Page:Ruffhead - The Statutes at Large - vol 4.djvu/687

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A.D. 1 71 3. Anno duodecimo Ann^ Regin^. Stat. 2. 635 LXIX. And be it enafled by the Authority aforefaid, That all the Money lent, and to be lent to her' Approprbt-ohof Majefty upon one Aft of this Seffion of Parliament, intituled, An Ja for granting an Aid to her Majefty^ to ^„'^j"f'^"'"'" he ralfedby a Land Tax in Great Britain, for the Service of the Tear one tijoufar.d fven hundred and fiurteen, ""^ and fo much Money (if any fuch be) of the Tax thereby granted, as fliall a.-lfe and remain after all the ^^ ^^^ - Loans made or to be made upon that A61', or thereby traiisferred or direiSed to be transferred tliereunto, (.."',_ """ and the In tereft thereof, and. the Charges thereby allowable for raifing thefaidTax, fliall be fatisfied, or Money fufficient fliall be referved to difcharge the fame ; and all the Monies lent or to be lent unto her Majefty, upon the Duties of Malt, Mum, Cyder and Perry, charged and continued by another Aft of this '^ Ann. Stat.i. Seflion of Parliament, for the Service of the Year one thoufand feven hundred and fourteen; and fo much "=• 3- Money of the faid Duties of Malt, Mum, Cyder and Perry thereby granted or continued, as fliall arile and remain after all the Loans made or to be made upon that A£l, or thereby transferred or direded to be tranf- ferred thereunto, and the Intereft thereof, and the Charges thereby allowable for raiilng the faid Duties thereby granted, fliall be fatisfied, or Money fufricient fliall be referved to difeharge the lame; and all the Surplus or unappropriated Monies, which fhall arife and be paid_ into the Exchequer, for the Ufe of the Publickj from and after the twelfth Day of y/«,T one thouland feven hundred and fourteen, until all the Provifions of Money intended by this A£l: for the Ufes and Purpofes hereinafter mentioned fliaU be fatisfied, and all the Monies which, over and above the Allowances for prompt Payment, and other Allowances di- reded by this Aft, fhall arife, of or for the faid Contributions, not exceeding the Sum of one Million font- hundred' thoufand Pounds in this Aft- mentioned, fhall be appropriated for or towards the feveral Ufes, - tents and Purpofes herein expreiTed, fubjedt neverthelefs to fuch Reftriftions as are hereinafter preicribed ; Ordinary 0/ that is to fay, it is hereby enafted and declared, 1 hat out of all or any the Aids or Supplies by this Aft the Navy, provided, as aforefaid, there fnall and may be iffued and applied the Sum of feven hundred forty-five thou- sand feven hundred Pounds and three Pence, for defraying the Charges of the Ordinary of her Majefty's Navy, including Half-pay to Sca-Ofncers, and for Viftuals^ Wages, Wear and Tear of the Navy, and Viftualling thereof, performed and to be performed, and for Sea-Service in the Office of Ordnance, per- formed and to be performed ; and any iairther Sum not exceeding three hundred thouiand Pounds, towards fatisfying the Debt due for Seamens Wages, and to the Yards, and for the Debt due to the Marines ; seamens-Wa^es. and any further Sum not exceeding three thoufand Pounds, to be equally dillributed among the Chap- Sea-Chaplains lains that ferved in the Fleet during the late War, and are not otherwife provided for ; and any Sum vide 3 Geo. i'. not exceeding three hundred eighty- fix thoufand four hundred twenty-feven Pounds feventeen Shillings and c. 3. ten Pence, for maintaining Guards and Garrifons in Great Britain, J'^j'^y ^nd Gusrnfey, together with tvro Guards and Gar- independent Companies in North Britain for one Year, from the twenty-fourth Day of December one thou- tVom in Great fand feven hundred and thirteen, to the twenty-fifth Day of Dece?nber one thoufand feven hundred and four-; Britain, &c. teen ; and any Sum not exceeding fil'ty-four thoufand fix hundred forty-five Pounds one Shilling and three Pence, for maintaining her Majefty's