Page:Ruffhead - The Statutes at Large - vol 4.djvu/661

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A-. D. I7I3' Anno cluodecimo ANNJERegins- Stat. i. 609 Perfons who made fuch Sales, Aflignments or Grants, or that gave fuch Authority refpedtively^, or by their refpedtive Executors or Adminiftrators, on Payment of the Principal Sum of Money paid in Confideration of making fuch Sales, Alignments, Grants, Covenants or Authorities refpeftively, with the Charges and Intereft for the fame, from the Time of the Payment thereof, after the Rate of fix Pound&per Centum per Jnnum, difcounting for what hath been received, for or in refpeft of the Arrear or Debt, by any fuch Per- fon or Perfons, to whom fuch Sale, Affignment or Authority was made or given ; and upon Payment, or Tender of the faid Principal Money, Intereft and Charges, fuch Sale, Grant, Affignment or Authority, and all Covenants and Agreements concerning the iame fhall be void. Re>!emption to XXXV. Provided neverthelefs. That fuch Redemption, as atorefaid, be made within the Space of fix Momhs'aft.T Months from and after the End of this Seflion of Parliament. this Seifion. XXXVI. Provided always, That no fuch Redemption (hall be allowed, unlefs the Party, who Ihall chim to be en- claim the Bern, fit thereof, do enter or caufe to be entred a Note or Memorandum of fuch Claim in the Of- tered in tiie Of- fice where the fiid Arrear or Debt became due, in a Boole to be kept in every fuch Office for that Pur- ficc where the pofe, on or before the nine and twentieth Day of Septewhev one thoufand fevcn hundred and thirteen. Debt became due XXXVII. Saving always to all and every Perfon and Perfons, Bodies Politick and Corporate, their Heirs j*"""'^ ^9 ^'"^'^• and Succeflbrs, Executors, Adminiftrators and Affigns (other than to her Majefty, her Heirs and Succef- ^',^" „j^ ^ fors) all fuch Rights, Titles, Eftates, Cuftoms, Interefts, Claims and Demands whatfoever, of, in, to or "^ "" ^"^' out of any of the Revenues or PItrcditaments, chaiged or chargeable by virtue of this Aft with any Sum not exceeding thirty-five thoufand Pounds, as they or any of them had or ought to have had, before the making of this A£V, as fully to all Intents and Purpofcs, as if this A& had never been made.; any Thing herein contained to the contrary notwithftanding. Apuropr-nion XXXVIII. Provided always, and it is hereby cnadcd by the Authority aforefiiid. That the faid Sum of of 500.000 1. five hundred thoufand Pounds, or fo much thereof as fnall be raifed, as aforefaid, is hereby appropriated, cv_/j,;'to- ««- and fliali be applied and dilpofed in Aid of the faid Revenues or Branches, which were appointed for Sup- ccn.hg Exche- port of her Majefty 's Houftiold, and of the Honour and Dignity of the Crown, for or towards the Paying ?'""'--^'*. and Difcharging of fuch Arrears of Salaries, Wages, Diet Money, and other Allowances, and fuch Debts jgc"' ^' ^" ' for Emptions, rrovifions, and other Caufes, as Iliall appear to be juftly due and owing to her Majefty's Scr- 33 G°ei z'. ^c i,' vants, Tradcihien, and others, as aforefaid, and to none other Ufe, Intent or Purpofe whatfoever. i, 21, & 23. 1 Gw. 3. f. jS. CAP. XII. An Aft for the better Regulating the Forces to be continued in her Majefty's Service ; and for the Payment of the faid Forces, and of their Quarters. EXP. CAP. XIII. An Adt to enable fuch Officers and Soldiers as have been in her Majefty's Service, during the late War, to exercife' Trades, and for Officers to account with their Soldiers. 'HERE AS there hath been and are divers Officers and Soldiers who have ferved her Majefty in For /omtfiawt the late Wars, and were Inftrumental, by the Bleffing of Almighty God, in obtaining an advan- eoncemwg SJ- tageous Peace for thefe Kingdoms, fome of which are Men that ufed Trades, others that were Apprentices "■'» '^f"' '"

  • to Trades, who had not ferved out their Times, and others who by their own Induftry have made them- |^ ^' *"■ 'j^ „

' felves apt and fit for Trades, many of which (the Wars being now ended) would v/illingly imploy them- c. i.'ihiiEd. ' felves in thofe Trades which they were formerly accuftomed to, or which they are apt or able to follow, 6. c. i. ' and make Ufe of, for the getting their Living by their own Labour, but are or may be hindred from 43 El- '■ 3- ' exercifing thofe Trades in certain Cities and Corporations, and other Places within this Kingdom, becaufe 3' ^'"'- -• '• ^' ' of certain By-Laws and Cuftoms of thofe Places, and of the Statute made in the fifth Year of Queen ' Elizabeth., prohibiting the Ufe of certain Trades by any Perfon who hath not ferved as an Apprentice to 5 ^^' ^- 4-

  • fuch Trade for the Space of feven Years :' For Remedy whereof. Be it enaifted, i^jc.

" Officers and Soldiers who have not dcferted the Service, having ufed any Trade, or that were Apprenti- " ces, and did not ferve out their Times, may fet up and exercife Trades : That is to fay. Apprentices " may fet up their Trades, though they have not ferved out their Times, and others any Trade in theCoun- " ties where they were born. And if indicted, may plead the General Iflue, and fhall recover treble Cofts. " Service how to be proved. Penalty of producing a forged Commiffion, or falfe Certificate. Paymafters " to ftate Accounts of diibanded Regiments, and pay the Arrears to the Colonels. Colonels to Itate Ac- " counts with the Captains ; and the Captains with inferior Officers, feV. and pay what is due, on For- " feiture of double the Sum. Difbanded Soldiers fetting up Trades fliall be freed from Arrefts for three " Years, and their Stock, Ijfc. from being taken in Execution. Executors of Colonels, Agents, fcff. who " died indebted to the Officers and Soldiers, fliall pay fuch Debts, preferably to all others. Executors ha- " ving paid Debts before the making of this Adt, fuch Payment fliall be good. Neither this nor the " 10& II TV. 3. c. II. ftiall prejudice the Privileges of Oxford and Cmnbridge." EXP. Concerning SM'urs fee farther i Geo, I. flat, 2, c, 47. 3 Geo. i, c, 2. g Geo, 2. c, 30. zzCeo, 2, <■, 44, 28 C». 2, c i. 33 Geo, 2, c, b, S, & 1%. /ind the yearly Mutiny ylfts. Vol, IV. 4 I ■ C A P.