Page:Ruffhead - The Statutes at Large - vol 4.djvu/438

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3^6 C. 7. Anno odavo Ann^ Reginas. A. D: 1709. The Officers for rity aforcfaid, That from time to time, during the Continuance of this A(9r, there fhall be appointed managing thefe fuch and fo many Commiflioners of the Curfoms and Excife, and other Officers, as fliall be proper Duties liable to and neceflary for the raifmg and levying the refpedtive Duties and Sums of Money by this A£t grant- ' c^. ^ ■ ^' ed or chargeable, and for keeping and rendring the Accounts of the fame ; and that all Receivers Ge- neral, Coileftors, and other Officers, who are or fliall be concerned in the raifing, collefting, receiving, and paying the faid refpeflive Duties hereby granted, or any of them, and keeping and rendring the feve- ral Accounts thereof, fhall perform the feveral Duties therein, as to them refpedively fhall appertain, under fuch and the like Penalties, Forfeitures and Difabilities, for any Offence or Negle£t therein, or ^ - for detaining, diverting, or mifapplying any Part of the faid Monies, as are prefcribed, and to be infliiSled by virtue of an A6i of Parliament made aid palled in the ninth Year of the Reign of his late Majefly ^ W. 3. c. 44. King WiLiiAM the Third, intituled, Jn An for ralftng a Su?n, not exceeding two inil/ions, upon a Fmidfor Payment of Annuities^ after the Rate of eight Pounds per Centum per Annum, and for fettling the Trade to the Eafc Indies, for the like Offence or Negleft relating to the Duties on Salt, and upon flampt Vellum, Parchment and Paper, thereby granted or referred unto, or for detaining, diverting, or mifapplying any Part of the Monies which were granted or appropriated by the AGt lafl mentioned. ^ Si.oool.tnke XXV. And be it enatSed by the Authority aforefaid. That yearly and every Year, during the Term the yearly Fund, of thirty-two Years, reckoning the firft Year to begin from the twenty-ninth Day of September one thou- fand feven hundred and ten, the full Sum of eighty-one thoufand Pounds per Annum, by or out of the Monies to arife by the faid Rates, Duties, and Sums of Money by this Aft granted, or chargeable, and to be brought into the Receipt of Exchequer, as aforefaid, in cafe the fame fhall extend thereunto, fnall be the whole and entire yearly Fund ; and in cafe all the Monies arifmg into the Exchequer, of or for the faid Rates and Duties, fhall not amount to eighty-one thoufand Pounds per Annu?n, then the Monies fo arifmg, fo far as the fame will extend, fliall be Part of the yearly Fund for or towards the anfwering or Deficiency to be paying of all the feveral and r>:fpecbive Annuities herein' after mentioned ; and in cafe the faid Rates, Du- inaae goodoutof jjgg^ and Sums of Money by this Adt granted, fhall at any Time or Times appear to be fo deficient or Cods"andwtn- '^^ in the Produce of the. fame, as that within any one Year to be reckoned, as aforefaid, the faid Mo- dow Aft. nies arifmg into the Exchequer, for or upon Account of the fame Rates and Duties fhall not amount to fo much as eighty-one thoufand Pounds, or to fo much as fhall be fufficient to difcharge and fatisfy all the Annuities by this A(5l appointed or intended to be paid within or for the fame Year refpeftively. That then and fo often, and in every fuch Cafe, fo much as fhall be deficient or wanting to make up the faid Fund for every or any fuch Year, fliall be fupplied and made good from time to time out of the Sur- plus or Remainder of the Monies which, for fuch Year refpedlively, fhall arife by the Ratfes and Duties £ Anns, c. 4. granted by an A&. of this Seflion of Parliament, intituled. An A^ for continuing Part of the Duties on Coals, Culm, and Cyndcrs, and granting new Duties upon Houfes having twenty Windows or more, to raife the Sum of fifteen hundred thotfand Pounds, by way of a Lottery, for the Service of the Tear one thoufand feven hundred and ten, after all the Annuities, Charges and Payments direfted or authorized by that Act, until the End of fuch Year refpeflively, fhall be fully fatisfied, paid and difcharged, or Monies fufficient fhall be referved for that Purpofe (which Surplus or Remainder was referved to be difpofed by Authority of Parliament ;jf and in Default of fucli Surplus or Remainder, then the faid Deficiency fhall be fupplied or made up from and in Default, time to time outof the firfi Aid to be granted in Parliament, next after fuch Deficiency fhall appear, and by Parliament, {hall from time to time be transferred thereunto, as foon as fuch Aid fhall be granted. Duties arifmg be- XXVI. And it is hereby declared. That fo much of the faid Duties hereby granted as fhall conie into fore 29 Sept. the Exchequer before the twenty-ninth Dzy oi September ont th.o.i2.nA feven hundred and ten, fliall gq '7'°' '°^° ^^"^ in Aid of the faid yearly Fund after the faid twenty-ninth Day of September one thoufand feven hundred nuTties" &c. " aid ten, for Payment of the Annuities which fhall become payable upon this Aft. XXVII. And it is hereby enafted. That all the Monies arifing by the Duties hereby granted, and ' ^°"'" '"."'B Provifions hereby made for Payment of the feveral Annuities which fhall be payable upon this Aft, fhall be emred'in a'° ^^ fairly and duly entred in one or more Book or Books to be kept in the Offices of the Auditor of the Book. Receipt, and Clerk of the Pells, for that Purpofe, to which all Perfons concerned, at all feafonable Times, , fhall have free Accefs, without Fee or Charge. XXVIII. And for the raifing any Sum or Sums of Money, not exceeding in the whole the Sum of nine hundred thoufand Pounds, for carrying on the faid War, and other her Majefty's Occafions ; it is hereby further enafted by the Authority aforefaid, That it fhall and may be lawful to and for any Perfon or NativesorFo- Perfons, Natives or Foreigners, Bodies Politick or Corporate, to contribute, advance and pay into the feigners may ad- Receipt of her Majefty's Exchequer, for her Majefty's Ufe, at or before the refpeftive Days and Times vance Money on jj^ jj^jj p^Q. limited in that Behalf, any Sum or Sums of Money, not exceeding in the whole the faid ' Sum of nine hundred thoufand Pounds for the abfolute Purchafe of any certain Annuity or Annuities, to be paid and payable, during the full Term of thirty-two Years to be reckoned from the twenty-ninth Day of September in the Year of our Lord one thoufand feven hundred and ten ; which certain Annuities fhall be computed at the Rate of nine Pounds ^«r Annum for every one hundred Pounds, and proportion- ably for any greater Sum fo to be advanced or paid ; an the Purchafe Money for every fuch Annuity, at Rate aforefaid, is hereby appointed to be paid into the faid Receipt of Exchequer, at or before the re- fpeftive Days and Times herein after limited ; that is to fay. One fourth Part thereof on or before the Times of Pay- firfl Day of May_ in the Year of our Lord one thoufand feven hundred and ten ; one other fourth Part roent. thereof on or before the firfl Day of yw/y in the Year of our Lord one thoufand feven hundred and ten; , one other fourth Part thereof on or before the firfl Day of Septetnber in the Year of our Lord one thoufand feven hundred and ten ; and the remaining fourth Part thereof on or before the firfl Day oi November in < the Year of our Lord one thoufand feven hundred and ten : All which Annuities fo to be purchafed, fhall 3 not i