Page:Ruffhead - The Statutes at Large - vol 4.djvu/294

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242 C. ig. Anno quinto Ann^ Rcglnae. A. D. 1706. Receivers Gene- ral to pay the Monies into the Sichequer. I Annas, ftat. i, Wjjekly. .Additional Sub- i'ldiei, Tunnage, Co-ih, &c. ^ Further conti- s^ued» Out of tte Over- plus Money ari- fing 4 Ann£> t. 6. 5W. &MvC. 7. 4 AnnsE, c, 6. Lord Treafurer to make good tile quarterly Payments, &c. 4 AnnsE, c. 6. for and during the faid feveral Terms of Years therein granted, or intended to be granted by this A6t, be brought and paid by the refpeitive Receivers General, or fuch Perfons as for the Time being fliall have the Receipt thereof, as the fame fhall be raifed (w^ho are hereby required and enjoyned to bring and pay the fame accordingly) into the Receipt of Exchequer, for the Furpofes in this Ad: exprefled, diftinftly arul feparately from all other Monies whatfoever that are or {hall be payable by them into the faid Re- ceipt: And that from and immediately after the Time that all the Principal and Intereft JVIonics, w^hich by the faid Act of the firft Year of her Majefty's Reign, are charged upon the aforefaid Rates and Du- ties upon Vellum, Parchment, a.nd Paper thereby grunted, fhall be fatisfied and paid off, or that Money fhall be referved in the Exchequer fufficient for that Purpofe, then the aforefaid Duties upon Vellum, Parchmejit, and Paper, to arife by the faid Aft of the firft Year of her Majefty's Reign, for the Remain- der of the Term thereby granted, and therein then to come and unexpired, (except the neceffary Charges ofraifmg, collefting, levying, and accounting for the fame) fliall in like Manner from Time to Time be brougnt and paid into the Receipt of the Exchequer, for the Purpofes in this Aft exprefled, diftinftly- and apart as aforefaid : And the refpeftive Commiffioners and Receivers General of the faid feveral Rates and Duties hereby required to be paid into the Receipt of the Exchequer as aforefaid, fhall make or caufe to be made Payments thereof into the faid Receipt of the Exchequer, according to the true Meaning of this A£l, v/eekly, to wit, on WcdnefJay in every Week, if it be not an Holy-day 5 and if it be, then oa- the next Day after that is not an Holy-day. VIII. And be it enafted by the Authority aforefaid. That the additional Subfidies of Tonnage and.' Poundage, and other Duties, which in and by the Aft of the fourth Year of her Majefty's Reign, inti- tuled. An ASi for continuing an additional Subftdy of - Tonnage and Poundage^ and certain Duties upon Coahy. ■ Culm, and Cynders, and additional Duties of Excife, and for fettling and eftahlijhing a Fund thereby, and by dther Ways and Means, for Payment of Annuities to he fold for raifing a further Supply to her Majejly, for the Service of the Tear one thoufand feven hundred and fix, and other Ufes therein mentioned, were granted and con- tinued to be paid for and upon all Wines, which from and after the eighth Day oi March one thoufandi feven hundred and fix, during the Term of ninety-eight Years from thence next enfuing, fliould be im- ported or brought into the Kingdom of England, Dominion of Wales, and Town of Berwick upon Tvjeed, and for and upon all Manner of Goods and Merchandizes, which from and after the faid- eighth Day of March one thoufand feven hundred and fix, during the faid Term of ninety-eight Years, fhould be im- ported of brought into this Realm, or any of her Majefty's Dominions to the fame belonging, by Way of Merchandize (except as therein is excepted) fhall, by Virtue of this Aft, be further continued, and be due and payable to her Majefty, her Heirs and Succeftbrs, from the Expiration of the faid feveral Terms of ninety-eight Years, for the Term of one whole Year, from thence next and immediately enfuing, for the Ufes and Purpofes in this Aft exprefled ; which additional Subfidies and Duties fo continued for one Year, and all Arrears thereof, fhall be raifed, levied, and paid by the fame Rules, and with fuch Draw- backs and Allowances, and fubjeft to fuch Penalties and Forfeitures, and in fuch Manner and Form, as by the faid Aft of the fourth Year of her faid Majefty's Reign, are prefcribed and enafted in relation to the like Subfidies or Duties thereby granted. ' IX. And whereas the faid additional Subfidy of Tunnage and Poundage (which is commonly called' ' the one third Subfidy) and other Duties upon Wines, Goods, and Merchandizes, granted by the faid ' Aft of the fourth Year of her Majefty's Reign, for the Term of ninety-eight Years as aforefaid, and the ' Duties upon Coals, Culm, and Cynders, by the fame Aft granfed or continued from the fourteenth- ' Day of yi/ffy one thoufand k^i^vt hundred and eight, until the thirtieth Day of September one thoufand ' feven hundred and ten, and the particular Rates and Duties of Excife by the fame Aft granted for the ' Terra of ninety-five Years, from the feventeenth Day of May one thoufand feven hundred and thirteen, ' and all the Monies to arife by Virtue of an Aft of the fifthYear of their faid late Majefties Reign, of ' or for the Duties of Excife thereby granted, after paying off^, or referving fufficient to pay off the Lot- ' tery Annuities therein mentioned, together with other Monies mentioned in the faid Aft of thxC fourth ' Year of her Majefty's Reign, are thereby made liable to the Payment of certain Annuities purchafed ' thereupon, not exceeding one hundred eighty-four thoufand two hundred forty-two Pounds and four- ' teen Shillings /i^r yf«n«?w, at the Receipt of the Exchequer, which Subfidies, Rates, Duties, and other ' Funds or Provtfions charged by the faid Aft with the Annuities laft mentioned, will by Eftimation pro- ' duce annually a confiderable Sum more than will be fufhcient to difcharge all the fame Annuities, and ' the neceifary Charges of paying and accounting for the fame, and the Overplus Monies thereby arifing

  • do belong to her Majefty, for the publick Ufe and Service ;' Be it further enafted, by the Authority

aforefaid. That the Lord Jdigh Treafurer of ^wg-ZaW, or any three or more of the CommifKoners of the Treafury for the Time being, fhall, from Time to Time, during the Continuance of the faid Subfidies, Rates, Duties, and other Funds fettled by the faid Aft of the fourth Year of her Majefty's Reign as- afore- faid, and every or any of them, caufe all the faid Overplus Monies of the fame Subfidies, Rates, Duties, and other Funds contained in the Aft laft mentioned, to be juftly and duly computed, at the Feaft of the Annunciation of the BlefTed Virgin Mary in every Year, or within fix Days after, the firft Computation thereof to be made at the Feaft of the Annunciation of the Blefled Virgin Mary one thoufand feven hun- dred and eight, or within fix Days after ; and after paying, or referving fufTicient to pay fo much as fhall be incurred or grown due upon the faid Annuities, by Virtue of the faid Aft of the fourth Year of her Pvlajefty's Reign, at or before every fuch Feaft of the Annunciation of the Blefled Virgin Mary refpeftive- ly, the fame Overplus Monies- (except the neceffary Charges of paying and accounting for the faid An- nuities, purchafed on the faid Aft of the fourth Year of her Majefty's Reign) or fo much of the Over- plus laft mentioned, as Ihall be fufiicient for this Purpole, Ihall be applied for and towards the making goodj