Page:Ruffhead - The Statutes at Large - vol 4.djvu/495

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A. D. lyio: Anno nono Ann^ Reginae. C. lo. 44.3 . may arife to that Time by Pofrs, or by Reafon of the Duties and Revenues granted by either of the faid former Afts, fliall be paid to the Receiver General of the faid Revenue, for her Majefty'sUfe, and be recovered and recoverable in fuch Manner, and by fuch Ways and Means, as the fame vi^ere recoverable before the u-.aking of this prefent Act; any thing herein contained to the contrary thereof in any wife notv/irhftanding. XXXV. And towards the Eftablifiiment of a good, fure, and laffing Fund, in order to raifc a prefent Supply of Money for canying on the War, and other her Majefty's moft neceffary Occafions; Be it further enacted by the Authority aforefaid. That from and after the twenty-ninth Day of September one thoufand After 29 Sep. feven hundred and eleven, for and during the whole Term of thirty-two Years from thence next and temberiyn. immediately enfuing, the full, clear, and intire weekly Sum of feven hundred Pounds of lawful Money ^° 3* Years, oi Great Britain, out of all the Duties and Revenues, from time to time, arifmg by virtue of this AQ., WeekK°in«)the fliall be brought and paid by the Poftmafter General, the Receiver General of the Poft-Office, or fuch Exchequer out of other Perfon or Peribns who, for the Time being {hall have the Receipt of the faid Duties and Reve- the Poft-Officc. nues, v/ho are hereby refpedively enjoined and' required to bring and pay the fame accordingly into the ^^^^ p-rpetual Receipt of the Exchequer, upon Ta^y^foy in every Week, if it be not an Holy-day, and if it be, then up- ^y 3 G™- '•'='7' on the next Day that is not an Holy-day, as one Week fhall fuccefllvely and immediately follow and fuc- ThiVlWoneyhow ceed another; and in cafe in any Week or Weeks the whole Receipt of Monies of t -e faid Duties or Re- appropriated, venues hereby charged as aforefaid, fhall not be fufficient to anfwer the faid weikly Payment or Payments 9 Annae, c. 23. hereby direfted for fuch particular "Week or Weeks, that then and fo often the Deficiency and Deficiencies §• 54- thereof fhall be fupplied and made good out of the whole Receipt of the faid Duties or Revenues arifing in the next Week or Weeks, when the Receipt or Receipts fhall be fufHcient to bear the fame ; all which Payments into the Exchequer fhall be made for the Purpofes, and under the Penalties, Forfeitures, and Difabilitics hereafter in this Aft exprefTed. XXXVI. And it is hereby further enadled by the Authority aforefaid. That the Podmafter General for Accountant Ge- the Time being, at the Head Office

London, fhall, from time to time, caufe an Account to be kept by neral, and Re-^ 

an Accountant General of all the Monies arifing by Virtue of this Aft, of or for the Duties or Revenues "iver General's aforefaid, and every or any of them, as the fame fhall from time to time arife, be paid or brought into '"^' the faid Office, to the Hands of the Receiver General for the Time being, who is or fhall be appointed, from time to time, to receive the fame; and that fuch Receiver General for the Time being fliall, out of the Mojiies fo arifing, make the faij weekly Payments into the Exchequer, in Manner as aforefaid ; and ff-the faid Poftmafler General for the Time being fhall refufe or negleft to appoint or keep fuch Account- ant General, or if fuch Accountant General fhall negleft to keep a juft and true Account as aforefaid, or if fuch Receiver General fhall at any Time refufe or negleft to make any fuch weekly Payments as afore- faid, into the Exchequer, according to the true Meaning of this Aft, or if the faid Poftmafter General, Accountant General and Receiver General for the Time beiiig, or any of them, or any other Officer of the faid Duties, fhall divert or mifapply any of the Monies which fhould make good the faid weekly Payments, or any of them, or any Part thereof, contrary to the Tenor and true Meaning of this Aft, at any Time or Times, during the faid Term of thirty-two Years, then and in any fuch cafe they and every of them fo offending fliall forfeit their feveral Offices and Places, and be incapable to ferve the Queen, her Heirs or Succeflbrs, in any Office or Place of Truft or Profit, and fhall be liable for every fuch Offence, to pay double the Value of the Money fo diverted or mifapplied, to any Perfon or Pcrfons who fliali or may be grieved by Reafon of fuch Offence, and will inform or fue for the fame by Aftion of Debt, or. of the Cafe, Bill, Suit, or Information, in any of her Majefty's Courts of Record at IVeftminJier, wherein • no Effoin, Proteftion, V/ager of Law, or more than one Imparlance fhall be granted or allowed. XXXVII. And to the End the faid weekly Sum of feven hundred Pounds may be made a Fund or Secu- A Book to ht Sums out of the faid Duties, fhall be entred apart and diftinft from all other Monies which fhall be brought and paid to the faid Receipt upon any other Account whatfoever. XXXVIII. Provided always, and it is hereby enafted. That the faid weekly Sum of feven hundred Appropriation of Pounds for the Purpofes aforefaid, fhall, from time to time, during all the faid Term of thirty-two Years, 'jj? '°°'- * be paid into the Exchequer as aforefaid, out of the whole Produce of the Duties and Revenues arifmg by " • virtue of this Aft, with Preference to all other Payments which are, fhall, or may be charged or charge- able thereupon, the necefTary Charges for managing the faid Pofl-Oifice, and the Duties thereof, and for receiving, anfwering, and accounting for the Revenues arifmg thereby, only excepted ; and that the This Revenue faid Duties and Revenues arifing by this Aft, (after Deduftion, from time to time, to be firfl made of fo liable to all An- much as fhall be then due and incurred, or in Arrear of or for the faid weekly Payments, at any Time nmties. Grams, within or during the Term aforefaid, and after the Allowance of fuch necefTary Charges as aforefaid, and ^^ th f "^* not otherwife) fhall, from time to time, be fubjcft and liable to fuch Annuities, and other Payments and ^as. Incumbrances, which by any Aft of Parliament now in Force were lawfully charged upon the Revenues of the Poff-Office, or any of them, granted by the faid former Afts hereby repealed as aforefaid, or which having been charged by any Grant upon the faid Revenues, have been faved by Aft of Parliament, of and for fuch Eftate and Eftates in Pofleffion, Reverfion, or Remainder, and fubjeft to fuch Conditions, Limitations, Reftriftions, and Appointments, and in fuch or the like Manner and Form (and not other- wife) as the faid Revenues, payable by the faid former Afts, or any of them, would have been i'ubjedt or liable if this Aft had not been made; any thing herein contained to the contrary notwithftanding. L 1 1 2 XXXIX. Pro-