Page:Ruffhead - The Statutes at Large - vol 4.djvu/590

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538 C. 19. Anno deeimo Ann^e Reginas';. A. a i7ir.. Neglefling to pay, forfeits Duuble. Cfficevs may en- ter Shops, &c. CO view Stock. Tlefufal to per- mit them, for- feits 20 K Cfandeftinely removing Stock, &c.-forieitS2ol. Sope that hath paid the Duty Jijay. be exported on Security, &c. Suqh Sope re- laadcd, forfeited. bn Oath that the Duty has been paid, and on Debenture tVom the Cui- tomer, &c, Collet^or to re- Jiijf the Duties', All the Powers in 12 Car. z, «. 14. and other ixcife Afts, to ke in force for managing thefe Xfutje^ ten Pounds per Centum per Annumy for the faid Time of three Months ; and that all and every fuch Sope- boilers, and other Sellers and Dealers in Sope, who fhall refufe or negle£i: to make fuch Payment, or to give fuch Security for Payment of the faicl Duties for his, her, or their faid Stock of Sope, within the Time by this Adl limited for that Purpofe, fhall forfeit double the Sum of the faid Duty which fhould have been fo paid or fecured by him, her, or them, as aforefaid ; and that it fhall and may be lawful to and for the proper OfEcers for the faid Duties refpeftively to take a true and particular Account of all fuch' Stock or Quantities of Sope as any Sope-boilers, Chandlers, or other Sellers and Dealers in Sope, or any in Truft for them, fhall, on the faid tenth Day of 'Juve one thoufand kMza. hundred and twelve, have or be pofTefTed of; and for that Purpofe fhall be permitted, in the Day-time, to enter into any Shop, Ware-houfe, Boil- ing-houfe, or any Dvvelling-hgufe, Out-houfe, or other Places belonging to fuch Sope-boilers, Chandlers, and other Sellers and Dealers in Sope, and every of them, who are hereby required to permit fuch OfKcer and Officers, upon his or their Requeft, to make fuch Entrance on. the faid tenth Day of Ju;ie one thou- fand feven hundred and twelve, or afterv/ards, at any Time before the Duty lalt-mentioned fhall be paid or fecured, and to take an Account of the Quantity of fuch Sope, under the Penalty of twenty Pounds ; and if any Perfon or Perfons, having on the faid tenth Day of "June one thoufand feven hundred and twelve, in hisj her, or their Cuflody or rofleflion, any Stock or Quantity of Sope chargeable by this A£t with the faid Duties for Stock, as aforefaid, fliall clandefiinely remove or carry away, or caufe or fufFer to be removed or carried away the fame, or any Part thereof, before her Majefty's Duties thereupon fhall be paid or fe- cured, as aforefaid, or fhall fraudulently conceal or hide any Part of his, her, or their faid Stock of Sope, that then, and in every fuch Cafe, he, fhe, or they fo offending, for every fuch Offence fhall forfeit the Sum of twenty Pounds ; and in all and every fuch Cafe and Cafes the Stock or Quantity of Sope, which fhall be fo clandeftinely removed or carried away, or fraudulently concealed or hid, fhall be forfeited, and fhall and may be feized by any of the laid Officers for the faid Duties on Sope ; and the Perfon or Perfons in v/hofe Cuflody fuch Stock of Sope fhall be found, who fhall not, before the Difcovery thereof, give No- tice at the next Office for the faid Duties on Sope of the Stock or Quantity of Sope fo in his, her, or their Guftody, fhall alfo forfeit and lofe the Sum of five Shillings for every Pound Weight. XXII. Provided always, and be it further ena£ted by the Authority aforefaid. That it fhall and may be lawful to and for any Perfon or Perfons, who fhall have ailually paid her Majefty's Duties by this Ait payable for any Quantities of Sops v/hatfoever, and to and for any other Perfon or Perfons, who fhall buy, or be lawfully entitled to any fuch Qiiantity of Sope from the faid Perfon or Perfons who adually paid her Majefty's Duties for the fame, to export fuch