Page:Ruffhead - The Statutes at Large - vol 4.djvu/223

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A.D. 1704: Anno tertio & quarto Ann^e Reginae. C. 5. 171 Perfon or Perfons who will fue for the fame, wherein no Eflbin, Proteilion, Wager of-Law, Privilege of Parliament, or other Privilege, or more than one Imparlance, fhall be granted or allowed, either for de- manding or taking any fuch Fee or Gratuity, or for giving any undue Preference in Point of Regiftry or Payment, or for diverting or mifapplying any of the Monies of the faid Duties, contrary to the true Meaning of this Ait. XIX. Provided alwaviS, That if it fhall happen that feveral of thofe Tallies and Orders bear Date, or No undue Prefe- be brought the fame Day to the Auditor of the Receipt to be regiflred, it fhall be interpeted no undue '■^""• Preference which of thofe be entred firft. XX. Provided alfo, That it fhall not be interpreted any undue Preference, to incur any Penalty in Point of Payment, if the Auditor direft, or the Cleric of the Pells record, and the Tellers do pay fubfe- quent Orders of Perfons that come and demand their Monies, and bring their Orders, before other Per- fons that did not come to demand their Monies, and bring their Orders m courfe, fo as there be fo much Money referved as will fatisfy precedent Orders, which fhall not be otherwise difpofed, but kept for them ; yet fo as that Intereft of Loan fhall in that cafe ceafe from the Time the Money is fo referved and kept in Bank for them. C A P. V. An A£t for granting to her Majefty a further Subfidy on Wines and Merchandizes imported. 'TwotWrdj Subfidy^' Mojl Gracious Sovereign, ' •«T7HEREAS by an Aft of Parliament made and pafTed in the ninth Year of the Reign of your 9 w. 3. 0.13. ' VV Majefly's late Royal Brother King William the Third, of glorious Memory, intituled, yf« 'Thisnuty is ' Ati for granting to his Majrjly a further Suhfldy ofTunnage and Poundage, towards raifmg the yearly Sum c^mafie perpetual ' feven hundred thoufand Pounds, for the Service of ins Mnjejiy's Houjhold, and otijcr UJes tlnrein mentioned, du- ^^^^ ""'^' J^ ' ring his Ma]ejiy's Life, it was enaiSled, That over and above all Subfidies of "Funnage and Poundage, . q^^' j" ^ g/ ' and over and above all additional Duties, Impofitions, and other Duties whatfoever, therein mentioned, & 5 Geo. i.c 3,

  • there fhould be raifed and paid to his Majefly one other Subfidy, called 7k«;z^7^^, for and upon all and Part ufi be ^

' Wines, which from and after the lafl Day oi January in the Year of our Lord one thoufand fix hun- AsgrcgateFund.* ' dred ninety-nine, at any Time or Times during his Majefty's Life, fhould be imported or brought ' into the Kingdom of England, Dominion oiJVaies, or Town oi Berwick upon Tvjced; and one further ' Subfidy, called Poundage, of all Manner of Goods and Merchandizes imported or brought into this ' Realm, or any his Majefiy's Dominions to the fame belonging, at any Time or Times after the faid ' lafl: Day of January one thoufand fix hundred ninety-nine, during his Majefty's Life, by Way of Mer- ' chandi'ie (except fuch Goods and Merchandizes as are therein excepted) and •with fuch Abatements, ' Regulations, DirecStions for making Repayments or Allowances upon Exportation, and fubjeft to fuch •Rules, and other Matters and Things touching the faid feveral Subfidies, as in the faid K&. are expref- ' fed ; which faid further Subfidies of Tunnage and Poundage, and other Duties upon "Wines, Goods, ! 'land Merchandizes, granted by the A£t above recited, are to be raifed and paid to your Majefiy during f * your Life, by Virtue of another Aft of Parliament made and paffed in the firft Year of your Majefty's •■ ' Reign, intituled. An A Si for the better Support of her MajeJly's tiouffiold, and of the Honour and Dignity of[i Anna, iTat. I ' the Crown : And by another Aft made and pafled in the fecond Year of your Majefty's Reign, intituled, '• '^- 7- I * An Acf for granting to her Majefly an additional Subfidy of Tunnage and Poundage for three Years, and for lay- * ■^""^' '^- 9- I ^' ing a further Duty upon French Wines condemned as lawful Prize, and for afcertaining the Values of unrated 1 • 'Goods imported jrom the Eaft Indies, a further Subfidy of Tunnage upon all Wines, which were to be [ 'Imported during the Term therein mejitioned (that is to fay) one third Part of fuch or the like Duties, 1 ' as by the faid recited Afts, or either of them, were impofed upon Wines ; and one other Subfidy of ' See 5 Geo. i. I ' Poundage of Goods and Merchandizes, which were to be imported during the Term therein mentioned '^- 3- §• 34

* (that is to fay) one third Part of fuch or the like feveral Duties as by the faid recited Afts, or cither of them,

i ' arc impofed upon the fiime Goods and Merchandizes refpeft-ively (except as therein is excepted) are already 'granted to your Majefty, in the Manner therein expreffed, as by the faid feveral Afts (Relation being there- ' unto feverally had) may more fully appear :' Nov/ v/e your Majefty's mofi dutiful and loyal Subjefts, the 1, Commons of Eyiglandm Parliament aftembled, for the better enabling your Majefty to carry on the pre- ! fent War, and to defray your other necefi'ary Expences, do cheerfully and unanimoufly give and grant I unto your moft Excellent Majefty the additional Rates, Duties, and Sums of Money, herein after men- itioned, and do moft humbly befeech your Majefty, that it n-ay be enafted : And be it enafted by the 'Queen's moft Excelfent Majefty, by and with the Advice and Confent of the Loi-ds Spiritual gftd Tem- poral, and Corr.mons, in this prefent Pa»liament aflembled, and by the Authority of the fame. That over , ... . ^ jand above the Subfidies of T'unnage and Poundage above mentioned, and over and above all other Subfi- tvofTunna e" dies, additional Duties, Im^pofitions, and Payments v/hatfoever, by any other Aft or Afts of Parliament, granted for 4

or otherwife however already due or payable, or which ought to be paid to her Majefty for or upon any Ycais.

iWines, Goods, or Merchandizes v/hatfoever, imported or to be imported, there fliall be raifed, levied, icollefted, paid, and fatisfied unto her Majefty, one other Suplidy, called Tunnage, for and upoji all On all Wines Wines, which from and after the eighth Day oi March one thoufand feven hundred and four, at any imported, rime or Times within or during the Space of four Years from thence next and immediately enT'uing, liall be imported or brought into' the ¥ oi Englatid, 'Dom o oi TVales, zrn^ "i^own ^-^ Berwick '■ipon Tiuced (that is to fay) two third Parts of fuch or the like feveral and refpeftive Duties, as b/ th^ f.cid ' ft of the ninth Year of his' faid hid Majefty's Reign were granted, and by the faid Aft of the nrft Year )f her Majefty's Reign ar^ continued and payable for or upon any kind of Wine or Wines refpoctji'ely • - Z? " And