Page:Ruffhead - The Statutes at Large - vol 4.djvu/261

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A'D^iyo^. Anno quarto An NiE Reglnae. C 19. 209. ■ per Annum. Not exceeding 1500/. Truftees Accounts to be examined by Juftices at Quarter-Seflions. Oa Death of Truftees, Survivors to choofe others. No Ballaft, Duft, isfc. to be thrown into the J^arV ' bour. Perfons fued may plead the General Iffue. Aft to be allowed a Publick Aft. EXP. '; •""'i' C A P. XIX. An A£t for the Encouragement and Increafe of Seamen, and for the better and fpeedier Man- /., , nipg her Majefty's Fleet. X. A N D for the Encouragement of all Seamen, who are of fliall be in her Majefty's Service at Sea, How Seamen /T^ it is hereby declared and enadted by the Authority aforefaid. That every Seaman who from and turned over from after the five and twentieth Day of March one thoufand feven hundred and fix, fhall be turned, over from,°"^ 'P ^"?l"' one Ship to another in her Majefty's Service, or turned afhore, as not being fit for her Majefty's Service, ^'^-'i"!' be paid, fji^ll be paid his Wages which fliall appear to be due to him in the Ship from which he was turned over, hef'ore fuch Ship to which he {hall be turned over do go to Sea, either in Money or by a Ticket, which ihall, entitle hiin or his Afligns to Payment within pne Month after the faid ihall be prefeiited to ' the ConjmiiTioners of the Navy at their, Office,,. .;:•,.;,,",:

  • ' No Mariner entred, and continuing in the Queen's Service, to be arrefted during this War, for a Debt

not exceeding 20 1." ' XVL And whereas by an A8: made in the fecond Yea^ of her Majefty's Reign, intituled, Jn ASifor ^ & j Ann*,

  • the Increafe ofSeamen^ and better Eiicourazement of Navigation, and the Security of the Coal Trade, Provifion c, 6.
  • isfflia^erfpr, pijtting aiit of Pari/h Ghifdren, Apprentices to Mafters- of trading Ships and Veffels at the
  • Age often Years j' It is hereby enac^red. That no fuch Mafter ;ftiall be obliged to take any fuch Ap-T(Jo Matter of

prentice under the Age of thirteen Years, or who ftiall not appear to be fitly qualified both as to Health ^l^'P '<> ^^^' ^p- and Strength, of Body -for that Service jand any Widow of the Mafter of fuch Ship or Veffel, or the Ex- ^"years^old" ecutor or Adminiftrator of fuch Mafter, who ftiall have been obliged to take fuch Parifti Boys Apprentice' * to therh', ih^ll ^^^^ the fame Power of ailigning over fuCh Apprentices to any other Mafters of Ships or Veflels, who have not their Compliment of Apprentices required by the faid recited Ai£t, to be entertain-' ^d by thern, as is given by, the faid Aft to fuch Perfbns, as have taken Children Apprentices in purfuance'43 ^^- '^- *• of the Statute made inthe; forty-third Year of Queen Elizabeth, '_ _ -^1 r | , * XVlf. And whereas all fuch Perfons, who i'n Purfuance of the faid AQ^, have voluntarily bound, or

  • hereafter .ftiail fo bind themfelves Apprentices to fuch MafterS or Owners, as therein is eXprefled, are ' I
  • exempted from her Majefty's Service for the Term of three Years, from the Date of their refpe£tive In-
  • dentures : And whereas fuch Exemptions from her Majefty's Sea Service for the Term of three Years,'
  • which was intended for the Encouragement of Landmen, to bind themfelves Apprentices to 'the Sea'
  • Service, hath been manifeftly abufed for the exempting and protedling of Seamen from the faid Service,
  • who having bound themfelves Apprentices, have claimed fuch Exemption, and demanded Proteilions
  • accordingly, to the great Hindrance and Prqudice of her Majefty's Sea Service;' Be it therefore fur- N'" Apprentices

flier enafted ajid declared. That no Perfon -or' Perfons of the Age of eighteen Years, fliall have any, Ex- *°g "J'™," °^ emptionor P,rote£tion from, her Majefty's Sea Service, who fliall have been in any Sea Service befo're'e„mpt from the the Time they bound themfelves Apprentices; any Law or Statute to the contrary thereof in any wife' Queen's Service notwithftanding, . ■, , ^ 'at Sea. ' XVin. And whereas by an A<3: of Parliament made in the fecond Year of the Reign of King PnitiP 2 & 1 Pliil t ' and Queen Mary, intituled, An Ail touching Watermen and Bargemen upon the River ff/"Thames, it was Mar. c. i6. %.%, ' enafted, That if any Perfon pr Perions, which from and after the Time therein mentioned, fliould ufe

  • ahd exercife the Occupation of rdwing betwixt Gravefend znd Windfor, which in the Time of the Exe-
  • eution of apy Comnjiflionorpreifing, ,that flibuld be had for the Service of the King and Queen's Ma-
  • jefty in tneir Affairs, fliould willingly, voluntarily, and obftinately 'withdravv; hide, or convey him or
  • therrifelves in the fame Time of preflliig,' into fecret Places and out Corners, and after, when fuch'
  • Time of pre'fling is overpaffed, fliould return and come again to the River, of ^y^^/wj, to row betwixli
  • Graveferid arid 'Windfor afprefaid,' arid that ' duly proved by two indifferent Witnefles before the Lord

' Mayor, and Court; qf Aldermen, or Juftices of Peace, and two of the Rulers of the Company of Wa-

  • ^ terriien, that then he doiii^ and offending, fliould fuffer Imprifonment for the Space of two
  • Weeks, and be baniflied anymore to row from thenceforth upon the faid River of Thames, by the Space
  • of one whole Yeats and a Day then next following : And' vvhereas by an Aft made in the eleventh Year

' of his late Majefty'King William the Third, intituled. An AB for Explanation and letter Execution of ^^ ^ j^ ^y ' former Ails made touching Watermen and TVherrymen, rowing on the River «/"Thames, and for the better or- c. 21.

  • dering and governing the faid Watermen, Wherrymen, and Lightermen upon the faid River, betiueen Grave-
  • fend and Windfor, Perfons who keep or work, or fliall be imployed in rowing or navigating any Lighter ■ "

' or Lighters, or other great Craft, (except, as in the faid Aft is excepted) regiftered in the Com- ' party of Watermen : And whereas in this Time of War, .divers Watermen, Bargemen, Lightermen,'

  • and Wherrymen, belonging to. the. faid RiVer, dp abfcdnd and not enter themfelves into her Majefty's
  • Seryice; and if beipg highly lieCeflary that a convenient Number of fuch Watermen^' Bargfemfen, Ligh- ;
  • terrneri, and Whercyrrien, fliould from Time to Time be obliged to ferve on board her-M'ajefty's Fleet;'

Be it enafted by the Authority aforefaid, That in- cafe fuch Number of themas the Lord High Admiral ' Watermen, &c. . ,;yOI„ IV, Ee q' fummon'dbythe '..*■' _ Rulers of the Company to fepre .on board the FI.eet, and not appearing, &c. to be difabled, &c.