Page:Ruffhead - The Statutes at Large - vol 4.djvu/646

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594 ^* s'lj 3 2" Anno decimo Ann^ Reginoe. * A. D. i7ir» Oil One Year's ' expended for making- new Settlements within the Limits of their Charter, and fettling a Trade there, for Nouce after 25 ' the future Benefit of Great Britain:' For Explanation whereof, Be it therefore, enafted and declared by orf Rei/aynien" *^^ Qiicen's moit Excellent Majeity, by and with the Advice and Confent of the Lords Spiritual and 7"em- of the principal poraCand Commons, in this prefent Parliament aflembled, and by the Authority of the fame. That at any Sum of wiiich Time upon one Year's Notice, after the five and twentieth Day oi' Dece?nher one thoufand feven hundred tlic company's and fixteen; upon Repayment by Parliament of the faid principal Sum, of which the Capital Stock of the o'Tinw'dof™! ^^^ Company fhall, for the Time being, confift, and of all Arrears of the Annuities and yearly Payments Ai'rears^&c"the aforcfaid, or by Payment thereof by and out of the Surplus Money of the Funds fettled by the faid AiS, Dudes granted for Payment of the faid Annuities to the faid Company, then all the Impofitions and Duties by the faid by the recited A61: granted or appropriated, fhall and may be difpofed of by Parliament ; and the faid yearly P'und, and Aft may bedif- (hg jgjj Annuities out of the fame, fiiall ceafe and determine : But that the faid Corporation by the Name }'^^^°[/'^ *""■ aforcfaid, after fuch Redemption of the faid yearly Fund, fliall continue for ever, and have perpetual Biit^meCorpo- Succeilion, and fhall hold and enjoy all Forts, Faftories and Acquifitions that they fliall erecl, eftablifh, ration ftall con- and make within the Limits prefcribed by the faid Act and Charter, and the Lands, Tenements and He- tinue for ever, reditaments, that fhall be by them purchafed in Great Britain, not exceeding one thoufand Pounds per and enjoy all Annum; and the Members thereof, without having any Share or Litereft in the yearly Fund fo to be re- forts, &c, deemed, (liall have and be entitled to have the fole Benefit of Trade in and to the South Seai, and elfe- wherc, and fuch Power of Trade in the Fifliery, as by the faid A£l is directed, and all other Benefits, Powers, Privileges and Advantages (the Annuities ifluing out of the faid yearly Fund only excepted} as if no fuch Redemption were had or made ; and from and after fuch Redemption of the faid yearly Fund, all Perfons having any Share or Intereft in the Money or Stock paid into or gained by the faid Company, to carry on the Trade of the faid Com.pany, ftiall be, and be deemed Members of the faid Company, and be entitled to all the Benefits, Profits, Privileges and Advantages thereof, in Proportion to their refpeSive .Parts and Shares in the faid Money or Stock, that is or fhall, from time to time, be paid in for Trade, or fliall be gained thereby ; and the faid Money or Stock fo paid, or to be paid in for Trade, or gained there- by, fliall be affignable and transferrable in fuch and the like Manner (mutatis mutandis) as the Shares in the Capital Stock and yearly Fund are now affignable, or may be affigned ; and that from and after fuch Redemption of the faid yearly Fund by Parliament, or after one Moiety thereof, or more, fliall be re- deemed and difcharged, by and out of the Surplus of the Funds fettled by the faid Adl for Payment of the ny mVvmrice^" fame, the faid Governor and Company may, from time to time, by By-Laws or Orders to be made in By-Laws, &c. their General Court, or General Courts, decilare and dirc£t how much and what Part or Share in the then remaining Capital Stock or yearly Fund, and the Money or Stock paid in for Trade, or gained thereby, or in both or either of them, fliall qualify the Members of the faid Company, to give any Vote or Votes in any General Court or General Courts, and for the electing of a Governor, Sub-Governor, Deputy-Go- fttlT'sluiTse '^'crnor, and DiretStors of the faid Company, and for the continuing and being eleded in the faid Of- C^/^V"! G«f fices, or any of therii, i.ftjt.z. c.zi. 3 Geo. I. IT. 9. 1; Co. I. c 19. 6 C«. 1. 1: 4©' 11. J Gee. i. c. ^. y Geo. i.J}at,7,. % Ges. 1. c.zo, zt & 2Z. c)Geo.i.c.6. 1 Geo. z, e. S. 3 Geo. a. e, 16 & 20. 4 Geo. 2,. e. 5, 5 Geo. g, c. 17. 6 Geo, !.■■ c. 25 &f-28. • 7 Ceo, %. e. 17, 9 Geo. 2. c, 34, ip Geo. z, e. 17, ao Geo. j. C, J- 24 Gei. 7..C.Z&11. CAP. XXXL An hSt for the appointing Commiffioners to take, examine, and determine the Debts due to the Army, Tranfport Service, and Sick and Wounded. EXP, CAP. XXXII. An Aft for enlarging the Time for Minlfters, Advocates, and other Members of the Colleo-e of Juftice in Scotland, to take the Oaths therein mentioned, 10 Anna;, c. 7, ' "^^7'HEREAS by an Ait made in this prefent Sellion of Parliament, intituled, Jn AB to prevent the in the repeal- - ~ -, .. - . -.- - - iages ; ■■ it is enacfted. That all Minifters of the Eftablifhed Church in Scot/and, and all and every Perfon or Per- ' fons who is or are Paftor or Pafrors, Adinifter or Minifters of any Epifcopal Congregation in Scotland, fliall ' be obliged, and are thereby required, on or before the firft Day of Augujl next, to take and fuhfcribe the ' Oaths therein fet forth, in fuch Manner, and under fuch Penalties, as all OfEcers, Civil and Military, in C-4iin.e, c. 14, (. Scotland, are obliged to take the Oath recited in the fourteenth Aft of the fixth Year of her Majefty's ' P^eign, intituled. An Act for the better Security of her Majejlys Pcrjon and Government : And whereas, by ' the laid laft mentiopicd Ait, it is amongfl: other Things enaited. That all Officers, Civil and Military, in ' that Fart of the Kingdom of Great Britain called Scotland, who are obliged and required to take in Sot- ' land an Oath, called the Oath of Allegiance and Afllirance, before the Privy Council there,, fhoukl be ' obliged, on or before the twentieth Day of April one thoufand feven hundred and eight, to take and ' fubf:ribe the Oath by the faid Act appointed, before the Privy Council, while it fliould continue, and ■' after the Deterniination thereof, before and in the Court of Seflion, or the Court of Jufliciary, or the ' Coutt of Exchequer djere ; and that all others then in any of the Offices aforefaid, who, in Rcfpedl:

  • thcreiif, had ufed and been obliged to take the faid Oath of Allegiance and Aifurance in any other Court

and Place, fhould be obliged to take and fubfcribe the fame at the next Quarter-Seffions of the Peace that Ihould be held for any County or Place in which any fuch Officer fiiould berefident and abiding ; and ■ ■ ' that L