Page:Ruffhead - The Statutes at Large - vol 4.djvu/390

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$^8 C. 37. Anno fexto Ann^ Reginae. A. D. 1707^ any of her Majefty's Subje(Sls to trade with the Subjeds of Spain, for the faid contraband Goods and Mer- chandizes, or any of them, within the Limits aforefaid ; any thing in this, or in the faid laft recited Aft, or in any former Aft, to the contrary hereof in any wife notwithftanding. Commanders of ' XVIII. And whereas good and necefTary Laws have been made, and are ftill in force within feveral of Privateers, &c. ' her faid Majefty's Colonies or Plantations in Jmerica, for the preventing and carrying off from the faid to be fubjea to c Colonies or Plantations, any Servant or Slave, without the Confent of the Owner, or the carrying ofT tioa to^Slave's^ ^' ' ^^""^ thence any other Perfon whatfoever, until fuch Perfon fliall have taken out his Ticket from th? ' Secretary's Office within fuch refpeftive Colony or Plantation, in fuch Manner, and under fuch Penal- ' ties and Forfeitures, as in and by the faid fever-al Laws is declared and provided ;' Be it therefore further enacted by the Authority aforefaid. That all Commanders of private Ships of War, or Merchant Ships having Letters of Marque, fhall, upon their going into any of thofe Ports or Harbours, be fubje6t, and they are hereby determined to be fubje£t to the ieveral Direftions, Provifions, Penalties, and Forfeitures, in and by fuch Laws made and provided ; any thing in this Aft contained to the contrary hereof in any wife notwithftanding. During War, XIX. And for the better Supply of Mariners and Seamen to ferve in her Majefty's Ships of War and Privateers or on board Privateers, Merchant Ships, and Trading Veflels, and for the better carrying on the prefent "^ "be navi'i^fted ^^^- ^^^ ^^^ Trade of Great Britain, during the Continuance thereof; Be it further enafted by the Au- by^Fure"'!! Sea- thoritv aforefaid. That during the Continuance of this prefent War, and no longer, it iliall and may be min. ° lawful for any Privateer or Merchant, or Trading Ship or Veflel, to be navigated by foreign Seamen or to as one Fourth Mariners, not being Natives of Great Britain, or of any of the Colonies or Plantations thereto belonging, be Bntuh. qj- her Majefty's natural, or naturalized Subjefts, fo as the Number of fuch Foreign Seamen or Mariners do not exceed three Fourths of the Mariners at any one Time employed to navigate fuch Privateer or Merchant or Trading Ship or V"efrel, and that one Fourth at the leaft of the Mariners or Seamen ib em- ployed, be at all Times Natives, or her Majefty's naturalized Subjefts of Great Britain (fudden Death, and the Hazard and Cafualties of War and the Seas faved and excepted) one Aft of Parliament made in 12 Car. 2. c. iS. the twelfth Year of the Reign of his late Majefty King Charles the Second, intituled, yfn ASt for the encouraging and encreafmg of Shipping and Navigation, or any other Statute or Law to the contrary not- withftanding. Foreign Seamen XX. And for the better encouraging of Foreign Mariners and Seamen to come and ferve on board Ships ferving 2 Years belonging to the Kingdom of Great Britain ; Be it further enafted by the Authority aforefaid. That every on board anyBri- fy^h Foreign Mariner or Seaman who fliall from and after the faid twenty-fifth Day oi April have faith- tifliSliips to^be ^^]]y ferved on board any of her Majefty's Ships of War, or any Privateer or Merchant, or Trading Ship born Subiefls. ' o'" Ships, Veflel or Veflels, which at the Time of fuch Service {hall belong to any of her Majefty's Sub- jefts of Great Britain, for the Space of two Years, fhall, to all Intents and Purpofes, be deemed and taken to be a natural-born Subjeft of her Majefty's Kingdom oi Great Britain, and have and enjoy all the Pri- vileges, Powers, Rights, and Capacities which fuch Foreign Mariner or Seama^n could, fhould, or ought to have had and enjoyed, in cafe he had been a natural-born Subjeft of her Majefty's, and aftually a Na- tive within the Kingdom of Great Britain. Queen may li- XXL And for the more expeditious providing of Ships and Veflels to be equipped and ufed as and for cenfe 20 Ships Privateers for the fpeedy annoying her Majefty's Enemies, and putting in Execution the Purpofes by this bought in Fo- Aft intended. Be it further enadted by the Authority aforefaid. That it fhall and may be lawful for her "'?" P^"^'° ^^ Majefty, her Heirs and Succeffors, to grant to any Perfon or Perfons who (hall be aftually engaged in any " J or Priva- ^j^gj^jm-g hi purfuance of this Aft, a Licence to buy or procure in any Foreign Parts, any Ship or Ships (firft giving Security to her Majefty, that fuch Ship and Ships ftiall be employed in fuch Adventures) io as the whole Number of Foreign Ships fo to be bought and licenfed, fhall not exceed the Number of twenty ; and that fuch Ships which fhall be fo bought by Licence of her Majefty, as aforefaid (having been equipped, fet out, and employed as Privateers, during the Continuance of the prefent War) fhall And at the End (after the fame War ended) be to all Intents and Purpofes deemed and taken as Ships oi Britijh built, and of the War be have all the Privileges of Ships built in any Part of Great Britain, and be capable of beeing ufed and em- dcemcd Britifli ployed accordingly ; the faid Aft made in the faid twelfth Year of the Reign of his late Majefty King Ships. Charles the Second, intituled. An ASl for the Increafe and Encouragement of Shipping and Navigation, or 12 Car. 2. c. iS. ^^y other Statute or Law to the contrary notwithftanding. Queen's Subieas XXII. Provided always, and be it further enafted and declared. That it fhall and may be lawful to and iniy trade to any for all her Majefty's Subjefts of this Kingdom, to trade into znj Yzri oi America, to which they might Part of America, lawfully have traded before the making of this Aft, and not otherwife. Aft tto re- XXIII. Provided always, That nothing in this Aft fhall any ways extend, or be conftrued to take iudice°the'Hld'- away or prejudice any of the Eftates, Rights, or Privileges of or belonging to the Governor and Company., fon's Bay Com- of Adventurers of England trading into Hudfon's Bay. pany. TartherPm-iftons concernhgShips, &c. ZAnn.c. !■;. zo Ann. c. i-j. iz Am. St. 2. c. J^. 3 G?«. I. c. 13. 4 Gra. i. c. 12. 7 Geo, i.e. 21. S Gfo. i. c. 17 fef 24.. II Geo. I. 1. 29. ^Gco. 2. £■. 36. 5 Gfd. 2. c. 20. 6Gfl!.2. c. 29. 7 Geo. 3. r. 15. 9 Geo. 2. c, 25. 70 Geo. 2. c. 14. 14 Geo. 2. f. 39, J7 Geo. 2. c. 34 & 36. 18 Gcc, 2. c. 17 & 31. 19 Ceo. 2. c. 30, 20 Ceo, 2. e, 24 & 45, 22 Geo, 2. c, 3 Gf 33. 26 Geo, z. c, 25. 29 Ceo, 2. c, 27 ©■34. 32'Gfo. 2. c. i6£? 25- 33 Geo. :. f, 19. ' . Anno