Page:Ruffhead - The Statutes at Large - vol 5.djvu/172

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132 C. S, Anno tertio Georgii Regis. A. D. 1716. XL. And it is hereby enacted by the Authority aforefaid, That if any Perfon or Perfons fhal] forge or Bank to have the Indents or ment or Writing thereupon, to be forged or counterfeited, and .with Intent to defraud his Majefty, his' Heirs or Succefibrs, or the laid Governor and Company, or any other Perfon or Perfons, Body Politick or Corporate ;. then every fuch Perfon or Perfons fo offending (being thereof lawfully convicted) fhall be adjudged a Felon, and fhall fuffer as in Cafes of Felony, without Benefit of Clergy. XLi. And it is hereby further enacted, That the faid Governor and Company of the Bank of England Counterfoils of ^V^% from Time to Time, have the Ufe and Cuftody of one Part of all the Cheques, Indents, or Caun- the Bills. terfoils of all the Exchequer- bills to be current on this Act, and from which the faid Bills are cut, in order to prevent their being impofed upon by counterfeited or forged Bills ; and that when any of the fame Bills fhall be difcharged and cancelled, fuch Parts of the faid Cheques, Indents, or Counterfoils, as fhall relate to the Bills fo difcharged and cancelled, fhall, from Time to Time, be delivered back into the Receipt of Exchequer by the faid Governor and Company of the Bank of England, or their Succeffors. Till all the Bills XLIf . Provided always, and it is hereby enacted by the Authority aforefaid, That until all the Excbequer- other'tote "° ^' s to b £ circulated upon this Act: fhall be paid oft", difcharged and cancelled, no more or other Exc-he- iuVd. quer-bills, or Bills of the like Nature, though by another Name, fhall or may be made out and iffued at the Receipt of the Exchequer, either with or without the Authority of Parliament, unlefs by Content of the faid Governor and Company of the Bank of England, or their Sxicceffors. No Member of XLIII. And it is hereby further enacted, That no Member of the Corporation of the Governor and ab^drror/if" Company of the Bank of England, for or by reafon. of any the Matters or Things in this Act contained, inga Pari;.,. 6 " fhall be difabled from being a Member of Parliament, or be adjudged liable to be a Bankrupt within the ment-man, or Intent and Meaning of all or any of the Statutes made againft or concerning Bankrupts ; any Law, Statute, liable to be a or Provifion to the contrary thereof in any wife notwithstanding. Bankrupt, & c . XLIV. Provided always, and it is hereby enacted by the Authority aforefaid, That during the Conti- of the faid Corporation of the Governor and Company of the Bank of England,x. fhall not be law- Daring the nuance of t Com in" ? ^ ^ u * ^ or an 7 Body Politick or Corporate whatfoever, erected, "or to be erected, (other than the faid Gover- ceeding fL) nor au d Company of the Bank of England) or for any other Perfons whatfoever, united, or to be united in to borrow Mo- Covenants or Partnerfhip, exceeding the Number of fix Perfons, in that Part of Great Britain called Eng- ney on Bills land,, to borrow, owe, or take up any Sum or Sums of Money on their Bills or Notes, payable at Demand, ihln f B M 1C h ° r at any * e *" s Time than fix Months from the borrowing thereof. BankTn a°cL-- S ' XLV. And it is hereby further enacted by the Authority aforefaid, that the faid Governor and Company neral Court may - 1 " the Bank of England, or their Succeffors, fhall and may, and they are hereby authorized and impowered' (in regard of in a general Court, to make and declare fuch Addition to their capital Stock (in regard of their undertak-

  • : e fe Underta- j n g to difcharge and deliver up the faid Exchequer-bills, amounting to two Millions, and to continue the

fuch Additions Circulation of the faid Exchequer-bills, amounting to two Additions five hundred fixty-one thoufand' and their Capital ' twenty-five Pounds, and to advance any further Sums, not exceeding two Millions five hundred thoufand stock as they Pounds as aforefaid) as they fhall think fit; and fo much as fhall be. fo declared, fhall be, or be deemed to fta!l think fit. be capital Stock or additional Stock accordingly ; and that the Members of the faid Corporation of the Governor and Company of the Bank of England, who fhall have a Share or Intereft in fuch Stock or Stocks, fhall or may affign or transfer the fame, or any Part thereof, in the Books of the faid Governor and Com- pany of the Bank of England, apart by itfelf, or jointly with any other Stock which fuch Members may- have in the faid Company; which Alignments or Transfers fhall and may be made in fuch or the like Method, Manner and Form, as are prefcribed by any Act of Parliament, or Charter now in Force, for Aflignments or Transfers to be made in the Books of the faid Governor and Company of the Bank of England, by the Members thereof, of any Shares in their Capital. E eTto n0t0 f W '~ XL-VI. Provided and' it is hereby enacted, That as often , as any Intereft upon the faid Exchequer-bills, Interefttd a" hereby continued to be circulated, fhaii be demanded to be paid by the faid Governor and Company of kiiir Sum than the Bank of England, they fhall not be obliged to pay for fuch Intereft to any lefier Sum than one Penny a Penny. upon fuch Bill, in cafe a fingle Bill be produced for Payment, or for the Total of the Intereft of fuch Bills where two or more fhall be offered at one Time by the fame Perfon ; any Thing herein contained to the contrary notwithitanding. .Alter Redemp- X-LV II.- Provided always, and it is hereby enacted by the Authority aforefaid, That from and after the Annuities &c Ademption °f all the faid feveral Annuities or Suits of eighty-eight thoufand feven hundred' fifty-one the Aggrejaie Pounds feven Shillings and ten Pence Half-penny, one hundred thoufand Pounds, and feventy-fix thoufand Fund and Du. eight hundred and thirty Pounds and fifteen Shillings per Annum, and the faid other Annuity or Annui- ties on Houfes ties after the Rate of five Pounds per Centum per Annum, by Payments to be made according'to the feveral a. be under- anc j refneS'ive Provifoes or Conditions of Redemption in this Act contained of or concerning t .e fame, and itoM to here- .- 11 r> " run ,■■- n 11. 1 1 1 ,r 1 1 ,- • 1 - n ° ,- """"-J -"'-' ce med by Par- ■ ll f-ajTOent of ail Arrearages (it any fhall then be due] for and upon the laid yearly Sums of one hundred lwmenc. and twenty thoufand Pounds, and fifty-four thoafand fix hundred rounds per Annum, and for the Defi- ciency (if any fhall then be) of the faid original Fund of the faid Governor and Company of one hundred thoufand Pounds per Annum, and every of them, then and not till then, the faid General or Aggregate - Fund by this Act continued and eftabiifhed, and the faid Sub fidies, Duties, Revenues and Incomes, con- tained