Forces and Garrifon at Minorca for the fame Year ; and any Sum not Forces at Mi- exceeding thirty-four thoufand eight hundred fifty-fix Pounds fourteen Shillings and nine Pence Half-penny, "O'"- for maintaining her Majefty's Forces and Garrifon at Gii-ff&r for the fiime Year; and any Sum not ex- Gibraltar, ceeding twenty thoufand one hundred and feventy Pounds one Shilling and fix Pence, for maintaining four Companies at New York, four Companies at Annapolis Royal, four Companies for Placentia, one Company Ni;w -i'otk, &c, at Bermudas, and the Garrifons of Annapolis Royal and Placentia for the fame Year; and any Sum not ex- ceeding one hundred and feven thoufand eight hundred thirty-one Pour.ds nine Shillings and t-wo Pence, for maintaining her A'lajefty's Forces in Flanders and at Dunkirk, until Alichaehnas one thoufand feven hundred Jor^s in Flan- and fourteen ; and any Sum not exceeding nineteen thoufand three hundred and eight Pounds and ten ' ^'^' Shillings for maintaining the Regiment commanded by Colonel Handafyde at Jarnaica, and the Regiment Jamaica and commanded by Colonel j^/t'.vi7«i/<;7- in the i?i?xcrtr^ 7/7fl?2fZf, until Chnflmas one thoufand feven hundred and ^'=™'^'-<* i'^^'"* fourteen ; and any Sum not exceeding fifty-feven thoufand eight hundred fevcnty-feven Pounds eleven Shil- Arrears of Half- lings and fix Pence Half-penny, to fatisfy the Arrears due to the Officers of the Land Forces and Marines, P^y Officers, for Half-pay at Chri/huas one thoufand feven hundred and thirteen ; and any Sum not exceeding five thou- to fand eight hundred fixty-two Pounds fixteen Shillings and two Pence, for Charge of Half-pay to fuch Of- Officetsaiiowed ficers who are allowed it by fpecial Warrant of her Majefty for one Year, from Chrijhnas one thoufand fe- by the Queen'a ven hundred and thirteen to Chrijimas one thoufand feven hundred and fourteen ; and any Sum not exceeding ^'■""'^• one hundred twenty-three thoufand two hundred ninety-three Pounds nineteen Shillings and two Pence, for the Charge of Half-pay to the Officers of the Land Forces and Marines, being her Majefty's natural- Half-Pay to born Subjefts, or naturalized, for the lame Year; and a Sum not exceeJing forty-fwo thoufand feven hun- 2°^^'^'- dred eighty-five Pounds fourteen Shillings and four Pence, for Support of the Royal Hofpital at Chefea, and ^, ,r „ V. Pay of the Out-Penfioners, and for the extraordinary Allowance of Forage for the Dragoons in North Bri- ^21 '^^ " ^ tain for the fame Year; and any Sum not exceeding in the whole three hundred thoufand Pounds, towards fatisfying the Debt due on Account to the Land Forces, and to the faid Out-Penfioners ; out of which the Sum of fixty thoufand ninety-five Pounds nine Shillings and two Pence, is to be applied to difcharge Bills of Exchange drawn by //1r7i/i7?H C/^rfifji/jir/, Efq; her Majefty'slate Envoy at Genoa., for Corn fent to iJar- Com fent to celona; and any Sum not exceeding fifty-five thoufand two hundred eighty-one Pounds and fixteen ShiJ- ^^■■'^="^- lings, for the Charge of the Office of Ordnance for Land-Services performed and to be performed ; and ar.y oflicc of Ord- Sum not exceeding two thoufand one hundred eighty-eight Pounds nine Shillings and two Pence, for the nance, military Officers and Chaplain that ferved in the Train of Artillery in Flanders and Spain, and on feveral Ariilicry Offi- Expeditions, which, with the Allowance they have on the Eftabllfhment in the Office of Ordnance, is to <:"sin I'l.inJers complete their Half-pay for the Year from Chrijimas one thoufand feven hundred and thirteen to Chriftmas ^P'"-'^' one thoufand feven hundred and fourteen ; and any Sum not exceeding fixty- feven thoufand three hundred fifty-eight Pounds fifteen Shillings and feven Pence, for fupplying the Deficiency of the Fund for the „ ^ . Claffis Lottery of one thoufand feven hundred and eleven, for the Year ended at Michaelmas one thoufand ciaffi'sTo'tt°er 4M2 ;f<^veiri7,i. ^'