Page:Ruffhead - The Statutes at Large - vol 4.djvu/524

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.■472 C. 2r. Anno nono Ann ^ Reginas, A. D. lyio.- ■ Centum per Annum, by quarterly Payments, amounting in the whole, by Computation, to the faid Sum of , five hundred fixty-eight thoufand two hundred feventy-nirie Pounds and ten Shillings, we do give and grant to your Majefty, your Heirs and Succeflors, for the Purpofes aforefaid, the Supplies, Impofitions, and Du- ties herein after mentioned ; and do moll humbly befeech your Majefty to accept thereof, and that it may Impr>nt!ons,-&c. be enacted; and be it enadted by the Qiieen's moft Excellent Majefty, by and with the Advice and Confent •■!£ Adnic, c. 13. of the Lords Spiritual and Temporal, and Commons, in this prefent Parliament afiembled, and by the ^°"^'"]"'j ™'" Authority of the fame. That all and every the Impofitions, additional Impofitions, Rates, Duties, and • lor ever', "' Charges upon all Wines, Vinegar, and Tobacco, and upon all Eq/l India Goods, and wrought Silks, and ! upon all Whale-fins, and upon all or any other Goods or Merchandizes whatfoever, which by the faid KSt -.SAaaet c^ij. made in the faid eighth Year of her faid now Majefly's Reign, were granted, continued, or made payable to her faid Majefty, her Heirs and Succelfors, from the laft Day o( July one thouiand feven hundred and fixteen to the firft Day of v^z/^z//? one thouiand feven hundred and twenty, fhall by virtue of this Aft be;

further granted and continued, and be paid and payable to her Majefly, her Heirs and Succefibrs, upon.

and for all Wines, Vinegar, and Tobacco, and all wrought Silks, and Whale-fins, and upon all other the .like Goods and Merchandizes as are by the faid A£l:s, every or any of them, charged or chargeable with !the faid Rates, Duties, Impofitions, or additional Impofitions, or any of them, and which fhall be brought ' or imported into Great Britain., from the laft Day of jfuly one thoufand feven hundred and twenty, for ever; and that all and eveiy the Aft and Adts of Parliament (which by the faid A3i made in the faid eighth Year of her faid Majefty 's Reign, were continued to the faid firft Day of JugiiJ? one thoufand feven hun- • dred and twenty, and all the Powers, Provifions, Penalties, Articles, and Claufes in the faid Afts, every or any of them, mentioned or contained (except as in the faid A£t of the faid eighth Year of her faid Mai:* ■jefty's Reign, and herein after, is excepted) as for and concerning the faid Rates, Duties, Impofitions, and additional Impofitions, and every or any of them refpe£tively, hereby granted, continued, or made paya- ■'ble, fliall continue and be in full Force and Effe£t forever, and fliall be feverally applied, pradtifed, and -executed, for the raifing, levying, collecting, anfwering, and paying the faid refpedlive Rates, Duties, Impofitions, and additional Impofitions, every or any of them, refpsdtively, by the fame refpedtive A<fts ^granted, and which are hereby continued, and made payable, and all Arrears thereof, according to the Te- ■ nor and Intent of this Adt^ as if the fame Adls, and every of them, and all and every the Claufes, Mat- ters, and Things in them, and ^every of them refpedlively mentioned or contained, had been again repeat- ■ ed, and particularly enadted in this prefent Adt. "Daty on Tobac- II. Provided always, and be it enacted and declared by the Authority aforefaid. That the faid Duty upon .eoto be levied Tobacco, which {liall be imported within the by this Adt limited, and all Arrears thereof, fhall be according to the fg^m-gf]^ Collected, raifed, levied, anfvvered, and paid to her Majefty, her Heirs and Succeflors, in fuch . 1.-1:7 w. 3. Method, and with fuch Difcount and Allowances, and according to fuch Rules and Directions, and under .See 13 i^«K.7?.i/. fi^ich Penalties, as are mentioned, referred to, or prefcribed (as to the Duties or Impofitions on Tobacco) 2. c. 8. fea. 2. in and by the Adt made in the Parliament holden in the feventh Year of the Reign of his faid late Ma- •zuhJikdireBs the jeHy K-'ingWlLLlAM the Third, intituled, AnASlfor continuing fevcral Duties granted hy fanner Acis u:pon .Duuii on 'Tobacco jj/^yj^g Yijjeaar, andTohacco, and Y,?i&.lnAi?i Goods, and other Merchandizes imported, for carrying on the War .ucn Months. «J«'«/' 1 ran^e, and not otherwife. Alterations' ^^^' Pi'ovided alfo, That in all Cafes where any other Provifion or Alteration is made by any Adtor Adts made by any A£l: ^f Parliament now in being, in or about any other Matter or Thing contained in the faid Adts of Parlia- ijn being to-be .jTient hereby Continued, -or any of them, fuch other Provifions or Alterations fliall be obferved for ever; '.obfervcd. ..any thing herein contained to the contrary notwithftanding. -Vtjr Payment IV. And be it further enacted, That, all and every the Surplus Monies arifing in the Receipt of the .of Princp:ii and Exchequer, on or for the faid Duties hereby continued, and fuch other Duties as are mentioned and con- liTcreft charged t^oined in the former Adts, whereby the faid Duties hereby continued were granted or continued to the firfl -i'a"'^th™ur- ^^y o Auguft one thoufand feven hundred and fixteen, after Payment of all fuch Principal Money and In-

