Page:Ruffhead - The Statutes at Large - vol 4.djvu/584

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532 C. .1 7« Anno decimo An N^ Reglnse, A. D. 1711. How theCaptors charge to the faid Trenfurer for all Monies fo by him paid, againgft all Perfons whatfoever; and in cafe ry bepaidifihe there fhall not be Rdoney enough in the Hands of the Receiver and Receivers of Prizes, and the Pcrfon Receiver has not qj- Perfons appointed to receive the fame, to pay the faid Captors Rewards, and tht- laid Charges of attcnd- Moneyfuffi- jp^ g^^j making fuch Payments, as aforefaid. That then it ihall and may be lawful for the laid Treafurer, "^"*' or any other IV.afurer of the faid Hofpital for the time being, and fucli Treafurer is hereby authorized and required out of fuch Monies, to pay all fuch A/Ioney as fliall, be deficient for the Purpoi'es aforefaid, or any or either of them, to the Receiver of Prizes or other Perfon appointed for the receiving Prizes, out of the Revenues of the faid Hofpital, vyhich (hall be, and are hereljy charged with, and made liable to the Payment of the fame, fo as the faid Holpital be not charged with more than the faid Sums of fix thoufand Pounds, and one thoufand two hundred Pounds, to be received, as aforefaid, out of the Ex- chequer. Money mRe- ' XIX. And whereas confiderable Sums of Money may be remaining in the Hands of the Receiver or ceivais Hancis ' Receivers of Prizes, or Perfons appointed for the fame, during the Reign of his late Majefty King Wil- .luringihe Reign ' LIAM the Third, their Executois Or Adminiftrators, belonging to feveral Captors in the Service of his of W. 3. notde- c fjjjj j^^jg Majefty, for their Shares of Prizes taken during the Reign of his faid late Majefty, which have manded^before 4 ^^^ ^^^^ legally called for, or demanded in all this Tim.e ; and it will therefore be lit that the fame fhould flity'be'paid'w ' be difcharged, and fome Difpofition made thereof :' Be it further enafted by the Authority aforefaid. That the Treafi^rcr all fuch Monies as fliall be fo remaining, as aforefaid, in the Hands of any Receiver or Receivers of Prizes, fcr the ufe of q^- PerfoHS appointed for the fame, their Executors or Adminiftrators, fhall be paid on or before the tv/enty- the Horpital, fourth Day oijuiie one thoufand feven hundred and twelve, to the Treafurer of the faid Hofpital, to be ap- plied to the Ule of the faid Plofpital ; and fuch Receiver or Receivers of Prizes, or Perfons appointed for the fame, their Executors and Adminiftrators, are hereby required and authorized to pay the fame accord- ingly ; and the faid feveral Captors, their Executors, Adminiftrators, and Affigns, are hereby barred from all Right and Claim thereunto. Who may be ' XX.. And whereas no Seamen have hitherto been admitted into the faid Hofpital, but fuch only as admitted into ' have ferved in the Royal Navy, notv/ithftanding great Sums have been conftantly paid towards the Sup- the Horpital. c p^^j. qj: ^j^g f^id Hofpital from the Wages of Seamen imployed in Merchants Service ;' Be it therefore enacted by the Authority aforefaid. That the Lord High Admiral of Gnat Britain, the Commiffioners of the Admiralty for the time being, or whoever elfe fhall, from time to time, have Power to direft the Ad- miffion of any Seamen into the faid Hofpital, fliall confider, as being fully qualified for an Admiffion into the faid Hofpital, any Seaman, who fliall offer himfelf to be admitted, and who fliall produce an authenticlc Certificate of his having been wounded, maimed, or hurt in defending any Ship belonging to the Subjeds of her Majefty, againft the Enemies of her Majefty, her Heirs or Succelfors, or in taking any Ship from the Enemy, and thereby difabled for Sea Service j any Law, Cuftom, Ufage, or Order to the contrary thereof in any wife notwithftanding. If any Ship not ' XXL Whereas it is become a common Pra£i:ice, that Merchants Ships and Veflels carrying Merchan- bclonging to the ' dize, do very often ftop and ride at the Moorings appointed and laid out for the Ufe of her Majefty's Navy (hall faften <. gj^jpg ^^^ Veflels, and at her Majefty's Ships and Hulks in Harbour, near and adjoining to her Majefty's Moorii?