Page:Ruffhead - The Statutes at Large - vol 4.djvu/568

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5i6 C. 10, II. Anno decimo Ann/E Rcginse. A. D. 171 1. CAP. X. An Aft for punlfl:ilng Mutiny and Dcfertion, and falfe Mufters, and for the better Payment of the Army and Quarters. Ofiic^rsofthe LXI. A ND be it further enacted by the Authority aforefaid, That if any Adion, Bill, Plaint or Suit Army 01- Na- Xa. ihall be brought againft any Perfon or Perfons, for any A6t, Matter or Thing to be aiSed or vy fued, may done, purfuant to this Ait, or agairift any Oiiicer or Officers of her Majefty, her Heirs or SucceiTors, con- ^'"nr'^ *^^' cerned in any Matter relating to the Army, or her Majefty's Naval Forces, or Ships of War, or the provid- iierj mc. j^^^ ^^^ ^-^^ fame, or any their Deputy or Deputies, or againft any other Perfon or Perfons acting by Autho- rity from, or in Aid or Affiftance of or by thtir Commandment, for or concerning any Matter, Caufe or Thing by them done by virtue or reafon of their or any of their Office or Offices, that it fhall and may be lawful to and for all and any Peribn or Perfons aforefaid, to plead thereunto the General lilue, that he or they are Not guilty, and to give fuch Special Matter in Evidence to the Jury which fliall try the Iffue, which Special Matter being pleaded had been a good and fufficient Matter in Law to have difcharged the faid Defendant or Defendants of the Trefpafs or other Matter laid to his or their Charge : And if the Ver- dift fliall pafs with the faid Defendant or Defendants in any fuch Aftion, or the Plaintiff or Plaintiffs therein become nonfuit, or fuffer any Difcontinuance thereof, that in every fuch Cafe the Juftice or Ju- fiices, or fuch other Judge, before whom the faid Matter fiiall be tried, fhall, by force and virtue of this Double Cofts. Act, allow unto the Defendant or Defendants his or their Double Coils, which he or they fliall have fu- ftained by reafon of their wrongful Vexation in Defence of the faid Action or Suit, for- which the faid See ibeyearly Defendant or Defendants fliall have like Remedy, as in other Cafes where Cofts by the Laws of this Realra Mutiny Alls, grc given to the Defendants. Qn. If in Force f C A P. XI. An A(5l for enlarging the Time given to the Commiflioners appointed by her Majefty, purfu- ant to an Aft for granting to her Majefty fev.;ral Duties on Coals, for building Fifty new Churches in and about the Cities of London and lVeft?ninftcr, and Suburbs thereof, and other Purpofes therein mentioned ; and alfo for giving the faid Commiflioners farther Powers for better effefting the fame -, and for appointing Monies for rebuilding the Parifti Church of Sl Mary Woolnolh in the City of Londm. jAnnffi, c, 22. ' X7HEREAS by an A£t of Parliament In the ninth Year of her Riajefly's Reign, intituled, Jn ' VV ASl for granting to her Majefty feveral Duties upon Coals, for building Fifty new Churches in and ' ahout the Cities of IjonAon andWenrn'm^tr, and Suburbs thereof and other Purpofes therein jjientioned, it is, ' amongft other Things, enacted, That it ftiould and might be lawful to and for her Majefliy, by Letters ' Patent under the Great Seal oi Great Britain, to nominate, conftitute, and appoint fuch Perfons as heF ' Majefty fhould think fit, to be Commiffioners to inquire and inform themfelves in what Pariflies the

  • faid new Churches (except one for Greenwich) were moli neceffary to be built ; and of proper Places for

' the Sites of the faid refpeftive new Churches; and alfo a Cemetery or Church Yard for each of the faid ' Churches ; alfo which of the faid Chapels within the faid Pariflies are fit to be made Parifli Churches ; ' and that they fhould afcertain the feveral Houfes, Lands, Tenements, and Hereditaments, and the Bounds < and Limits which in their Judgment or Opinion might be fit to be made diflinct Pariflies ; and fliould ' alfo inform themfelves, by the befl: Means they could, of the Value of the Houfes, Lands, Tenements, ' and Hereditaments, and of the refpeftive Eftates and Interefts therein, which the faid Commiffioners ' fhould think neceflary to be purchafed for the faid Sites and Cemeteries, and for Houfes for the Habita- ' tiofis of the refpective Minifiers ; and that the faid Commiffioners fliould, on or before the twenty-fourth < Day o^ December one thoufand feven hundred and eleven, report or certify to her Majefty in Writing, ' under their Hands and S^als, fuch Matters and Things, as fliould appear to them upon their Enquiries 'aforefaid, with their Opinions thereupon, to the end fuch further Directions might be given thereupon, ' as might be purfuant to her Majefty's pious Intentions in the Premiffes ; in purfuance whereof her Ma- ' jefty, by Letters Patent under the Great Seal of Great Britain, did nominate, conftitute, and appoint, ' feveral Commiffioners for the Purpofes in the faid A£t mentioned, with fuch Powers and Authorities as ' in the faid recited A&. are expreffed : And whereas the faid Commiffioners did apply themfelves to the ' Execution of the Powers therein mentioned, but could not perfeiSt within the Time limited, what was ' by the faid A£l intended ; which they humbly reprefented to her Majefty, under their Hands and Seals, ' on the eighteenth Day oi December laft paft :' To the end therefore, that a Work fo much for the Honour 8^H». f. 4. of God, the Spiritual Welfare of her Majefty's Subje£ts, the Intereft of the eftabliflled Church, and the 9 Ann, c, 6. Glory of her Majefty's Reign, may be carried on and perfeiSted ; be it enafted by the Queen's moft Excel- lent Majefty, by and with the Advice and Confent of the Lords Spiritual and Temporal, and Common?, ■ in this prefent Parliament affembled, and by the Authority of the fame. That notwithftanding the Time TheCommiffio- limited by the faid Letters Patent is expired, it fliall and may be lawful to and for the faid Commiffioners, nevs authorized fo appointed by the faid Letters Patent, or any {we. or more of them, and they are hereby authorized and to meet, tho' the rec[uired to meet, from time to time, as often as there fliall be Occafion, either with or v/ithout Adjourn- Time limited, ments, and to enc|uire and inform tliemfelves of all and every the Matters and Things therein committed &c. be expire . ^^ them, Of any live or naore of them, and do and perform all and every the Matters and Things in or by the