith into the Re- ceipt of the Excliequer, the Sums by them intended to be advanced upon any r.f the Terms aforefjid, Contrihitorf to it is provided and enafted by the Authority aforefaid, That every fuch Contributor, v/ho fhall advance /be ailuw=^ s h and pay into the faid Receipt of Exchequer, all or any Part of the Purchafe-money payable tor any fuch }mvmmf"plZ Annuity Or Annuities, as aforefaid, before the faid firft Day of yl-Z^j' in the Year of our Lord one thou- inont, ^^nfi fcven hundred and four, his, her, or their Executors Adminiftrators, or Aingns, fliall be allo.ved and paid, out of the Contribution-m.oney aiifmg by this Aft, Intereft after the Rate of five Pounds per Centum per Annum, for tht; prompt Payment of the Money fo advanced, from the Time of the l»iil iMay 17-04. adfual advancing and paying the fame, until the fiiid flrft Day of ^ir7>' one thoufand fcycn hundred and four, XX. And