Page:Ruffhead - The Statutes at Large - vol 4.djvu/315

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A.D. 1706. Anno quinto Ann^e Reginae.- C. 30. 263 be and are hereby vefted in her Majeft^', her Heirs and Succeflbrs, and her Majefty, her Heirs and Suc- ceflbrs fiiall for ever have, hold, and enjoy the fame, againft the faid Sir 'John Cotton the Grandfon, and againft all and every the Sons of the faid Sir John Cotton^ to be begotten, and the Heirs Male of the Bo- dies of fuch Son or Sons, and againft: all and every other Perfon and Perfons claiming or to claim by Vir- tue of any of the Ufes or Limitations contained in the faid recited Acl, and againft the Heirs of the Bo- dies of Sir Tbo?nas Cotton, and Dame Jlice his Wife, both deceafed, and againft the right Heirs of the faid Sir Tbcmas Cotton, and againft all and every Perfon and Perfons claiming or to claim, by^ from, or under the faid 'i'wjohn Cotton deceafed, and freed and difcharged of and from their refpeclive Titles and Eftates. II. And it is hereby further enadted and declared. That a convenient Room fhall be built on or near A convenient Part of the faid Ground, hereby intended to be vefted in her Majefty, as her Majefty, her Heirs and Sue- Room to be built ceffbrs, ftiall by Writing under the Sign Manual appoint; in which Room, when built, all the faid Ma- f<« the Library, nufcripts, written Books, Papers Parchments, Records, and other Memorials, as alfo all Coins, Medals, and other Rarities and Curioftties in the faid Library contained, fiiall be lodged, and there remain to all Pofterity -, and the faid P..oom when built, fhall for ever be called and known by the Name of the Cotto- and to be called nian Library ; and from the building thereof, the faid Library fhall be managed and direiSted by the Lord Library?""'"" Chancellor or Lord Keeper of the Great Seal of £'/'0-/(7/;(i' for the Time being, the Honourable Robert Har- ^j^dggj, vey Efq; Principal Secretary of State, the Honourable the Speaker of the Houfe of Commons for the Time J^t^x^^^' being, the Lord Chief Juftice of the ^icen's Bench for the Time being, Sir Robert Cotton of Hatley St. George in the County Cambridge-, Knt. Phillip Cotto?! of Conning; ten in the laid County, Efq; Robert Cotton of Gia- dln in the County of Hmitington, Efq; and WilUmn Hanbury of the Inner Temple, London, Efq; and their Succeflbrs, as Truftees to and for the Ufe of the Publick for ever ; and in cafe any of the faid recited four Perfons iliall happen to die, the faid Sir John Cotton, or other Heir Male of his family for the Time be- ing, fhall nominate and appoint one or more fit Perfon or Perfons for the Time being, to fucceed him or them, and to lupply the Place of him or them fo dying, and fo totics quoties, as any of the faid laft four Truftees, or others fuccecding them, fhall happen to die. III. And be it enaded by tiie Authority aforefaid, That all the faid Manufcripts, written Books, Pa- LibratytoBe' pers. Parchments, Records, and other Memorials, as alfo all Coins, Medals, Rarities, and Curiofities under the fame- in the faid Library, hereby intended to be lodged in the faid Room when rebuilt, fhall be under the fame Regulations as Regulations, Dire<£lions, and Management of the faid Truftees, to all Intents and Purpofes, as the pre- " Pt^l^nt. fent Library and every Thing therein contained, now is by the faid recited Adt liable and fubjeifl to ; and a fit Peribn for Library Keeper, fhall be appointed by the faid Truftees from Time to Time as they, or the major Part of them, fhall think fit; and the faid Library, and Library Keeper, fhall be in every Re— - fpe£t under the fame Directions and Government as the prefent Library and Library Keeper by the faid recited A£t are fubjedt to., except where the fame is herein particularly altered. IV. Saving to all and every Perfon and Perfons, Bodies Politick and Corporate, their Heirs and Sue- SalvoofRJghr cefTors (other than and except the faid Sir John Cotton the Grandfon, and his Son and Sons, begotten or to all Perfons,. to be begotten, and the Heirs Males of the Bodies of fuch Son and Sons, and other than the Perfon and *'^- Perfons claiming or to claim by Virtue of, or under any of the Ufes or Limitations contained in the faid ^""Ption^ recited Aft, and other than the Heirs of the Bodies of Sir Thomas Cotton and Dame Alice his Wife, and other than the right Heirs of the faid Sir Thomas Cotton, and other than the Perfon and Perfons claiming, or to claim, by, from, or under the faid Sir Thomas Cotton deceafed) all fuch Right, Title, Eftate, Inte- reft, or Demand, into or out of the faid PremifTcs hereby vefted in her Majefty as aforefaid, as they or any of them had or might enjoy if this Aft had not been madej any thing herein contained to the contra- ry thereof in any wife notwithftanding. V. And to the Intent that an Equivalent in lieu of the faid Houfe, called Cotton Houfe, Gardens and- Buildings, hereby vefted in her Majefty, may be fettled to the .fame Ufes the faid Houl^, Gardens, and--. Buildings were fettled and limited by the faid recited Aft of Parliament ; Be it further enafted by the Au- thority aforefaid. That the faid ?>v{John Cotton, or his Heirs, fliall before or at the Time of receiving the sir John Cort6a faid four thoufand five hundred Pounds from her Majefty, by good and fufEcient Conveyances and AfTu- to fettle 300 1. ranees in the Law, convey and affure Lands, Tenemicnts and Hereditaments of Inheritance in the Coun- per Annum in- ties of Huntingdon or Bedford, or one of them. Part of the prefent Eftate of the faid Sir John Cotton, of l^u of Cotton the clear annual Value of three hundred Pounds beyond ordinary Reprizes, free from all Incumbrances, °" ^" to the Ufe of him the faid Sir John Cotton, for and during the Term of his natural Life, and after his De- To the Ufe. of- ceafe, to the Ufe of the iirft, and eyery other Son and Sons of the Body of the faid Sir John Cotton to be himfelf, &ci • begotten, and :he Heirs ivj'ales of the Fody of fuch Son or Sons iffuing fuccefiively ; and for Default of fuch IfTue, to the Ufe of Thomas Cotton, Brother of the faid Sir John Cotton, for the Term of his natural Life ; and after his Deceafe, to the Ufe of the firft and every other Son and Sons of the Body of the faid Thomas to be begotten fuccelTively, and to the Heirs Males of the Body of luch Son and Sons ; and for Default of fucb. lifue, to the Ule of Robert Cotton of Giddin in the County of Huntiiigdon Efq; Uncle of the faid Sir John Cotton, for the Term of his natural Life; and after his Deceafe, to the Ufe of John Cot- ton, Son of the faid Robert Cotton, for his natural Life ; and after Ids Deceafe, to the Ufe of the firft and every other Son and Sons of the faid John Cotton to be begotten fuccefiively, and the Heirs Males of their Bodies iffuing ; and for Default of fuch IfTue, to the Ufe of all and every the other Son and Sons of the Body of the faid Robert to be begotten, and the Heirs Males of the Bodies of fuch Son or Sons fuccefiively ; and for Default of fuch Iffue, to the Ufe of Sir Robert Cotton of Hatley St. George in the County of Cambridge.,. Knight, for his natural Life ; and a.-ter his Deceafe, to the Ufe of the firft and every other Son and Sons of his Body to be begotten, and the Heirs iN'Iales of the Bodies of luch Son and Sons iffuing fuccefiively j and,for Default of fuch Iffue, to the Ufe of Phillip Cotton of Co nningt on in the County of Cambridge, Efq;. for.