-p!ustobe'applicd fereft, as by the faid former Acts are charged thereupon, and which by the faid Adl in the faid eighth Year

to the ufcs of . «f her Majefty 's Reign are appropriated and applied to the Purpofes in that Adt mentioned, fhall be, and ■i.y.i'i Aft, "by virtue of this Adt are, appropriated and made applicable to the Ufes and Purpofes in this Adt mentioned and contained, and to no other .Ufe, Intent, or Purpofe whatfoever.; any thing in the faid laft-mentioned Adt contained to the contrary thereof in any wife notwithftanding. ruAnnae,. ftat.-i. ' V. And whereas by the faid .Act made in the faid eighth Year of her faid Majefty's Reign, it is en- ■'^"'3. ' ■*' adted. That immediately from and after the Time that all Principal and Intereft Monies, fecured by an ' Adt of the firft Year of her Majefty's Reign, intituled. An A^ for making good Deficiencies, and for pre- ferving the puhlick Credit, fhould be fully paid off and fatisficd, or that fufiicient Monies fhould be referved '^ in the Exchequer for that Purpofe, then all the Monies which from thenceforth, until the firft Day of Auguft, which v/ill be^in the Year of our Lord one thoufand feven hundred and fixteen, fhould arife, or be due or payable, 'or be fecured or in Arrear, of and for the Duties upon Salt and Rock Salt therein "* mentioned (except the riecefTary Changes of raifing, levying, coUedling, and accounting for the fame)

  • fhall, from time to time, be paid into the Receipt of Exchequer, and fhall be ifilied and applied, fo far i

"' as the fame vi extend, to and for the Payment and Satisfadtion of the Intereft which fhall, from time to

  • time, grow due for the Monies which fiiall be lent upon, or in purliianceof the fiiid Adt of the faid eighth

"^ Year of her Majefty's Reign, oi any of the Powers or Claufes therein contained, and to none other Ufe, /And alfo the ' Intent, or Purpofe whatfoever ; any Law .or Cuftom to the contrary notwithftanding:' Now it is hereby 'and'irocrLlt' ^'^^^'^'^^'^ ^""^ ™^'^-'^ ^y the Authority aforefaid. That immediately from and after the Time that all the , g"AnnK,c,.i-. Principal and Intereft Monies fecured by the faid laft-mentioned Adt of the faid firft Year of her faid Ma- ■^ Thefe Dutie^s jcfty's Reign, fhall be fully paid off" and fatisfied, or that futHcient Monies fhall be referved in the Exche- were repealed quer forithat Purpofe, that all the Monies which from thenceforth for ever fhall arife, or be due or payable, «Slf'i' ard°' '^^ ^'^ fecured, -or -in. Arrear, of and for the faid Duties of Salt and Rock -Salt, (except the neceffar.y Charges