Page:Ruffhead - The Statutes at Large - vol 4.djvu/700

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648 Stat. 2. Anno duodecimo Ann^ Reginae. A. D. 17 13. " be examined, &c. may be puniflied as incorrigible Rogues. Juftices to certify the Manner, Time, and " Allowance for conveying, &c. Conftable, isfc, to convey the Perfon as directed by the Pafs, and deliver " him to the Conftable, &c. of the Place whither fent, taking a Note of fuch Delivery ; which tiie faid " Conftable, &c. is required to give, and to apply to fome Juitice, who ftiall caufe fuch Vagabond to be " whipt, i^c. and conveyed forward, i^c. No Conftable obliged to receive any Perfon, unlefs it appear " he has been whipt, (except Women with Child, Soldiers, is'c.) Juftices in Quarter-Seftions to appoint " Rates for conveying of Vagrants. Quarter-Seffions to caufe fuch Sums to be raifed as Monies for County " Gaols or Bridges : To be paid to the chief Conflables, who fiiall account for the fame tv^ice a Year. " Chief Conftable to pay petty Conftable the Rates afcertained in the Certificate, and be allowed it on his " Account. Counterfeiting, isfc. any Certificate, forfeits 20 I. above the Sum taken. One Half to the " Poor, the other to the Informer, to be levied by Diftrefs. Juftices may examine Conftable, i^c. on Oath, " concerning the conveying, iffc. Parifti to which conveyed, fhall employ fuch Perfon in Work. Refu- " fmg to work, he fhall be fent to the Houfe of CorrecStion. Penalty on a Parifti for I'uffering fuch Per- " fon to wander again. Perfon wandering again, to be fent to the Houfe of Correction till next Seflions, " and then to give Security for good Behaviour for one Year, or be deemed an incorrigible P^ogue. Perfon " found to have jio Settlement, &c. fhall be an Apprentice for feven Years, either here or in the Planta- " tions. Mafter, (Jc. of fuch Perfon fo bound and tranfported, to enter into a Recognizance, that he fhall " be imployed in the Queen's Plantations, bfc. Perfons aggrieved by Orders of Juftices may appeal to the " Quarter-Seffions, whofe Determination fhall be final. Conftables, i3'c. to remove blind and lame Beg- " gars, &c. and whip them if they refufe, or offend a fecond Time, on Penalty of 10 s. Duty of Juftices " in regard to Lunaticks. Not to extend to abridge the Queen's Prerogative, or the Power of the Lord " Chancellor. Mafter of a Ship bringing any Rogue, bic. into this Realm, from Ireland, the Plantations,

  • ' &c. fhall forfeit 5 /. ^c. And the Perfon fo brought over fhall be fent back. Penalty on the Mafter of
  • ' the Ship, how to be recovered. Mafter may traverfe the Order of the Juftices, giving 50 /. Security to
  • ' anfwer the Cofts, &c. Mafters of Ships, &c. bound for Ireland, &c. to take Vagrants on board, and

•' convey them to Ireland, &c. on Forfeiture of 5 /. Conftable remifs in his Duty, and Perfons difturbing, " iffc. the Execution of this Aft, and refcuing, &'c. any Perfon apprehended, fhall for every Offence for- Sxtlaimiaitd " ^^'"^ ^° ^- ^'-' ^^^ Poor. The Afts 39 Eliz, c. 4. i Jac. i. c. j, and fo much of 7 Jac. i, c. 4. as relates amndtdby " to the Privy Search, repealed. Not to extend to prejudice the Heirs or Affigns of ^ff/^« £)««»«, i^c" 10 Get. z. f, z8, REP. END of the FOURTH VOLUME.