Sope for any Foreign Parts, byway of Merchandize, giving fufficient Security before the fhipping thereof for Exportation, that the particular Quantities of Sope which fhall be intended to be exported, as aforefaid, and every Part thereof, fhall be fliipped and exported, and that the fame or any Part thereof, fhall not be re-landed or brought again into any Part or Parts of Great Britain, which Security the Cuftomer or Colleftor of the refpedtive Port for fuch Exportation, is hereby dire(5led and authorized to take in her Majefty's Name, and to her Ufe. XXIII. Provided always, That if after the Shipping any fuch Sope to be exported, as aforefaid, and the giving or tendring fuch Security, as aforefaid, in order to obtain the Allowance or Drawback herein after-mentioned, the Sope fo fhipped to be exported, or any Part thereof, fhall be re-landed in any Part of Great Britain^ that then and in every fuch Cafe (over and above the Penalty of the Bond which fhall be levied and recovered to her Majefty's Ufe) all the Sope which fball be landed, or the Value thereof, fhall be forfeited. XXIV. And it is alfo hereby enafted. That any Perfon or Perfons who fhall export any Sope to any Foreign Parts, fhall or may make Proof, upon Oath, or by fuch Afirmation refpeftively, as aforefaid, . that the Duty of fuch Sope hath been paid or fecured, according to this hSX (which Oath or Affirmation- the Colle<3:or who received the faid Duty is hereby required and impowered to adminifter) and thereupon the faid Cuftomer or Colleftor of the faid Port of Exportation, fhall give to the Exporter thereof a De- benturej expreffing the true Kinds and Quantities of the Sope fo exported; and the Exportation thereof being certified by the Searcher upon the faid Debenture, the Colleftor appointed to receive the faid Du- ties upon Sope in fuch County or Place where the faid Sope was exported,, (upon producing the faid De- benture fo certified to him) fhall forthwith pay the Duties which fliall have been received upon this AiSl for the Sope fo exported to the Perfons or Agents fo exporting the fame; aird if fuch Colleilor fhall not have Money in his Hands to pay any fuch Debenture, then the refpedlive Commiffioners for the faid Du- ties of Sope are hereby required to pay, or caufe to be paid, the faid Debenture out of any Duties upon Sope arifing by this hdi or if the Duty of fuch Sope fo exported were only fecured, and fhall remain un- paid, then the fame fliall be difcharged upon the Securities for the- fame ; any thing in this- Aft.contained tcv the contrary notwithftanding. XXV. And be it further enafted by the Authority aforefaid. That all and every the Powers, Authori- ties, Diredions, Rules, Methods, Penalties, and Forfeitures, Claufes, Matters, and Things, which, in and" by an Ad made in the twelfth Year of the Reign of King Charles the Second, intituled, An ASf for taking away the Court of Wards and Liveries, and Tenures in Capite, and by Knights Service,, and Purveyance, and for fettling a Revenue upon his Majefiy in lieu thereof, or by any other Law now in force relating to her Majefty's Revenue of Excife upon Beer, Ale, or other Liquors, are provided, fettled or eftablifhed, for managing, raifing, levying, coUeding, mitigating, or recovering, adjudging, or afcertaining the Duties thereby granted, or any of them, (other than in fuch Cafes for which other Penalties or R-ovifions are made and prefcribed by this ASt) fhall be exercifed, praftifed, applied, ufed, and put ia Execution, in and- for the managing, raifing, levying, colledling, mitigating, recovering, and paying the faid Duties upon Sope hereby granted, during the Continuance of this ASt, as fully and effectually to all Intents and Pur- jpfes, as if all; and. every the ii}id Poweis, Autliorities,, Rulfis, Direffions, Methods, Penalties, Forfeitures, 4. Claufei