Page:Ruffhead - The Statutes at Large - vol 4.djvu/559

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A. D.iyiOo Anno nono Ann iE Reginae. C. 27. 507 Gonviflion made before thdfn, or any one of them, in cafe the Offender fhall think fit to appeal to the faid Co^rt of Coii. Court of Confervancy, or to the faid Quarter-Seflions ; and in cafe no Diflrefs or Diftrefies can be found, ^""ancy, &c. 'the Offender or Offenders fhall be fent to the Houfe of Correction, there to remain witliout Bail or Main- '^"° Diflrefs, prize, and to be Iccpt to hard Labour, for any Time not exceeding two Months ; and that all and fmgular '^f [^nt"^th* •the Forfeitures and Penalties arifing by this prefent Ad, for any Offences contrary thereunto, committed Koiffe of Cor- •within the Jjirtfdiaion of the faid Confervator, fhall, from time to time, be paid, the one Moiety to the leflion for 2 Informer, fhe other Moiety unto the faid Lord Mayor, as Confervator of the faid River of Thames; and Momh?. that all tlie Forfeitures and Penalties arifing by this prefent Ait, for any Offences contrary thereunto, com- mitted out of the Turifdidlion of the faid Confervator, fliall, from time to time, be paid, the one Moiety How the For- ■to the Poor of the Pariili where fuch Offence fhall be committed, and the other Moiety to fuch Perfon who ^"'"" ""^'^ '■* "flaall profecute the faid Offender. _ _ P""^' VII. Saving always to the Queen's moft Excellent Majefty, her heirs and Succeffors, and all Bodies Po- Saving to the litick or Corporate, and to the High Court of Admiralty, and the Court of Confervancy, and all other Crown, &c. all Courts and Perfons, all Fines, Forfeitures, Penalties, Amerciaments, and Wreck of Sea, which of Right uief '^c"*^^^'" have been referved, and become due and payable to the faid Courts and Perfons refpecftively, for and in re- '^'"' fpeft of the faid Fifliery or Drudging, or otherwife, and all Rights, Titles, Eftates, Jurifdidions, Privi- leges, Franchifes, or Demands whatloever, in as full and ample Manner as the fame were or have been before the making of this A£t. VIII. Provided always, and be it enadled by the Authority aforefaid. That this ASt., or any thing herein This An dialJ contained, fhall not extend, or be conftrued to extend, to prejudice or derogate from the Rights, Privi- "f ,P^J"'«tlje leges, or Authorities of the City of London, exercifed by the Lord Mayor of the faid City tor the time Lon'" ^ °^f -being, as Confervator of the faid River of Thames and Waters of Medivay, or elfewhere, or any of the th°e"A'dii'raUies Rights of the Admiralties or Vice- Admiralties oi Kent o EJj'ex, or the Pifcaries or Fiftiings belonging or of Kent or Ef- appertaining to the faid City of London, or any other City or Town Corporate, or any Lords of Manors, ft*, &c. nor of Proprietors, Owners, or Occupiers of any Rivers, Creeks, Streams, or Fiflieries, adjacent to, or within ^"y^""*^ ° any Part of the faid Limits, or to the Rights of any other Perfon or Perfons within the Limits aforefaid. Manors, &c.. IX. Provided always. That nothing in this Aft contained fliall extend, or be conftrued to extend, to any Nor (hall it ex- Filhcrmen or Drudgermen, who now do, or fhall hereafter inhabit or dwell in any of the Cinque Ports, "'"'^ f° Fiflier- or their Members, or in the City of Rochejhr, or Towns or Places of Strood, Chatham, Finfbury, G'llling- r'^""'^" dwell ham, Milton, ^leenhorough, Feverjham, Whitjiaple, or the Places adjacent ; but that fuch Fifhermen and ^^^^^^ ^Xl. Drudgermen ftiall and may ufe and exercife their Trades of Fiilring and Drudging, and Selling, in as full fter, &c. and ample a Manner as they have heretofore lawfully done, to all Intents and Purpofes as if this Ailhad never been made. I ar profecuted againft any Perfon or Perfons for what he or they firall do in purfuance, or by virtue of this Aft, brouThr the fuch Perfon or Perfons fiiall and may plead the General Iffue, and give this Aft, and the Special Matter Defendant may in Evidence; and the Defendant or Defendants fliall, in cafe the Plaintiff be nonfuited, or difcontinue plead the Ge- his Aftion, or that a Judgment upon a Demurrer, or a Verdift pafs againft the Plaintiff, recover his or their "^"' '•"'= *??• full Cofts of Suit, for which the faid Defendant or Defendants fliall have the like Remedy as in fuch Czi'es'^"^ !^-f"^°- where Cofts by the Laws of this Realm are given to Defendants. : "" '"" ^°"^' XI. Saving alfo unto Margaret Cage, Widow, her Executors, Admlniftrators, and Affigns, out of all Saving to Mar, Monies arifing to the faid Company by this Aft, and the other Profits and Income of the faid Company, garct Cage her one Annuity granted unto her, under the Common Seal of the faid Company, for her Life, and all Ar- Annuity for rears thereof, with Intereft. '^.'^'=; „ . fions cimcermng its Fijkery, I Ceo, 1. Jlnt. 2. c, 18. 5 Geo. 1. c. iS. 2 Geo. 2. c. 19. 9 Geo, s. c. 33, 22 Geo, 2. c, 49. 23 Ceo. z, c, 14 £f 26. 26 Ceo, 2. c. 9. sS Ceo, 2. e. 14. 29 Ceo, a. c. 23 £? 39. 30 Geo. z. c, 2i (s' 30. 33 Geo. 2. c, 27. CAP. XXVIL An A(5t for the Encouragement, of the Trade to America. e x p, HERE AS by an Aft of Parliament made in the fixth Year of her Majefty's Reign, intituled. An 6 Anns, c, 37. ASlfor the Encouragement of the Trade to America ; it is, among other Things, enafted. That the Flag-Officers, Commanders, and other Officers and Seamen of any Ship or Veffel of War in her Maje- ' fty's Pay or Service, and the Owner or Owners of any Private Ship of War, authorized and appointed ' by Commiffion or Commiffions according to the faid Aft, during the prefent War, to attack, furprize, ' feize, and take any Ship, or other Private Ship or Ships of War, or Veffels, Goods, Ammunition, ' Arms, Stores of War, or Merchandizes, belonging to, or poffeffed by any of her Majefty's Enemies,

  • in any Sea, Creek, Haven, or ^w&x '

. America, (except as therein is excepted) fliall have the fole In-

  • tereft and Property of and in all and every fuch Ship, Veffel, Goods, and Merchandizes, being firft ad-

' judged lawful Prize, in any of her Majefty's Courts of Admiralty, and fubjeft to the Cuftoms and Duties

  • payable to her Majefty, as if the fame had been firft imported to any Part of Great Britain, and from

' thence exported, for and in refpeft of all fuch Goods and Merchandizes, to be divided and difpofed of as

  • in the faid Aft is direfted j in purfuance of which Aft feveral Bonds and other Securities have been given
  • for the Payment of fuch Cuftoms and Duties for Prize Goods and Merchandizes taken in America, and

' adjudged to be lawful Prize ; but by Experience it is found that the fubjefting fuch Prize Goods and Mer- ' chandizes taken in America, to fuch Cuftoms and Duties, as if the fame had been imported into any Part of Great Britain^ and from thence exported, hath been very prejudicial to her Majefty's .Plantations and T 1 1 2 * Colonies,