^"the ' Dock Yards, Store-houfes and Magazines, fuch Merchant or trading Ships or Veflels not being forced Capta'inf&c. ' thereto by any Neceflity or Want of Tide, by which Means her Majefty's Ships, Veffels, and Maga- ihail forfeit lol. ' zines are fubje£led to Accidents by Fire, and other Damages, through the Carelefiiefs of the Perfons left for every Tide ' qj^ board fuch Merehant Ships, as well as to Charges, by weakning and wearing the Moorings ; and the J-^/m^ ^' ^ ' Persons left on board fuch Merchant Ships, by their long ftaying at fuch Moorings, have great Oppor- unlefs nTcetoa- ' tunities of tunning of Goods and imbezilling her Majefty's Naval Stores:' For Prevention whereof, Be ted fo to do by it therefore enafhed by the Authority aforefaid. That if any Merchant Ship, or any other Ship or Yeilel, StrefsofWea- not being one of her Majefty's Ships of War, or belonging to her Majefty's Royal Navy, or imployed in ther, &c. 1-igj. Majefty's Service, or fuch Ships as fliall come to deliver Stores into her Majefty's Yards, during their Delivery thereof, fhall ftop or faften to any of her Majefty's Moorings, or fix themfelves to any of her Majefty's Ships or Hulks, the Captain, Mafter, Commander, or Perfon, having the Care or Command of fuch Merchant Ship or Vefi^el, that fliall be then on board, fhall forfeit and pay the Sum often Pounds for each and every Tide fuch Merchant Ship or Veflel fliall ftay at the faid Moorings, unlefs it fliall appear that fuch Merchant Ship or Veflel was neceffitated fo to do, by want of Tide, Strefs of Weather, or other una- One Moiety to y idable Accidents ; one Moiety of which Forfeiture fliall be to the Ufe of the aforefaid Hofpital, the other the Hofpital, the Ji^oiety thereof to the Uli; of him or them that fliall fue for the fame, together with Cof'cs of Profecution, other to the fro. ^^ ^^ recovered by Aftion of Debt, Bill, Plaint, or Information, in any of her Majefty's Courts of Record ecutor. ?itWeJiminJlcr, wherein no EfToin, Pnvilege, Protection, Vv'ager of Law, Injunction, or more than one Imparlance fhall be allowed. Upon Neglcft to XXII. And it is hereby further enacSed and declared by the Authority aforefaid. That upon Notice given unloofe, upon ^^ ^.j^g Perfoii Commanding on board fuch Merchant Ship or Veflel, or under whofe Care the fame fliall ""HoufrTer" then be, by any Officer or Officers belonging to any of her Majefty's Ships of War, Docks or Yards, as Majefty's' Of- ai'"orefaid, to unloofe from the faid Moorings, upon Negleft or Refufal thereof for the Space of twenty-four ficers may un- Hours, it fhall and may be lawful to and for every fuch her Majefty's Officer and Officers, to unloofe fuch. ioofefuch Ship Merchant Ship or Veflel from the faid Moorings, from the Moor- „„ rj ^ ro^/-.-. o," ings. Farihei-Pr<m;fiomcmccrmngScamef,, iGeo.I.c.l-i. 8 Gw. i. <:. 24. i C«. 2. /a;, a. c. 9 £f 14, 2 C«. 2. c, 7 £3' 36. 6 G«. a. c. 15. S 6w. 2. c. 29. II Gfo. 2. c. 30. 13 C-«. 2. c. 3, 4 ©■ 17. 14GM. 2.038. I7G«. a, c. 34, iS Grt. 2. f. 31, 20 G.». 2. c. 38. ja Gee. 2. c, 52. atOeo. a. c. 47. 31 Gen, z,c, 10. C ^ P.