Page:Ruffhead - The Statutes at Large - vol 4.djvu/694

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642 Stat. 2, Anno duodecimo An NiE Regin» A. D. 171 3. Commiflioners Sums of Money, to which the Author or Authors of fuch Propofal, their Executors, Adminiftrators, or of the Navy, Afligns, ftiall be entitled by Virtue of this A6t; which Sum or Sums the Treafurer of the Navy is here- who fliail make by required to pay to the faid Author or Authors, their Executors, Adminiftrators, or Afligns, out of any out Bills for Money that (hall be in his Hands unapplied to the Ufe of the Navy, according to the true Intent and Meau- Paymentofthe j^g of%his Adt. Reward, ana ° the Treafurer of the Navy /hall pay the fame. TheCommlf- V. And it is hereby further enafled by the Authority aforefatd, That if any fuch Propofal fhall not, on fioners may al- Trial, be found of fo great Ufe, as aforementioned, yet if the fame, on Trial, in the Judgment of the war/for m ^^^^ Commiflloners, or the major Part of them, be found of confiderable Ufe to the Publick, that then in Propofal oTcon- '"^h Cafe, the faid Author or Authors, their Executors, Adminiftrators or Afligns, fliall have and receive fiderabie Ufe to fuch lefs Reward therefore, as the faid Commiflioners, or the major Part of them, fliall think reafonable, the Publick. to be paid by the Treafurer of the Navy, on fuch Certificate, as aforefaid. yimended by a Gen. 3, c, i3i c A P. xvr. An A£t to reduce the Rate of In-tereft, without any Prejudke to Parliamentary Securities. 37 7/. 8. r. 9. * T T 7 H E R E A S the Reducing of Intereft to ten, and from thence to eight, and thence to fix in the i%El.c,%. t yy Hundred, hath, from Time to Time, by Exjjerience been found very beneficial to the Advance- 21 Jac. I. c. 17. e jjjent of Trade, and Improvement of Lands : And whereas the heavy Burden of the late long and expen- iz am, c, 13, J ^^^^ War hath been chiefly born by the Owners of the Land of this Kingdom, by Reafon whereof they ' have been neceflitated to contrail very large Debts, and thereby, and by the Abatement in the Value of

  • their Lands, are become gteatly.impoverifhed : And whereas by Reafon of the great Intereft and Profit

' which hath been made of JVIoney at Home, the Foreign Trade of this Nation bath of late Years been

  • much neglefted, and at this Time there is a great Abatement in the Value of the Merchandizes, Wares,

' and Commodities of this Kingdom, both at Home and in Foreign Parts, whither they are tranfprarted : ' And whereas for the Redrefs of thefe Mifchiefs, and the preventing the Encreafe of the fame, it is abfo- ' lately neceffary to reduce the high Rate of Intereft of fix Pounds in the hundred Pounds for a Year to a ' nearer Proportion with the Intereft allowed for Money in Foreign States ;' Be it therefore enadled by the Qiieen's moft- Excellent Majefty, by and with the Advice and Confent of the Lords Spiritual and Tern- After 19 Sept. poral, and Commons, in this prefent Parliament aflembled, and by the Authority of the fame. That no 3714. no Per- Perfon or Perfons whatfoever, from and after the nine and twentieth Day of September in the Year of our Ion fliaii take Lord one thoufand feven hundred and fourteen, upon any Contraift, which fliall be made from and after the tenT Intereft. faid nine and twentieth Day of i'f/i^^m^^r, take, direftly or indireftly, for Loan of any Monies, Wares, Merchandize, or other Commodities whatfoever, above the Value of five Pounds for the Forbearance of one hundred Pounds for a Year, and fo after that Rate for a greater or lefler Sum, or for a longer or fliorter All Bonds, &c. Time; and that all Bonds, Contradts, and Aflurances whatfoever, made after the Time aforefaid, for for a greater In- Payment of any Principal, or Money to be lent or covenanted to be performed upon or for any Ufury, tereft (hall be whereupon or whereby there fliall be referved or taken above the Rate of five Pounds in the Hundred, as aforefaid, fliall be utterly void ; and that all and every Perfon or Perfons whatfoever, which fliall after the t^k^ ^"b ' Time aforefaid, upon any Contradl to be made after the faid nine and twentieth Day o^ September, take, ac- «Y for the For- ^ept and receive, by Way or Means of any corrupt Bargain, Loan, Exchange, Cnevizance, Shift, or In- kearanceof tereft of any Wares, Merchandize, or other Thing or Things whatfoever, or by any deceitful' Way or jool. for a Means, or by any Covin, Engine, or deceitful Conveyance, for the forbearing or giving Day of Payment ^'•"'^' Ki^" K° °"^ whole Year, of and for their Money or other Thing, above the Sum of five Pounds for the forbear- Value of the^ ^"S °f ons hundred Pounds for a Year, and fo after that Rate for a greater or lefler Sum, or for a longer or Monies &c. fliorter Term, fliall forfeit and Jofe for every fuch Offence the treble Value of the Monies, Wares, Mer- chandizes, and other Things fo lent, bargained, exchanged or fliifted. After 29 Sept. I'. And belt further enafted by the Authority aforefaid. That all and every Scrivener and Scriveners, Scrive- Broker and Brokers, Solicitor and Solicitors, Driver and Drivers of Bargains for Contrafts, who fhall after ""' ^^- ^^" the faid nine and twentieth Day of September take or receive, direftly or indire£lly, any Sum or Sums of Jorioorfora Money, or other Reward or Thing for Brokage, foliciting, driving, or procuring the Loan, or forbearing Year, for Bro- of any Sum Or Sums of Money, over and above the Rate or Value of five Shillings for the Loan, or for- kage, &c. nor bearing of one hundred Pounds for a Year, and fo ratably, or above twelve Pence, over and above the Stamp-Duties, for making or renewing of the Bond or Bill for Loan, or forbearing thereof, or for any fides Stamp Counterbond or Bill concerning the fame, fhall forfeit for every fuch Offence twenty Pounds, with Colls king"r renew-' of Suit, and fuffer Imprifonment for Half a Year ; the one Moiety of all which Forfeitures to be to the ing any Bond, Queen's moft Excellent Majefty, her Heirs and SuccefTors, and the other Moiety to him or them that will ice. on Penally fue for the fame in the fame County where the feveral Offences are committed, and not elfewhere, by Ac- ef 20I. Cofts, fJQjj Qf Debt, Bill, Plaint or Information, in which no Eflbin, Wager of Law or Proteftion, fliall be al- and Impnfon- ,^ i nnentforfi. lO^^^d. Months J ose Moiety to the Crown, tlie other to the Profecutor, C A P.