Page:Ruffhead - The Statutes at Large - vol 5.djvu/180

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140 C 9. Anno tertio-GnoRGii Regis. A. D. iyi&. and the Intereft thereof as aforefaid ; and in cafe the Principal and Intereft, as aforefaid fhall be unpaid by the Space of three Months, then the faid Governor and Company of Merchauts cf Great Britain, or their Succeffors, ihall have Power to fell fo much of the Stock or Stocks of fuch Defaulter or Defaulters as will fatisfy and pay the fame, rendring the Overplus to the Proprietor, if any be ; and the faid Gover- nor and Company of Merchants of Great Britain, or their Succeffors in a general Court, from Time to Time, when they fhail judge their Affairs will admit thereof, mall or may canfe any Sum or Sums of Money which {hall be fo called in, or any Part thereof, to be divided and diftributed to and amono-ft the then Members of that Corporation, according and in proportion to their refpeclive Intereft in the capital Stock or Stocks of the fame ; any former Law or Statute, Reftritftion or other Matter or Thing whatlb- ever to the contrary notwit-ftancling. Company rray XVI. And for better enabling the faid Governor and Company of Merchants of Great Britain to raife borrow Monoy Money to be advanced for or in Part of the faid Sum of two Millions, or for carrying on their Trade or und "' h a = !tcom - other neceffary Occafions ; It is alio hereby enacted by the Authority aforefaid, That it fhall and may be moa ea , lawful to and for the faid Governor and Company of Merchants, of Great Britain, and their Succeffors from Time, to Time (in cafe they ihall fo think fit) to borrow or tai e up Money upon any Contracts Bills, Bonds, or Obligations, under their common Seal or upon Credit of their capital Stock or Stocks at fufh rntercfr, or anv p ar t thereof, at fuch Rate or Rates of Intereft, for any Time not lefs than fix Months from the 3 t lefs^h-n'fe ^ orrow ' ng thereof, a s they fhall think fit, and to give Security under their common Seal, or by affigning MonthVas" "hey or transferring theft Stock or* Stocks,_ or any Part thereof, or otherwife, as fhall be to the Satisfadion of ihall think fit. the Lenders refpectively : And that fuch Contracts, Bills, Bonds, Obligations or Securities mail not be Securities not to chargeable with any the Duties upon ftarnpt Vellom, Parchment or Paper; any former Law Statute be ftamped. Prohibition, P-efcrirftion or other Matter or Thing whatfoever to the contrary in any wife notwithftandino-.' The Money to XV1L And it is hereby enacted by the Authority aforefaid, That fo much Money as fhall be called for be.arfvanced to by the faid Governor and Company of Merchants of Great Britain from their refpedtive Members for ^ j 5 ;^ t!i 1 )E , d |; 13n " d "or in Part of the faid Sum of two Millions, ihall (if the faid Governor and Company think proper) be ' and be deemed an additional Stock of the faid Governor and Company, and fhall be written into the Books of the faid Company, and each Member thereof fhall have Credit in the faid Books for his or her Pro- and transfermble portion or Share thereof; and that the Members of the faid Company, who fhall have a Share or Intereft and devifeabU as i n the Stock or additional Stock of the faid Company, ihall or may affign and transfer the fame in the St e c ^ 1B ' nal Books of the faid Company, in fuch or the like Method, Manner and Form, -as are prefcribed by the Act or Acts of Parliament and Charter now in Force for Alignments or Transfers of orio-inal Stock to be made in the Books of the faid Company, or fhail or may difpofe or devife the fame, or any Part there- of, by Will, in fuch Manner and Form as any Share in the original Stock of the faid Company is devife- able. Company to XVIII. And it is hereby declared and enacted by the Authority aforefaid, That the faid Governor and continue a Cor- C orr) pany f Merchants of Great Britain, and their Succeffors for ever, fhall remain, continue and be Senjo'y their ons ^p^Y Corporate and Politick by the Name above-mentioned, and fhall have, hold, receive and enjoy Annuities, &c. the laid yearly Sum of fix hundred thoufand Pounds, until and for the Quarter to end at the Feaft of the till redeemed; Nativity of St. "john Baptiji one thoufand feven hundred and eighteen as aforefaid, and the faid yearly Sum ©f five hundred thoufand Pounds, and eight thoufand Pounds, and the faid Annuity or Annuities after the Rate of five Pounds per Centum per Annum, until the fame reflectively fhall be redeemed according to this and th«r Facto- Act ; and fhall have, hold and enjoy all their Forts, Factories, Acquifitions, Lands, Tenements ^Heredi- jiesj.lrades and taments, fole Benefit of Trade in and to the South-Seas, and elfewhere, with a perpetual Succeffion vqui t.ons. Enc j a jj Abilities, Capacities, Powers, Authorities, Franchifes, Exemptions, Privileges, Profits and Ad- vantages whatfoever, whereunto the faid Governor and Company are, or before the making of this Act were entitled by any Act or Acts of Parliament, Grant or Charter now in Force; all which are bv this Act ratified and confirmed to them and their Succeffors (the faid former Fund of fix hundred thou- iand. Pounds per Annum, ■ which by this Act is to determine at the Feaft of the Nativity of St. ^ohn Baptifi one thoufand feven hundred and eighteen, as aforefaid, only excepted) freed and difcharp-ed of and from all former Provifes, Powers, Acts, Matters and Things whatfoever, for redeeming, determin- ing, or making void the fame, or any of them ; fubject neverthelefs to the feveral and refpedtive Provi- foes and Powers of Redemption hereafter in this Act contained. On Repayment or 2,000,000 1.. p Annuities to c, ,. eil f e " u ^'"" g ! Y' """ il "" tx""* "' i- "ts '■"■"■"""""' "* '" ■"«»-" ' u "sy "■= "j^jj u^ <_<mcu iui aim aavancea, as aforefaid, without any Difcount, Deduction, or Abatement whatfoever to be made out of the fame or any Part thereof, and of all Arrears of fuch Annuity or Annuities, after the Rate of five Pounds per Cen- tum per. Annum payable for the fame, if any fuch Arrears fhall be then due, then and not till then the fame Annuity $r Annuities after the Rate of five Pounds per Centum per Annum, fhall from thenceforth ceafe and determine ; this prefent AS, or any Claufe, Matter or Thing therein contained to the contrary notwithftanding. On one Year's XX. Provided alfo, and it is hereby enacted by the Authority aforefaid, That upon one Year's Noti ice